How to Nail Your School Photo Day Pic! GRWM/ Tips+Tricks!


Hello! I really hope you enjoyed this video and hope you like your school photo! But please know that you’re beautiful weather you nail it or not!
Sending Love,
P.S If you have any video ideas you’d like me to do feel free to leave them in the comments below!

Itro & Tobu – Cloud 9 [NCS Release]

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Kontinuum – Lost (feat. Savoi) [NCS Release]


Savoi (vocalist)

  1. Katie King says

    so cool <3 thumbs up

  2. itsKristiii says

    these tips are tricks are amazinggg! thumbs up! i'm a new subscriber! i would love if you checked out my channel and subbed back! we can support each other xo <3

  3. Johanna Paris says

    Nice video 👌 this video is really useful. 😀

  4. GamingTooGood says

    Hey nice video. I was wondering if you wanted a new intro. I could put one together for you for $15 through paypal. Prices may vary. I also make icons and banners. Let me know. Here is some of my work:
    contact me @gamingtoogood on instagram or reply to this, thanks!

  5. Chloe Hannaway says

    Hey girl!! Loved this video!☺️ currently obsessed with your channel! I liked this video! I also make videos,if you want to check them out! 😙💗

  6. WatermelonLiving says

    such great advice! would love it if you check out my channel and sub. sub for a sub?

  7. miaalicex says

    great video xx

  8. Daily Pickens says

    hey hun just found your channel I subscribed please check out my family's channel thank you

  9. kwok says

    school photos are coming up in a week and I NEEDED THIS <3
    you're uber cute and i love your vids — new subbie!! i hope you can I would love it if you could give my channel a look too <3

  10. Athena Beatrice says

    Hi, subbed! Will you sub back? 🙂 Thank you so much! <3

  11. Thivi1598 says

    Amazingg videoo, I just subscribed and it would mean so much if you can check out my channel and subscribe too !!

  12. Olly Rose says

    great video !!!!! I hope you could check out my channel and tell me what you think 🙂

  13. SirCharlie Comma says

    Hey ! I'm also a beginner youtuber, and I was wondering if we can become friends/help each other grow. You just earned a new subscriber and I hope you'll do the same for me:) maybe we can collab sometime, that would be great! I can't wait to see the channel grow=> (also, this video was so helpful, THANK YOU!!!)

  14. MissMary’s Life says


  15. laur says

    wanna be youtube friends and support each other? i just subscribed and it would mean a lot if u subbed back💙💞💓💗

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