How To Do Advanced Water Drop Photography – Liquid ART

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This video is about shooting Liquid ART photography with a fully computer controlled camera.
The computer controls the drops as well as the trigger of the camera. I use the freeware Droplet for this wich can be downloaded for free:

music by Jahzzar – A Message (CC-BY-SA)

TAGS: Photography, Water, Splash, Highspeed, Slomotion, Luiqid ART, motion freeze, Arduino, crazymachine, Droplet, TH-OHM, Ohm Nürnberg

  1. frisches Wiesel says

    lustig. ..wie man das deutsch raushört….😃

  2. Fifth Dimension says

    Can you do a video on how to make your setup?

  3. Cinnamon - says

    Mmm, you should've been more famous.

  4. Man Diz Iz Amasing

  5. Victoria Spivak says


  6. Neil O'Kelly says

    thanks man, using the hanger is a brilliant idea.

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