G20 leaders pose for a family photo during the G20 summit in Buenos Aires

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World leaders posed for the traditional family photo at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires .

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  1. Diego says

    Mano, o Temer tem 350 anos

  2. haiboriver says

    Trudeau posed like some advert of plastic surgery…..lol..

  3. Jose Lico Matozo says

    Joselico gracias Dois 🙏🇺🇸🛠🔥⚽️🏀🏈⚾️🌎Josematozo 415@gmailcom 🌎👑👍🏻

  4. J Vili says

    We have distinguished representative around the world ! 🇺🇸🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 Marry Christmas 🌲🌲🎄🎄🎄Trump !

  5. TheDrvel says

    Congratulations from London to Wion news team bringing the G20 meeting news ,

  6. beauty observer says

    Saudi arab has a beautiful race. Look saudi prince came in his cultutal dress . He stood out in this gathering. What a unique style.

  7. John Huddleston says

    Why does Macron ALWAYS feel the need to stand next to President Trump?? I guess he needs to feel important!!

  8. ABDUL HANNAN says

    All the G 20 leader should kill Soudi Arabia crown prince Bin Salman….
    Bin Salman is evil… should destroy
    Soudi Arabia Gov should destroy……

  9. ABDUL HANNAN says

    Turkey should make newclear weapon as early as possible….

  10. ABDUL HANNAN says

    Russain President Mr Putin is great leader…
    USA president Mr Donald Trump is mad leader….
    Chinese president Mr Shi Jim Ping is not perfect…
    Turkish president Mr Erdogan is good and great leader…
    Saudi Prince is Murderer (most criminal)

  11. 乔木 says


  12. A.N. says

    Erdogans wife looks like a white teletubby

  13. MJ Apas says

    Money talks,,,hate this people

  14. Vipin Avi says

    Modi ji🇮🇳

  15. anne Chung says

    I don't see Merkel?

  16. meow meow says

    Murdogan in first left corner

  17. black capped Chickadee says

    what a waste of space trudeau? stand behind trump cowering. trudeau looked like he was gonna cry when he said donald with that gay lisp. Common trudeau are you going to beg china to be your friend. are you going to give china a damn good rogering for that 5G Huawei, Or Just Maybe you tell the house of KHAN and the Chinese Han to stop pestering your Ughir Muslim. Nope you'll return to Canada you'll hit the trudeau GOVT financed & CENSORED MEDIA and repeat the same crap I talked to The Chinese on the side. hopefully Freeland does not CRY and for Blessed sake Please do not finance or TWEET OPEN BORDERS CRAP. Trudeau You Rat.

  18. Raja Dahir says

    Who decides the standing position of leaders for a photograph and how it is decided..can someone pls brief it ??

  19. Nubra Valley times says

    Im so said that from india chiawala is there look at him his totally a nerd politican infront of other educated dignitries who represent their respected country …. im so sad that educated persons are here in our country in jail and underground while chiawala at such summit …

  20. A S says


  21. Paras Kumar says

    Modi and xi ping rocks💪💪

  22. A k says

    Ivanka trump is the beauty

  23. Barthaneous says

    oK Boys and Girls. Which one dresses different and has a religion that is solely based on world domination and sneaks into other countries and then demands them to follow his rules? I ll give you a hint. Hes on the right side.

  24. ameya ulemale says

    Leaders of tharki and saudiarabia sidelined….both of them be like "Please a lil bit aside I want to be in this photo op"

  25. ameya ulemale says

    Mean while imran Khan begging for money to build dams from Chinese assholes…He says to she ping"I don't have water to wash my ass."

  26. Cánh Thép Channel says

    "We must take strong defensive actions to protect America's leadership in technology and innovation against the unprecedented threat posed by China's theft of our intellectual property, the forced transfer of American technology and its cyber attacks on our computer networks,"

    "These tariffs are essential to preventing further unfair transfers of American technology and intellectual property to China,"

    "We must take strong defensive actions to protect America's leadership in technology and innovation against the unprecedented threat posed by China's theft of our intellectual property, the forced transfer of American technology and its cyber attacks on our computer networks,"

    'Road Belt' China Destroys Cambodia….Vietnam and around the worlds? Prostitution, gambling and land grabbing, economic damage and dependence on them
    How is China's New Silk Road transforming Vietnam and Laos?

    How will China's New Silk Road shape Myanmar's economy?


    BREAKING NEWS Out Of China – Beijing Empties the South China Sea | VietNam | Philippines


    China's growing influence in Africa

    @ – China's growing influence in Africa

    American Stores Stop Buying Chinese Imports…NOW

    Slowly and gradually I noticed a lot of Americans are now buying American, growing American and making in America. Some started boycotting Chinese goods. More or less I still agree that in short to medium term this ban on Chinese imports would exert tremendous pressure on the world economy, a new recession will result.

    Sen. Marco Rubio plans to introduce legislation targeting China’s tools of economic aggression and would ban the sale of all sensitive technology or intellectual property to Chinese entities.


  27. timothy chung says

    I wonder what Germany's game is?. I find that hard to believe there was plane trouble. This is an important summit, so don't you prep back up plans? I'm curious if that was to avoid pressure from the US on virus issues.

  28. Steve Guild says

    Who is the idiot doing the play by play? Lol

  29. Fantasticman says

    Can you indiots stop funding and supporting terror attacks on Chinese embassy in Karachi and elsewhere in Pakistan! Stop being HYPOCRISY !

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