1. Trini Weekes says

    Hello I will like to find out about doing actual video photography indoors. Will the settings be much different?

  2. Lilly Osterwald-Murray says

    Thank you very much!

  3. VIDEO&MUSICEditor says

    How about how to shoot where windows not over expose.

  4. Ed C says

    Great video!

  5. Carlos Lopez Real Estate says

    Thank you Kevin. Great Video!!!

  6. Octavio Roso USA says

    Thanks excellent video.

  7. maria lagana says

    Very nice video

  8. alohaHawaii says

    thank you Kevin!

  9. Richard's World Traveler says

    It would have been nice to talk about what lens focal length is ideal.

  10. Greg Peoples says

    Great video, good advice. Very clear and easy to understand information. Thanks

  11. Susy Matheu says

    Great advise!!!

  12. Freddie Diaz says

    Wow this is exactly the same topic I am working on myself. So sad when you see poor pictures posted on the MLS.

  13. Oraon Suwanmongkol says

    Short, simple, informative and very easy to understand. Thank you

  14. Alconbury Hoffenhung says

    Great video. Simple and clear. 👍

  15. Jay Lamm says

    Any thoughts on bracketing to create HDR shots for real estate? Do they want HDR shots or simpler shots?

  16. Bazz Arh says

    good stuff mate

  17. markhou says

    ISO is not sensitivity man, it's amplification, applied gain

  18. Irina Irys says

    Hey, what tripod would you recommend to Canon Mark 4D??thanks

  19. Juju Gurgel says

    Finally!!!!! I needed this so bad, thank you!

  20. Ry B says

    Hi Sir Kevin, Im looking for a camera to use for my real estate business. Can you give me advice what to buy. Hoping for your response asap. Thank you

  21. Team Harris says

    Great Tips. Not even photograph lessons were that easy….Thanks

  22. Nishant Singhani says

    Since when Elon musk started giving photography tutorials

  23. Animus Spero says

    This was before the pixel 2 came out… 😉 Lol jk

  24. Elyssa Lassiter says

    Quick, easy-to-understand, and very helpful. Thanks!

  25. Erni I says

    Excellent Video!! Very clear and concise!! Right to the point with the camera settings for real estate photography!!

  26. Circles and Sounds says

    Great info and delivery here! Thank you for this informative video 🙂

  27. Andrei Restrepo says

    about to shoot my first house, feel way more comfortable now!

  28. Shou Biao Kuang says

    Highly recommended. Very simple yet effective tricks. Thanks Kevin 🙂

  29. Diane Shak says

    Thank you for keeping it simple . Actually what I needed.

  30. Coliving Saigon says

    thanks for sharing. Just tried it and the final products look a lot better. Thanks KT

  31. TriVentures says

    This video was amazing! Great and short! Liked for sure

  32. Ramano M says

    Elon Musk?

  33. Michael Clarke says

    I always appreciate explanation step by step from the basic.. Really a nice video to improve our real estate photography.. https://goo.gl/twSEGf

  34. Thank you for the Video, I am looking for a good camera for my Real Estate business , what would you recommendation?

  35. Craig Creative says

    You proved you dont have to make a 40 minute video to give a great tutorial. Great information!

  36. Brittany Wrenn says

    This is great! As a real estate agent, I love getting tips that can help elevate my business.

  37. Video Upskill says

    Nicely done Kevin

  38. Rob Wearn says

    very good well explained

  39. Patricia Justice says

    This was very helpful. Only thing I don't know is if just the basic lens is all I need, or if I need wide angle lens….

  40. A One says

    Good job. He was to the point and some had good tips.

  41. The Tuna Can says

    Great tips – thanks

  42. Charles Grandison says

    This video was great! I can use this information to start taking real estate pictures immediately!

  43. Jordan Hauser Digital says

    Great work!!

  44. Egal Shamash says

    Great video!

  45. Brenda Winburn says

    This was SO incredibly helpful!!

  46. Kalen Colt says

    Fantastic! Thank You

  47. Fabiola Luo says

    thanks! it was really helpful..did my first real estate Photoshoot based on this video 😉

  48. Joe Phil says

    thanks for the great video,
    what camera/lens would you recommend? non-expensive please

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