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Listen I know this narrative seems spinned but I want you to really listen to what he is saying. This guy was willing to do ANYTHING for these shoes right? James straight up said he asked the guy what he can do for him … They obviously discussed the terms of this trade (something for you and something for me) James said this guy was convinced he was getting these shoes … who do you think convinced him? Listen I know this guy was a bully and James was standing his group, but in light of the cat-fishing claims and him going for straight men … When he acted like he liked these photos the guy sent him it just didn’t sit well with me because I don’t think this guy would have sent them if he knew he wasn’t getting the shoes. I understand the guy willingly sent them In the first place and knew who he sent them to I just don’t like the terms this was under and feels dirty to me.


Related : James Charles, Jeffree Star, Tati Westbrook, James Charles Cat Fish, James Charles Drama, Beauty Guru Drama, Drama Channel, Tea Channel, James Charles Met Gala 2019

#jamescharles #tatiwestbrook #jeffreestar

  1. Nocturnal Nurse says

    James is gross

  2. Allison Wilson says


  3. Cressie's Teacup says

    They won't drop James because he's bringing a lot of their money. People started dropping Morphe after what happened with Jaclyn Hill and they're clinging to who they've got left. They dropped a lot of people from PR when James launched his palette.

  4. Kiara Nicole says

    How is james content remotely kid friendly

  5. Zohra Bhati says

    I don't care if you like jeffree star or not! But there was no need of jeffree's interference in this!
    Seems like everyone forgot about Jeffree's past
    I personally think that jeffree got really jealous of James..

    Don't @ me because I don't like James or jeffree! Trash people

  6. charlie says

    love how all the teas coming out all of a sudden it’s overwhelming lmfao

  7. Brittany Rodriguez says

    he voluntarily whores himself out by sending James dick pics for some shoes but hes the victim? lmfao. Btw that classmate would be considered to be a sex offender in some states by soliciting child porn since he was under age. This is not looking good.

  8. Dragon Boii says

    Y’all forget jeffree has a past for being predatory for straight men too lol

  9. Fly by night says

    I dont know how he got so popular with that voice and way he "speaks". Annoying AF. I couldnt be in the same room with him for two minutes.

  10. Rea Gelacio says

    R.I.P. Sisters Apparel……

  11. Aurora Borealis says

    😂😂😂 The intro made me cry

  12. Mark Joseph Alburo says

    James has an old "friend" back when he still don't have money and jc is still not so called "celebrity", his old "friend" has a youtube channel and have a video talking about james before he forget about his friend…

  13. joanna freedom says

    Youtube has probably had a team cleaning up his messy affairs. I'm just waiting for him to be charged with child porn. My gut tells me it's going to get worse. Has james ever been to Epstien island? Lol

  14. Linn Nightfire says

    Wait wait wait, did he Said (the bully) that he really really wanted those shoes and When James Said ”What can you offer?” And he Send him nudes….soooooooo homeboy Send nudes for Gucci shoes?!?

  15. Jade Gosling says

    He’s literally disgusting. How people can still defend him is crazy.

  16. Farha Tanha says

    I don't watch James Charles video but why those who watch his video didn't say anything. WTH.!

  17. Gwendylan Pusateri says

    I'm not ok with this, I still believe he got Seattle boy drunk to take advantage of him too, thanks to the leaked DM's he put out. James literally said "when you're drunk the truth always comes out"

  18. haruto sakurai says

    anna ou-

  19. immortal9922 says

    James got a sick mind since he was 16 wtf

  20. Rose Thorn says

    Why is everyone freaking out on sugar bear who cares when they should be worrying about this!?

  21. Ren Pagkaliwangan says

    Wheres the proof? A total clout.

  22. Aileen Bordelon says

    Wtf that’s so messed up

  23. ? hello says

    This tea so hot the roof of my mouth is burning

  24. chima chibi says

    He’s a horny teenage gay guy but his fans are teenage girls who don’t really understand how cock-hungry he is. That’s the problem. He should’ve taken his demographic more seriously and studied the psychology of teenage girls. They need never have peeked into his dirty mind. They may try to be a good sport and laugh with him for a while but that’s not real. On a physiological level they don’t understand him and that’s normal. Miscalculation on his part. A good lesson for those who are looking to make money out of young women.

  25. flo Ø says

    James said that like it’s something to be proud of. Wtf? does he not realize that his fans look up to him and that he’s their role model? 😕what he did was fucking disgusting but even worst that he shared this with kids what kind of example is that. His brother looked so uncomfortable too

  26. Jenevieve Duron says

    AND I OOP-

  27. infinite gaming61 says

    This point we aren’t even mad about the vitamins anymore, were upset because of the way he preys on innocent straight men..

  28. Insane Beauty says

    This was the channel I subscribed to, I liked the little brother being in his videos and didn’t care for his other channels. This is the video I watched right before I personally cancelled watching anything with James In it!!!
    He’s a narcissistic predator who doesn’t care who he uses to get to the top and his fascinations with straight men are a forum of sexual predator behavior! I’m shook his parents didn’t try and shut him up, but as a Mother I’m glad they didn’t! Tati you’re guilty in this too, cause you knew what he was doing and you didn’t speak out about it, until it affected your feelings and your brand!
    Shame on you for enabling this young man, I don’t care if you loved him like a son, that doesn’t make it right! You knew what he was doing to young confused men and you said nothing about it till now!! 🤬

  29. Toxic Cupid MSP says

    Old news sis 🙄 y'all care now since 34 year old woman said something about it like wtf

  30. African Chai says

    This feels like a reach

  31. Izrah Dandan says

    this is so sad…alexa play despacito

  32. Col 44 says

    You would think James would care a little more about keeping all the fame then he does trying to turn out dudes or get revenge to help his ego

  33. Col 44 says

    Jacklin Hill and James will never be cancelled by Morphe

  34. Kate R says

    I dont know how you all didn't see through his persona

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