really good smart phone camera… i think….

no postprocession, only HTC ONE in automatic mode.

all photos & music by: Thomas von Welt

visit me at:
and “like” my new facebookpage:

i am not a HTC stuff πŸ˜€ …but if you wanna buy this great phone…i would feel very happy if you use my amazon-partner-link: thank you very much.

  1. Mike byebye says

    still lovin the tune!!!!

  2. Julz23 says

    Nice!! Hope I can get some this nice with mine!

  3. Jimmy Joy says

    Really great photos!! Well done mate!
    And who cares if its only 4MP….if it can take slr quality photos like these ones!!

  4. disarmsox says

    Very nice images to come out of a phone.

  5. Thomas von Welt says

    thank you very much….. and god bless you too!

  6. steve mcqueen says


  7. Ken Chan says

    it is SLR camera quality!!

  8. Thomas von Welt says

    me to πŸ™‚

  9. Thomas von Welt says

    thank you πŸ™‚
    1. the pictures are not post-edited
    2. yes, the ONE still immages i like very much…the "action pics" are not as good as

  10. Cees Coenen says

    4. I'm using FCPX for video. Do you have make this montage with FCPX also?

  11. Cees Coenen says

    Hi Thomas, super nice video. Some questions:
    1. do you have post-edit some pics?
    2. all images are still pics . I have a lot of trouble with 'action pics'. It looks like the camera is to slow or something

  12. spice1eihthype says

    i got this phone today.first picture autofocused.nice picture.then there was no more autofocus.anybody know what is up with phone?anyhelp would be great

  13. Thomas von Welt says

    thank you very much! and…not yet…
    stay in touch πŸ™‚

  14. Andrew Keys says

    I am going to buy this phone but I own a Galaxy S4, don't know if it's a good move but because of the speakers and great build quality I will do it.

  15. Brandon JC Scott says

    Beautiful music and photos. Do you have this available for download?

  16. Thomas von Welt says

    yes! πŸ™‚

  17. uhh Yuhh says

    it takes amazing photos!

  18. Thomas von Welt says

    great pleasure to hear that πŸ™‚

  19. Thomas von Welt says

    thanks πŸ˜€ and yes, i like the S4 cam too

  20. kingdom Him says

    Wow that music!

  21. monez14 says

    Love the music. Love my Galaxy S4 camera better though πŸ™‚

  22. parsani says

    Hi Thomas,
    I like your music. It's very clean and professional.
    Warm Regards from Toronto

  23. Eňo Ε‡uňo says

    please name of this song?

  24. Thomas von Welt says

    thank you for compliment!

  25. Felix Paulino says

    I guess I'll just come to your video whenever I need this amazing song.

  26. Thomas von Welt says

    by me…but isnΒ΄t released yet official πŸ™‚

  27. Felix Paulino says

    Winter's day by who?

  28. Thomas von Welt says

    hey Keon πŸ™‚ thank you very much…itΒ΄s called "winterΒ΄s day"…

  29. KFLPG says

    Can I get the name of the song? damn it sounds so nice.

  30. tingokuman says

    Wow rich detail on those snowflakes you must be an HTC glad HTC is still around its a very innovative company that keep the cellphone industry on there heels

  31. Thomas von Welt says

    thank you Merium πŸ™‚

  32. Merium Malick says

    Wow thanks x

  33. maools says

    auto focus, I mean is there only 1 focus point or there is more? 2,3,.. or infinity?

  34. Thomas von Welt says

    fm radio: yes! πŸ™‚
    multi colored notification LED?: standard green & orange/red. (no blue :Β΄( …as HTC DESIRE had)
    best wishes from berlin πŸ™‚

  35. Thomas von Welt says

    i think the pictures from distance are also good… test video will follow next days πŸ™‚

  36. Thomas von Welt says

    "infinity focus"? my english isnΒ΄t that good….do you mean manual, auto focus or something else? πŸ™‚ best wishes. thomas

  37. Thomas von Welt says

    thank you very much @Amen A… and yeah..i hope it will be released soon

  38. Zorphix says

    Ahhh I see, but its still not as good as a 13mp camera.

  39. hans hadiranto says

    its not MP, its UP (ultrapixels)

  40. Thomas von Welt says

    thank you @Niklasbrock πŸ™‚

  41. Lundbrock says

    The amount of megapixels tells us how big of a resolution the camera's sensor can capture. If you are watching on a 1080p screen, the screen shows you around 2 megapixels. Therefore it doesnt really make any difference if the camera is 4- or 13 megapixels. That doesnt mean that megapixels are useless above 2-3 megapixels, because it allows for you to crop your images, and still have enough pixels left to show on a big resolution screen.
    I hope this makes sense πŸ˜€

  42. Zorphix says

    May I get a good explanation of how a 4mp camera can have such crisp images?

  43. Thomas von Welt says

    hey Sid, thank you very much. yes…good job in low lightning conditions…

  44. Thomas von Welt says

    thanks yasinatchia πŸ™‚

  45. yasinatchia says

    1 person will never afford the HTC One.

  46. yasinatchia says

    At 1:19 wow beautiful close-up!

  47. Sid says

    great pictures, and perfect music to match the slides. did you experiment it in low lightning conditions?

  48. Thomas von Welt says

    thank you very much, Justin πŸ™‚

  49. Maximilan Williams says

    Love the pics, what a review and mannnnn the music we went real well with it.

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