Photography vlog – Removing the infrared filter from a knockoff gopro


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In this episode of the photography vlog* I have a go at converting one of my generic action cameras, otherwise known as a knockoff GoPro, to infrared by removing the IR filter. Not as easy as I thought it would be.
Also, apologies for some bad framing at various points and forgetting to focus my camera at one point.
Next episode we’ll see how it performs!

*I’m only 18 episodes in and I’ve already messed up the numbering. This is vlog number 18.

Music by Otis MacDonald:

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See these links for my gear:
Nikon D7100:
Tokina 11-16mm:
Nikon 50mm:
3 Legged Thing, Travis:
3 Legged Thing, QR11 bracket:
Rode Videomicro:
iPhone 6:
Joby GorillaPod Magnetic:

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  1. ุุ ุ says

    2:55 Skip to disasembly.

    5:47 IR filter removal.


  2. MrHassancehef says

    I would be really interested to see the result

  3. yammo12 says

    You need an IR Torch ie a T20 to see through your camera in darkness check out Night Vision Builders on FB the guys there will be more than happy to help you out

  4. Nightcaster says

    I really hope the camera works out for filming at night and will be keeping a keen eye out for the first results. Been thinking about trying some video myself but it's just far too dark for phone and even DSLR when I have tried before. Was thinking about building a No-IR piCam to try but if this works out it seems like a much better option.
    Keep up the great work dude!

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