Do You REALLY Need a 4th Axis For Your Gimbal? For DJI Ronin S – Zhiyun Crane


4th Axis Stabilizer:

This is the BEST Gimbal:

In today’s video, I give you my honest opinions on 4th axis rigs for your gimbal. Do you really need one?! Enjoy!

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  1. Patrick Chapman says

    Have to say I'm not sure why you got worse footage with this axis. I've seen this being used and the footage was definitely better compared to without. The springs are quite fiddly to get right and you need the thicker ones for heavier equipment. It's a sort of trial and error process similar to the balancing required with an old school steadicam.

    As you say mind, if used correctly the Crane is quite adequate without this axis. Although running shots can be a lot of fun to do but often impossible to get 100% smooth without a 4th axis on your gimbal. In which case a cheap steadicam would probably suffice instead.

  2. Anne Shi says

    which one is better? Ronin S is expensive. I saw anoth video introducing FeiyuTech AK2000. I think it will be bettery.

  3. poman911 says

    I used the z-arm for the Osmo and I saw the same results you did. the problem is that the spring requires a certain damping to control the bounce. I have found that if you do the ninja walk; sliding across the ground without lifting your knees work better. I don't understand why the gimbal makers can't come up with a single axis electric motor to control the fourth axis as an add-on.

  4. AR 23 says

    I just got one and think you take the time to learn the tool you can get better results.. I've seen it

  5. Cristian Calhoun says

    You have to set the damping differently if you are running. Did you do that?

  6. Mike Mcglasson says

    I think I'm gonna practice more instead of investing in a 4th axis add-on. Thank you for this informative video

  7. DigitalFoto Solution says

    nice video friend

  8. Anton V. says

    Nice!! Will the ZHIYUN WEEBILL LAB work with this?

  9. Hez Will says

    Tools only work if you use them correctly….From the bouncing it was doing when you jumped up & down, I kinda figured you didn't adjust the springs the way you should have. You're only supposed to see movement in the arms, the center should more or less stay still.

  10. Shaun Michael says

    But does the lens have OS ? Maybe it makes no difference for a rig with a lens with OS but take that away and it may improve the footage alot

  11. MassPro Films says

    I have a problem with my crane2 i am shooting some Car detailing videos
    My client is working with turbo pressure cleaning air guns
    When that gun start my crane start vibrating can you tell me what to do ?

  12. Oh yeahh says

    if it works with a steadicam instead of gimbal… ill be down for it..

  13. Brian Decasa says

    Can you do a running test? I've mastered the ninja walk even on uneven surface so this is obsolete for me. However if this allows me to run with my gimbal I might buy it.

  14. Eddie Parker says

    I won't be buying this product

  15. Lotfi Kaz Film says

    Add 5% warp Stabiliser. Save money and hassle and luggage

  16. Alistair Barclay says

    looking at your video with the man walking I cant see the difference? look at the building roof both clips are stable what am I missing??

  17. Infosmercial says

    Awesome vid! I've been wondering about these things like nobodies business. Super thrilled you covered this man. Keep it up! 👍💯

  18. Steve Hansen says

    You should have tested it while running up stairs..

  19. Will Lee says

    I’ve noticed that you sometimes have your cage on your camera when it’s on your gimbal. I’ve not done that yet. I tend to remove my SmallRig cage from my SonyA6500 before mounting on my Crane Plus. I would prefer to leave the cage on. How much more trouble is it to leave the cage on?

  20. VFX Todd says

    I don' think a 4th axis is necessary. But, I do want a handle bar attachment for my gimbal so I can attach monitors, mics, and other accessories. Good review, Josh. You're always on top of the world of gimbals.

  21. Max Love says

    Hell yezzzzzz, need one!

  22. Zayd Yar Khan says

    Mate, this was a ripoff of the designs from Scotty Makes Stuff. I've been in talks with him about this.

  23. Narom Ngin says

    I like vid

  24. Declan Murphy says

    I like vid

  25. Very nice

  26. Joaquim Gonsalves says

    Scotty Makes Stuff produces a much better overall package that even supports the wireless remote…still watching your video though to see your final thoughts.
    Edit: agree with you on those points. 🙂

  27. RRRRR says

    I like vid

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