1. Jhunix Vlog says

    Can you subscribe me also,,,? vice versa …thank you

  2. Jhunix Vlog says

    Can you subscribe me also,,,? vice versa …thank youCan you subscribe me also,,,? vice versa …thank you

  3. Dony F says

    this is not a fotograph this is a montage

  4. songs with lyrics ch12 says

    Very good brother it's professional working. thank you for tutorial.

  5. Technical HandShake says

    nice photography 👍👍👍

  6. Paul Harding says

    I can't afford any flash…. Is there a way to do this without a flash ?

  7. Caz Green says

    Not all of us have photoshop so i guess that counts us out!

  8. Andrew Kosinski says

    Could set the camera to shoot continuously which would give many more pics to choose from

  9. Edward J Ford says

    I wonder what an air blaster do.

  10. kunal Kulkarni says

    Hey there I am just learning photography. I would really like to know how did you create this amazing curve shape of the water ?
    Please can you answer ???

  11. Uttam Kumar Pugalia says


  12. Matt HD says

    Loved it thanks!

  13. Debra Timms says

    GMA DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra DEbvra Rr Tata DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra DEbvra Rr Tata DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra pAt GMA Debby Debby Mom yes Debby 44debra Tata yes GMA Tata David Rr Tata pAt GMA Debby Debby Mom yes Debby Tata David Rr Tata Debby David Rr Tata David yes GMA DEbvra Love GMA LC TaTa Debby Tata TaTa CVS GMA Love DEbvra Rr Tata pAt GMA Debby Debby Mom yes Debby Tata David Rr Tata DEbvra Love Love GMA LC TaTa Debby Tata Love GMA LC TaTa Debby Tata GMA Love DEbvra Rr Tata pAt GMA Debby Debby Mom yes Debby Tata David Rr Tata DEbvra Love Love GMA LC TaTa Debby Tata pAt GMA Debby Debby Mom yes Debby jpsdebra David Rr Tata David Rr Tata David Rr Tata yes GMA Tata David David Rr Tata DEbvra Love Love GMA LC TaTa Debby Tata Debby David Debby debrapat weielle pat debrapat weielle pat debrapat

  14. Kyonna says

    I would like to know more about lines and what they symbolize.

  15. Aamer Q says

    Important facts are mentioned here. Once you master photography you can get paid to take photos! https://bit.ly/2qgBRs5

  16. Jhon Shmit says

    Really? 7 hours advert for pocket wizard

  17. Indranil Kishor says

    Cool video buddy. Your suggestions are most welcome. My email id is indranilkishor@gmail.com

  18. Akiah Kimplus says


  19. Pixinity says

    cool stuff

  20. Room 2 says

    Love your work!

  21. Mahendra Singh says

    Glass is still dirty.

  22. Furious 4000 says

    Music please ? 🙂 0:00

  23. SOLA AKINS says

    Glad to be on your channel. You have presented this in the most simplest way…well done. i'll try it myself….thank you man….

  24. Fly Agaric says

    is that pineapple juice. ewww

  25. Glamourpixel Fotodesign says

    Nice video with lots of tipps for good splash images. Interesting way of composing three photos to one. Regards Marco Wydmuch

  26. Juan Alvarado says

    so it's 70% equipment
    25% Photoshop
    and 5% Random Shooting 😂😂😵

  27. Steven J-Lexz says


  28. Ted Momperousse says

    Shout out from Haiti !

  29. Zemo Afia says

    I love your camera !! 😍😍

  30. DIPALEE G says


  31. Calin Fabian says

    excellent, tks

  32. Luis' Tuber Channel says

    Back for more…this guys unbelievable with how many ideas he has to come up with awesome pictures…Evan the Great..

  33. Igor Frazão says


  34. Rebecca says

    Thank you for this tutorial. I really like at the end how you talk about lines. It's something I stress in my art classes too.

  35. Andy H. Tu says

    Dude, I've been trying to find your channel for the longest time. I use to watch you back in the days when I was into HDR lol.

  36. Christopher Trott says

    Very cool! I am using speedlights now, but meh not having good luck I can't really freeze the action. Maybe I should get Einsteins? not sure. i.e. a plug in type professional light?

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