1. Bloated Sensations says

    The best re-touching looks like no re-touching. Not the case with this demonstration.

  2. TheDonpark1 says

    Well damn… You would think that someone had just shot someone you loved. Is it that serious? I believe the demonstration was on the software, not the skills and of the photographer. What is it was the photographers first shoot? Calm the hell down. Not everyone starts out as the "Perfect photographer".

  3. palonero says

    Light was fine but, as always, with this software and portraiture, the original is better.

  4. flipkitty says

    Way better before.

  5. euodeio3 says

    Freckles Win.

  6. Mindy Aitken says

    The freckles made her interesting…

  7. Herman Copelin says

    @geonerd I think her freckles did a lot for her. I mean, I liked the freckles! And no, not well lit.

  8. Zoltan Andics says

    Not correct eye selection LOL!!!!

  9. geonerd says

    Yikes! A hideous, dehumanizing abuse of this wretched software.

    What is the point of this butchery? Why would anyone want to transform an interesting, unique, face into a generic, wax-skinned caricature?

    The original image is not particularly well lit, and shows a little too much contrast, but NOTHING justifies this distortion of reality. Subtle tone curve tweaks could have softened the image without destroying it. Next time, put some effort into the photo BEFORE you shoot.

  10. Entrena tu Caballo says

    looks the same… sorry !

  11. donbga says

    What stupid music. Ruins the whole video.

  12. Zydarcon says

    What's with the music? It's annoying

  13. Matthuffy says

    you forgot to set the Iris. if you are going to show, at least show properly

  14. Usuario Promedio says

    @AiErde Si Cuenta xD y No Pongas Mas Las Letras xD

  15. Richard Gearhart says

    get rid of the music

  16. 糰大 says


  17. TheGoldenlegend1 says

    oh well, you're welcome!!
    if i figure any other way, i'll tell you at once!! ^^

  18. TheGoldenlegend1 says

    there is a difference between the print button and the print screen button
    you'll find the print screen button on your keyboard, on mine i t says: prt scr, and it's just above the insert button on your keyboard

  19. TheGoldenlegend1 says

    ummm. if you wanna save the picture, you can just hit the print screen button, and paste it in any program like ms paint, but the quality won't be the same

  20. Eric Russell says

    @susu746 um buy the software its cheap compared to photoshop/learning to use photoshop

  21. Lovethemgoodmacros says

    why the gay songs?

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