An 89-Year-Old Grandma Learns Photography and Can-T Stop Taking Hilarious Self Portraits

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For some people, photography is a hobby. They enjoy taking photos and printing them out to hang on their walls, give to family and friends as gifts, and shoot the occasional special event. Some people take their love of photography and make it more than a hobby. Many people make a living taking pictures. Being a wedding photographer, a landscape photographer, and a family photographer can put food on the table and pay the bills. If a person is really good at their craft, they can have their work featured in exhibits.

Most older people today don’t want to have anything to do with technology. Young people believe that technology makes our lives easier, while the older generation thinks that things were just fine the way that they were. When the older generation chooses to give in and learn about technology, it is pretty adorable. In some cases, it is hilarious.

Not too long ago, a man who is known as, the “Cool Father” started using the camera on his cell phone. The Australian man’s daughter taught him how to use the camera and he was excited. When he realized that he could carry around a camera in his pocket, he started talking selfies. His selfies were your typical selfie. He took his with pet dogs and sheep. It wasn’t long before the world became captivated with his photos. Soon, he was an internet sensation. People found his photos hilarious. Today, there is another older person who is making waves online. This 89 year old grandma learns photography and cant stop taking hillarious self portrtaits.

Kimiko Nishimoto is an 89-year-old grandmother from Japan. When she was 72-years-old, she found out that her son was teaching a beginner’s course in photography. She decided to enroll in his class. She wasn’t really into photography, but she thought that it would be a fun way to spend some time with her son. She never imagined how much she would enjoy it.

When Kimiko went to her first class, she thought that it was fun. After a few more classes, she says that it awakened a passion that she never knew existed. It wasn’t just her passion that she discovered. She found that she was a very talented photographer. She wasn’t looking to become a world famous photographer. She just wanted to have some fun with it.

After taking a few classes, Kimiko started taking funny self-portraits of herself. Most of them were hilarious. In this photo, she pretended that she dumped her bike.

In this hilarious self-portrait, she hung a shovel from the ceiling to make it look as though it hit her in the head. In another photo, she put on a furry costume and stood in front of iron bars. She was going for the gorilla look.

About 10 years after taking her first photography class, Kimiko’s photos were a hit She had her first solo exhibition at a local museum. For her, it was huge. When her photos made it to social media, she became a huge success. She was as well known as the “Cool Dad.” People from all over the world were loving the selfies that she was taking. She was doing some crazy things that you would never expect from a senior citizen. Her son says that is very proud of his mother. He never expected her to find such a passion while taking his photography class. He knew that she was in the class to spend some time with her son and to learn more about what he did. Neither of them ever expected her few classes to turn into something so amazing.

Recently, Kimiko was asked to showcase her work at the Epson Espite Imaging Gallery in Japan. She is calling the exhibition, Asobokane, which means, “let’s play.” She gave the exhibition the name because of the photos that she takes. Her photos aren’t serious. They are basically of her playing. If you are planning a trip to Japan, make sure to stop in and see her show. If Japan isn’t on your travel itinerary, you can see her photos online. They went viral quickly, and she is an internet sensation all over the world.

When Kimiko first resisted the use of technology, she lived a very mundane life. When she finally gave in to technology, she found something in her life that brought her joy and excitement. She says that if she has any advice to give to the older generation, it is not to resist so much. You never know, you could find a love for something that you never knew you had.
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  1. Brandon Sutton says

    Shit my 92 year old grandma loves technology and yeah it is kind of cute when she needs help but only rarely, this woman owns an arcade goes to work 7 days a week from 9 to 4 every single day and uses Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, word, and knows just about everything a teen would on her iPhone. It's crazy, she's a remarkable woman. This woman on the video sort of made me think about her.

  2. Reverse Spark says


  3. Jesus Christ says

    A picture is worth a 1000 words 😛 HAHAHAHAH!

  4. Jennifer Johnson says

    Me looking at the thumbnail

    oh so funny grandma got locked into a mental asylum and got run over trying to escape HA. HA. HA

  5. Debbie Cooper says

    its so funny my dad will get over the youtube. but will not next are clear out his voice mail.

  6. Dannynorw says

    Man fucking annoying. Get to the fuuuuckin point

  7. Jackson Brown says

    Social media before the egg

  8. Lea Woods says

    And not one original photo in this video!

  9. Abdifatah Elmi says


  10. Aarnav Rana says

    Editor: How many transitions do you want.
    Producer: Yessss

  11. coolnegative says

    It would be greatly appreciated if you guys would place links in the descriptions to the video topics. Many times I try to find the original posts/videos that the post is about…..often with little success.

  12. RDwight Official says

    2:37 If you wanna skip the long intro and just see the cute self portraits of the grandma 🙂 You know… ads… Youtuber's Stuffs 😀

  13. Yanko024 says

    Scripted asian shit.

  14. Robin e says

    I hate this voice. He does alot of videos. I hate it

  15. Bryan Schienbein says

    I’ve never hated stock photos and videos as much as I do after seeing this. 😂

  16. Pema Dema says

    So beautiful

  17. Jacob Rosenthal says

    My grandma can’t even hold the fire button in splatoon
    She does not even know what too do when she is low on ink

  18. GriffintheEpicMyth says

    I like this Grandma. I wish she was my Grandma. This granny is epic👌😅

  19. The5armdamput33 says

    You used the wrong photo…
    You described a shovel incident and used a photograph of Mrs. Nishimura being hung out to dry…

  20. Indian Study with Me says


  21. DJ Crisis UK says

    For those wanting to have a better look at the pictures, seeing as facts verse cant take the time to link anything

  22. BEN ROONEY says


  23. Rylee Neisler says


  24. xXLazy_AlienXx says

    Me: *watches video* common gimme photos
    *Skips through it all*

    Me: *skipping story in game* COMMON gimme something to kill *skips the story line*

    Me: *video ends* *game ends* that sucked

  25. Two Hunnid says

    She havin fun with it, bless her (-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

  26. Regenia Gore says

    Looked her up online. This lady had a wonderful sense of humor. Apparently sadly, she passed away in 2010.

  27. COOL DOG SOS says


  28. StormyStars says

    Beautiful story Darren. Thank you. I wish more people paid attention to this type. Some people do not find their true love until in their 80's, and it is not just companionship. They have full on beautiful relationships. My late maternal Grandma found her twin flame soul mate when she turned 85. My Grandpa had passed 10 years earlier. She said she love him, they celebrated their 65th, Wedding Anniversary before he passed. But when she met a man about 10 years after my Grandpa passed, she said she never loved like that before and surprised herself by doing so. They had the most beautiful and romantic last 11, years of their lives filled with adventure and site seeing and making love. They tried a lot of new and to them, exciting activities that they helped each other with. Travel. Photography, Jewelry stores he owned, they were both so happy. And the same age. Sadly he got pneumonia with a Staff infection in the hospital and in 2, weeks passed away. She was given a bed to stay with him right through. I imagine layer for by his supportive son. He was her last attempt at healing. But it didn't work that time. Instead, she caught the pneumonia and Staff infection and 3 weeks after he passed, she did also. Yet it seemed appropriate. Their love was that great. I'm her name sake. I visited every chance I got. Called her December 5th, to tell her I was going to see her for Christmas. She said, " Oh moi chit bebé, I will not be her that long.". She passed December 13th, 2008. A very sad day for me, But she and my late Mom always said when one's number is s called, nothing can prevent it and my Grandma said at least she was dying happy. Can't argue that logic. Thanks again.

  29. D. Lampo says

    When you have a story and say to look it up to see more of something, it would be really nice if you would put a link. Thanks

  30. Susan Robertson says


  31. Jarren Lumpkin says


  32. Adam Qasem says

    Swag grandma

  33. Aka The Tring says


  34. Kasha says

    Love a creative gran with a sense of humour.

  35. kurt11110 says

    two photos by your story’s subject… wtf facts verse ?

  36. Ninja Biker18 says

    I can-t stop thinking about what to comment about this title.

  37. ???? ???? says

    @2:40 wtf photo are you talking about? 😂😂😂

  38. Andrew Matanmi says


  39. SeanFergie313 says

    Can-t lol

  40. Tony Mungro says

    Damn get on with it pls

  41. UltimateFortniteCube says

    Make this blue if you love facts verse
    👇(I'm doing a giveaway there's 4 ways to enter

  42. Dayton Glaze gaming says

    Everyone I need help getting to 250 subs please help I will be giving away a $50 gift card

  43. new slender man9 says

    Both me and my grandma watch this channel

  44. The Chosen One says

    The Internet is too strong
    Elderly people are joining us.

  45. Kai Fite says

    Great video

  46. The Chosen One says

    I know someone like this lol
    Like if you do too

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