Swoldier Nation – Lifestyle Edition – Photoshoot with Dylan & Sara Photography


While shooting an episode for The Framed Network ( )with Dylan & Sara Photography, I got some behind the scene footage of the fun shoot!
See all images here :

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Optimum Nutrition Supplement Suggestions
bmoc stack –
whey protein –
Opti Performance Pack –
Creatine –
Casein –
Amino Energy –
Beta Alanine –
Fish Oil –
CLA Soft Gels –
Hydro Whey –
Golden Standard Whey –
Bodybuilding.com –
B Elite Clothing –

  1. Josh Winscott says

    bout to do my first shoot in a couple weeks. how would you suggest cutting out some water to get the shredded look? any tips?

  2. Abby California says

    these areΒ  my favorite pictures of you. they look real good.

  3. J_lil_Bat says


  4. app com says

    That is a pretty Girl. Since the first scene you can see: – she likes him- She reminds me to Ivanka trump

  5. BiddyChow22 says

    I can literally see that girls ovaries pulsating from here

  6. John Doe says

    It must suck for that photographer dude to have to stand next to Steve.Β 

  7. Eagelson one says

    damn steve she really wants that D

  8. WishPa KI says

    ΰΉ€ΰΈ­ΰΈ΄ΰΈ‘ΰΈ‘ΰΈ‘ ตากΰΈ₯ΰΉ‰ΰΈ­ΰΈ‡ΰΈͺวฒฑาก 555+

  9. Jorge Saenz says

    I like that outfit at the end. I've never been a vest or sleeveless jacket person, but that is actually a pretty cool look you pulled off. Now I wanna buy one. Cheers from Texas!

  10. Ragnarok says

    I love steve man he's the best and he doesn't dehydrate himself for shoots and still looks great!

  11. hi9313 says

    Jesus these two seem shell-shocked

  12. Arch417 says

    They mirin hard.Β 

  13. Kai Be says

    lol the commentary while going through the guys on the phone was hilarious…

  14. devin herring says

    I cant tell who wants the dong more him or her

  15. xGTAIVPROx says

    she is so googly eyes over him, haha

  16. S Yang says

    Steve, your personality makes me love you even more. With your good looks, you are literally making girls go goo goo ga ga and trippping all over themselves yet you still seem very humble. Thank you for showing the rest of the world that there can be someone like you. Thank you for not being a total douchbag πŸ™‚ We love you, Steve!

  17. Vitalie Alexandrov says

    Thank you Steve!

  18. Sir Dick Van Freedman III says

    That girl wants the D so bad.Β 

  19. TheAnchovyman03 says

    i feel like he and this girl recently hooked up, she is so giddy around him


    Those pants

  21. Javan Boyd says

    what brand of potato did you use to film this?

  22. SamuraiUjio says

    jesus she was dribbling hard over him! just esy to spot how she is mimicking his movements and talking in a none meaningful way.

  23. Ruhul Amin says

    She was literally foaming at the… never mind. 16:42 are amazing shots.Β 

  24. lu yu says

    That girl is sooooo cute

  25. Tommy Garrett says

    She wants the D

  26. TheManOfRash says

    That Greg plitt cameo πŸ˜‰

  27. Vaedium says

    why doesn't he have a girlfriend..

  28. Ieatfrozenrabbits says

    She wants the D!!!

  29. Mark says

    greg plitt is always the man πŸ˜€Β 

  30. Oren Shlomi says

    where are the boots from?

  31. BeingLisaJA says

    Steve Cook your so handsome & professional, but your character kicks butt. Have you talked about doing a 2014 calender, those images would look great.. maybe you have and I'm just not up to date with your YouTube. xx

  32. Juan Oceguera says

    can I take the superior amino 2222 with my protein shake after my workout ?
    I'm also taking a b4 preworkout so I don't know if I can take them.both at the same time or take it with my protein shake after my workout?
    help please!!

  33. OoSUPERMAN2o2oO says

    She likes thia dude lol

  34. Dean Alberto says

    Must be great to work with this man, he has such a good bribration!!!

  35. Joris says

    Sara, you mirrin?

  36. Normen Schmidt says

    Some great shots there. Good inspiration! Cheers from Germany

  37. Ark Queue says

    I"m sitting here watching him while I smoke a cigarette and feeling like a piece of crap. I kinda wanna do some sit ups right now or something :

  38. ImElias says

    ohhh ohh ohh πŸ˜€ She likes u bro πŸ˜€

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