Photography How To: Natural Light Lingerie Photoshoot


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Snapchat: sadowskaphoto

What Gear do I use?

My Big Camera –
Big Lens –
Second Lens –
Memory Cards –
Lighting Gear –

What Video Gear do we use?

Big Camera –
Camera Cage –
Main Lens –
Second Lens –
Memory Cards –
Sound Recording –
Microphone –

About Me: My name is Anita Sadowska, Im a 24 year old professional fashion photographer based in Dublin, Ireland. On my channel I will be uploading regular photography tips & tricks, Fashion shoot behind the scenes and loads of photoshop and lightroom retouching and editing tutorials.

  1. Gaz Edwards says

    amazing video gorgeous model amazing photographer, great advice

  2. Boudoir by YA says

    Natural light is best photo soft romantic feeling for me, Thank you Anita to share this, Love it!

  3. Paresh Ghole says

    Anita loved ur sexy photography of lingerie really awsome models are hot n sexyy loved it.

  4. Jeff Dietz says

    what type of oil do you find works well?

  5. Vic Paru, DTM D46 PR says

    great quick advice!

  6. Mahym says

    Shooting a model on sunday that asked if I had body oil. Guess I could buy a couple things, but not sure what. Do you have some tips? I saw the latest video with the hairspray, I could order that but it won't arrive on time.

  7. ga20904 says

    Thank you for this video . What type of boards are you using in the video?

  8. Sewa Folie says

    loving your vids. The BTS quality is amazing as much as the pictures themselves 🙂

  9. Евгений Линёв says

    I really like this shine of the skin, but I can not get it, will it be possible to repeat it if I smear Vaseline?

  10. Masha Malasha says

    thank you for the video. Could you please share what material is your reflector/negative fill is made of? is it foam core or something?

  11. Shawn McCully says

    Very good video!

  12. cloud811 says

    the body oil doesn't go on the face right…? does it just go up to the neck???

  13. Gabrielle Sivley says

    These are so beautiful Anita!

  14. moti john says

    Great!! Whats the music?

  15. blessantify says

    Przepiekne zdjęcia! <3

  16. Ronaldo Silva says

    Hello, what is this product that the producer is on the model? 0:46

  17. GilbertTV says

    great tutorial…. thanks for sharing your knowledge

  18. stevendelliott says

    Hey Anita, When backlighting your subjet are you exposing for the model and not worried about the detail of the window (blowing it out) or are you doing a lot of post work to bring back the subject by underexposing a bit to not lose that BG.


  19. bartek skuza says

    Cześć Anita, dzięki wielkie za film, super tipy, które mam nadzieje kiedyś wykorzystać. Mam jedno pytanie, mogłabyś zdradzić z czego zrobiona jest ta „ścianka” która wykorzystujesz na filmie? Pozdrowiam!

  20. Maxim VDN says

    You're also very lucky with the location

  21. RBXBEAUTY says

    I’m so glad I found your channel. I want to get into editorial shoots and makeup. Could you film a video on makeup for your shoots? I love the skin on models and would love to know how it’s achieved.

  22. Michael Wright says

    Always enjoy your videos Anita! Keep up the great work!

  23. 449new says

    Wow I loved this video! Very in-depth and clear, thanks Anita!

  24. Ll G says
  25. Kevin Mumaw says

    You are the best!! im so glad i found you on youtube and instragram such an inspiration!

  26. jessicahobin says

    oh my god you are SO GOOD at everything! Also, is this the same studio that you usually use, just upstairs!? Because it is freaking epic. Natural light studios are so hard to find around here!

  27. Divineshot 314 says

    Great video and tips!
    Beautiful images, great work! 😊📸

  28. Steward Noack says

    How do you simulate daylight using strobes in the studio?

  29. GregoryC.Photo says

    I'm in love with your work Anita.

    I really hope I will get as talented as you are because I want to start to work as a pro in the near future.

  30. Carlos Vasquez says

    I would like to see some late evening/night portraits. Do you ever shoot at night and what lighting you would use.

  31. Photo-Me-Ike says

    Awesome Studio and Awesome Images!!!

  32. Victoria Spanier says

    Beautiful video! A question: does the wardrobe person/designer/stylist not mind the clothes/lingerie getting oily? Do they put any kind of cover on the model before she takes the wardrobe pieces off? Thanks!

  33. b00gernater says

    😍great video

  34. erfan shekarriz says

    When I see a new video I basically cry because I know it'll be entertaining, visually pleasing AND teaching me something new. Thank you so much! <3

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