Facial Retouching for Guys #13 w/ PortraitPro


And we’re back. I feel like there aren’t enough facial retouching tutorials for men out there. So, here you go!

As usual, I’m mostly concerned about keeping it look real. Professional headshots need to represent the client. If their headshot comes out looking too fake, then it’s wrong.

What do you guys think? Have you tried this software before? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

See you next time!

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All images copyrighted: © Dustin Meyer Photography, 2017

  1. donnie5692 says

    Really, really helpful – thanks!!

  2. paul bolton says

    Good to see you editing a guy this time. Too many people concentrate soley on women. I like the finished photo too. I got another question too. Have you ever been mistaken for Harrison Ford and asked for your autograph.? If so did you sign it.? Did you put, "With love and best wishes from Harrison".? lol

  3. Greg Foreman says

    Great video. Always learning something!

  4. ARbull says

    what about doing a potrait of a couple. How would this work?

  5. ARbull says

    do you have a video for sharpening in lightroom? When are you going to do a background Mask tutorial in portraitpro?

  6. Luis Colon, A says

    Nice video, I like all the software's capabilities. Can I ask, though, what are the differences between portraitpro 17 and portraitpro studio max; there must be several differences, I'd like to know if buying portraitpro studio max is worth the price difference? Thanks.


    Great demo of a great bit of software.

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