7 Hidden iPhone Camera Features That Every Photographer Should Use


You too can start taking incredible iPhone photos that everyone adores and that you’ll be proud to look at years later – without ever carrying a bulky camera. Click here to learn more about iPhone Photo Academy:

In this video you’re going to discover…

►One simple trick to never take a blurry iPhone photo again (this is a key feature of the iPhone camera that hardly anyone knows how to use)
►The secrets behind some of my favorite iPhone photos with over 2000 likes on Instagram (and the techniques I used to take these photos)
►Why your iPhone photos sometimes end up too dark or too bright (and a simple technique to help you control the brightness of your photos)
►Secret camera mode that allows taking up to 10 photos per second (this is how the best iPhone photographers always catch the right moment)
►An incredibly powerful iPhone camera feature for taking well-lit photos even in situations where DSLR cameras would struggle with exposure
►What AE/AF Lock is – and how you should use it to greatly improve the quality of your iPhone photos (it’s actually a lot easier than it sounds)
►One weird trick for staying unnoticed while taking candid photos



  1. kinley dem says


  2. Gavin Vickers says

    Very informative keep up the good work

  3. Mr. T's Band Page Tulowiecki says

    Can you just take the pic and do that after, in regards to lighting?

    I know focus is a great tip.

  4. Cortney Warren says

    Thank you!

  5. Yona Hernández says

    Thank you for doing me, I really appreciate you are doing this

  6. Haris Habib says

    Really m feeling relaxed .soft voice and soft music.easy to listen.i like this guy and his effort 👏🏻👏🏻

  7. Adventurous Janee says

    I love how I already knew all of these 😂❤️ a dedicated photographer !

  8. zohaib ameer says

    Which camera you'd used in that video

  9. TDAnimates says

    Dirty casuals

  10. Ash says

    Hi Emil. Great video.

    Can you do one on how to manually adjust exposure correctly and accurately with iPhone 6s front camera when the original image background shows up overexposed/blown out against white walls in indoor and outdoor settings during both day and night lighting please ?

  11. Serena Darien says

    His voice gives me ASMR 💙

  12. boi666 says

    Thats one long cable

  13. S J says

    Your video is fantastic so easy on the eye and ears! Thank you for showing me how good the iphone camera is. Much appreciated!

  14. Lennor Fierce says

    Well explain!!! 😉

  15. Brahim Branis says

    Thumps up thanks for your video it’s so helpful (@ ̄ρ ̄@)from Algeria 🇩🇿

  16. Charlene Castro says

    i dont have an iPhone 😣😣😣😣😣

  17. It’s big Chunga says

    I knew all of these

  18. Mj Sia says

    Woww thank you for sharing this

  19. Mufaro Mandaza says

    Liked and subscribed on intro!

  20. big sells says

    Like the way you describe the features.

  21. King Kings says


  22. Alpha Ojini says


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