1. Mr. Ramfan says

    Who gives a shit?

  2. Stephanie Richards says

    Elton John was married in Sydney not London

  3. Allison Holly says

    I never thought of David Bowie as a good looking guy, but the wedding photo is stunning. His wife is beautiful and he looked pretty dashing

  4. Allison Holly says

    Lol, I’ve always known Elton John to be gay. I didn’t think he ever got married to a woman.

  5. David Young says

    Elton John married in Australia not London.

  6. marie springer says


  7. Raynee Marsh says

    David Bowie and Iman…….just class.

  8. Jessica Purdon says

    What would have been wonderful is a list of celebrity couples who stayed married.

  9. Tracey Wright says

    Elton John married Renate in Australia, whoops.

  10. Renee Bloggs says

    No strapless dresses, no tattoos, no fat spillage, no messy hairstyles…there's a lot to be looked at in retro wedding photos!

  11. Maureen Tuohy says

    Only five of these couples that I know of were married “till death do we part”

  12. Mary McMahon says

    you should include when they got divorced also.

  13. lilli stern says

    OMG Jenner can you imagine the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ she spent on her puss?

  14. I Am A Googler says

    Troy Donohue.

  15. Dionne Paige says

    Elton John married in Australia. I know because I was there.

  16. Don R. Mueller, Ph.D. says

    She would later marry the handy-man from Newhart George Utley (Tom Poston) who was married 4 times, twice to the same woman: 0:10

  17. Cindy Costello says

    Some of them you don't know who they are and other's heads were cut half off where you can't tell who they are.

  18. Sarah Keno says

    Here’s a question: how many of these people are still married

  19. That Guy says

    How come no one ever shows the wedding conception photos that would be way more interesting

  20. Tyhler Novac says

    Bono pic @ 4:08 photo Shop

  21. Andrew Phillips says

    Missed one – Sharon and Roman, 1/68 in London.

  22. MR GHOSTER says

    Make the most of it as at the rate Marriage is dying of in these Matriarchal gynocentric feminist day's photo's is all you will have – of your grand parents weddings that is! lol!

    Having your picture taken for a MAM the Groom at a their wedding is her gathering evidence to fuck you over a year later! lol! the y say in the dating game (whatever that used to be)? lol! Is you never date someone you work with, yet this is wat celebrities saeem to do all the time, result Divorce and public humiliation, for the guy anyway, the EX will get all his shit through the courts and leave him penniless! lol!

  23. josefina bananos says

    Fuzzy print in the captions ……. shoddy work.

  24. Ivette Quinones says

    Some of this photos are nice pics, the dresses etc., but some wedding outfits and all are terrible, what was they thinking, most of this people got divorce, look's like after Elton John got out of the closet in the 70's, he decided to try been straight didn't work,m out, it some mistakes in this video, not all the the information is right, and not all the royals stay married for example: Pincess firgy and husband and princess Diana and price Charles, some others too. most of them stay together not all of the do.

  25. Julia Litt says

    Anyone else think Priscilla Presley looked like she was standing in a massive cardboard box?

  26. Jurate Grigonis says

    Elton John's wedding to Renata Blauel took place in Sydney, Australia, not in London.

  27. Angela Bender says

    Some are grotesque

  28. Kathryn Armstrong says

    I think the only two couples that stayed married were Tom Hanks and David Bowie. Geeezzz, what was Julia Roberts thinking?

  29. goosey mcgooseface says

    Liz Taylor was an old bag who nicked Fisher off Debbie Reynolds apparently.

  30. butterflybeatles says

    Does this prove that celebrities have bad taste? These are horrible.

  31. Susan Bidwell says

    Very interesting! I like how it turned out! I love all of your videos!!!

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