UCI Senior Portraits with Zeiss 55mm f1.8

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Learning to Love the Zeiss 55mm 1.8! In my previous videos, I have mentioned I was not a fan of the 50mm but I decided to force myself to use more it so that it could change my opinion about it.

All of photos were taken with the Sony A7r II and in Irvine, California.

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  1. m1hoff says

    Hey Jason, ZOT is from the old B.C. Comic strip; it was the battle cry when the characters would attack. I believe there was an anteater character in the strip and ZOT was sound the anteater’s tongue made when he hit his target.

  2. Tony Alpha says

    Jason, there is serious purple fringing around Nancy's fingers in the "ZOT" photo!

  3. Bishops says

    "you can see the wrinkles on there face." LMAO

  4. Goody Morillas says

    Jason what would you say about this lens being used for video? I have the 50mm 1.4 GM but is too big and thinking of selling it for the 55mm

  5. TacticalTrojan says

    Going full frame! Wondering if I should buy this or the 24-70 g master as my first lens. Any thoughts? Love your videos!

  6. Chris Mega Games says

    Cool video. I'd try that content aware fill with that wide field shot to get that spot on the hill. Also what are your thoughts on 55 1.8 vs the Sony 85 1.8 I'm curious about the sharpness compared between the two.

  7. Hòa Nguyễn says

    Great lens!
    How does CZ 55mm f1.8 perform in crop body?
    I'm still considering buying it because someone told me that this lens is not that great in Crop Body (a6000, a6300, a6500).
    Please help me.
    Thanks alot and keep up your amazing work 🙂

  8. Hannah Nguyen says

    what mode do u shoot in for portraits

  9. Joao Fezas Vital says

    nice video, I just bought the lens for my a7rii, its amazing. do you use an external flash to fill light and the sun light as key light or just all natural light?

  10. Andy Nguyen says

    I did a UCI graduation at UCI last year! I'm surprised you didn't go to the area in the school with all the pillars covered in green vines:o

  11. JiM RaK says

    I have been to that hill, when I did the graduation day shooting as well. That hill, maaann, it was very beautiful!!

    The shots that you did looked very well done!!

  12. petros vittas says

    nice job man, you are a little warm in white balance.

  13. recon415 says

    just found your channel! sub!

  14. SuBaRaShii~ says

    Must admit that I like everytime how you show a picture, there is a story behind it, although some of the images will not certainly tell the story itself, kind of framing and compositing technique issues or maybe I just don't like how fifty mil produce the image or just the lens itself? Much more prefer Leica microcontrast adding to the image haha.

  15. Jawad Saleem says

    Did you use a polarizing filter jason? I just wonder if that would have given these great shots bluer skys and bring out the colour on the hay. Also 55m vs the GM 85m, which would win?

  16. Ender says

    Really like your videos, keep em coming. The Zeiss 55mm is one of my favorite lenses on the A7Rii, incredibly sharp. Please post some more videos with the GM 24-70mm. I got mine two weeks ago and i love it! Bit heavy compared to the f4 and eats battery but image quality is amazing. Would like to hear some more of your thoughts on it.

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