2 Speedlight Easy and Mobile Setup for Senior Portraits with Erik Valind and FlashBender 2


Erik Valind demonstrates how to create a quick, easy setup for on-location or in-studio senior portraits with two speedlights, a couple FlashBender 2 XL Pro Lighting Systems and a reflector. Flash photography lighting video tutorial, techniques and tips.

  1. SceneItAll Visuals says

    Link to the gear ?

  2. John Shelbourn says

    Erik, I like this but can I ask a question? Take photos for Theatre companies ( Head Shots) and need a black background so you just jus see the head. The first part of this video you have a black background and the model is close to the wall. 1. Do you set up (camera) so without the flashes You test is black ( say 1/100 at F11 iso 100) and then add the flash ? 2. How do you ensure you have no spill for the main flash?
    Thanks John

  3. nadya susilo says

    Just wondering how you set-up the power of each flash.

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