Creating Photographs – Senior Portraits

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Senior Portraits are a lot of fun. Kids get to be who they want to be for a few hours showing off their hobbies or other interests and parents get great photos of their children at a major milestone in their lives. In this video I explain how I used two strobes to enhance the available light in this scene as well as how to get nice blurry backgrounds in your portraits. Keep Shooting!

  1. Gregory Cazillo says

    Not sure, sorry. Check your camera manual.

  2. Steven Robinson says

    Greg, great video enjoyed listening to you as always.

  3. firefighter4u says

    nice video and lovely portrait.

  4. Gregory Cazillo says

    Thanks for the compliment!

  5. Gregory Cazillo says

    I had to buy a macbook for my webdesign biz….Apple stopped making Safari for the PC.

  6. Gregory Cazillo says

    If you don't like it then stop watching, try to find the quality photography information I put up elsewhere on the net FOR FREE.

  7. Jon Lloyd says

    Hey Greg – always good to see practical examples (despite a 'short' hiatus which you did apologise for). Question: I just bought a 600EX-RT and will take a while before I get a second (and a radio trigger) so relying on optical trigger for it at present but: could I achieve the same slight fill on the face as you described if I ratio with the 'pop-up' on the camera (7D) and the slave to the right or left?

  8. chargr383 says

    noise and grain is creative 😉 .. nice one greg

  9. Tropic Rottweilers says

    Dude, get a life.

  10. William Tanelus says

    Dude, It's free advice and tips. He does have to pay bills. how can you be so ungrateful? I understand what your trying to say but it could have been said differently.

  11. Matt Duffie says

    Great video as always. Keep 'em coming! Thanks!

  12. Chas Knight says

    as always another good video from Greg; clear and informative, many thanks

  13. MidwinterEclipse says

    ~YAWN~ wow I totally forgot that you were on my favorites.when was the last time you made a video Greg,huh?did you just forget about us?you have let me down Gregory.shame on you.nice video but not nice of you to just stop coming around.usually I would say," hey Greg awesome video,can't wait to see more" but frankly your lack of attendance has made me lose interest.hopefully I get that interest back soon because you were my favorite channel to go to.bye Greg.

  14. cockyjeremy says

    Senior.. as in senior year, graduate pictures. 🙂

  15. Leonardo Abreu says

    Is the 17-105mm a good lens?

  16. nighti1983 says

    Since when do you use MacOSX instead of Windows? Did you buy yourself a Macbook/Mac as well?

  17. enticing imagery says

    It always cracks me up when I see "Senior portraits" and then see it's actually young people – Over here in Ireland and the UK Senior portraits are of old people – as in, retired 🙂

    Nice tips as ever.

  18. Daniel Droll says

    Nice to see you back!

  19. david martin says

    I'll never be able to afford the gear you use Greg, but your ideas still inspire me to have a go. Your clear and concise videos put many others on YouTube to shame.

  20. MrPhoenix8008 says

    Glad to have you back Greg~

  21. dukeofoven says

    Beautiful creamy background

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