Have Fun with These 7 Creative Photo Ideas! Phone Photo Hacks and More DIY Ideas


Find new ways to update your profile picture using these creative photography ideas! Improve those boring images by adding an original lighting twist with everyday kitchenware or simple DIY Lens Filters. No extra hands to help you out with your picture? As long as you have some earphones laying around you’re good to go! Discover how to dress as your favorite fruit and learn other cool camera tricks!

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0:04 Use a Handheld Mirror as a Colorful Pattern Reflection
0:20 Reflect Other Side of Body Using a Wall Mirror
0:45 Use Kitchenware For Unique Lighting Patterns
1:24 Pretend You Own a Sports Car
3:30 Dress Up Like a Flower or Fruit
4:19 Enhance Party Photos with Simple Shape Lens Filters
5:19 Stabilize Your Camera Movement with an Office Chair
6:49 Keep Distance Between Camera Using Earphone Buttons

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#PhotographyHacks #Photography #DIY

  1. Crafty Panda says

    Hey Panda Paparazzi! 🐼📷✨
    I have continued to improve my camera skills! 📱😎 Got extra creative this time and brought you a chunk of new DSLR and smartphone photography tricks! Hope these hacks will inspire you to update that old profile photo. 🤩🤳
    Let me know which hack you will try next?! 👉📷
    Much love from Crafty Panda ❤️❤️❤️

    P.s If you enjoyed this video you might also like 😉: https://youtu.be/KMMb6qVrOqA

  2. Adrielly Vasconcelos says

    I love you craft 🐼

  3. Intan Pandini says

    Good panda

  4. PUSHEEN _LOVE says

    if it causes depression why do they show how to fake your life ?????? like wth

  5. Donik Rexhepi says

    1:30 i mean what a picture…😕

  6. Thanh Nhi Lê Thanh Nhi Lê says

    Hello. 😀😀😀😁😁😁😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😃😃😃😄😄😄😅😅😅😆😆😆😉😉😉😊😊😊😋😋😋😎😎😎😍😍😍😘😘😘😗😗😗😙😙😙😚😚😚☺️☺️☺️🙂🙂🙂🤗🤗🤗🤔🤔🤔

  7. mekhala anusha nani nani says

    who is madison

  8. Cixa e says

    Yessss, rolling down on a mountainside on your chair is probably going to give you smooth footage… Or it will at least make your chair dirty.

  9. Kristina Zefaj says


  10. mari zd says

    Damasubet and dagasubebt. Love qreaqt panda

  11. GG TV says

    I love this girl when was first.
    you are beautiful.

  12. Maria Fernandez says

    En el minuto 7 27 a la peliroja se le ve la pechuga

  13. Maria Fernandez says

    En el minuto %

  14. Skye Dragun says

    4:42 I don’t think that’s how the picture would end up looking

  15. iba best says

    Mantes 👎🏽

  16. dushayini sathisan says

    good but you're using the camera though §§§§

  17. Carolina Macias says

    Like si no le entendiste años comentario s

  18. Randa Basha says

    كتبو بعربي مو بأنكل طيزي

  19. Tine Mous says

    ik vund dit super leuk

  20. Fedaa Almohammed says

    I am your biggest fan from Mariam

  21. Primavera Horse says

    Why they are making so many annoying faces? Its to much, before „hack” with filming for example. Please, dont pretend that they’ve got an „eureka” before everyrhing.

  22. Jana Antar says


  23. Jana Antar says


  24. siri m says

    wow, nice photo ideas

  25. Israa Albargouthi says

    انا احب هذه القناة جدا وهي ممتعة جداً

  26. Julienne Navarro says


  27. rasпа тв says


  28. Renuga Kanagaraj says

    Can I know the name who came as model for taking photo with mirrors

  29. آبــن البصرة says


  30. 4 ใบเถา says


  31. Vaishnavi Dunghav says

    I have get so many ideas to take picture

  32. Lili Andersen says

    Jeg elsker crafty panda

  33. sneky snek says

    All these people have friends but I don't so I can't

  34. Davie aganyo says

    that tiny thing

  35. Penda Sanghott says

    crafty panda is not from the united states i think from russa because when that guy take a picture from the women in the kitchen it was by the iphone down it wast not photo but something dat is wy it think it from russa no hate for russa

  36. Zuzia Libera says

    Oni niby Anglicy

  37. Guadalupe Hernandez says


  38. Yeet potato says

    1:05 the way she swung that thing tho

  39. Bhawana Preyashi says

    Who ruins a white t shirt like that😬

  40. Camille Lepoil says

    J'adors leur video

  41. edineide medeiros says

    Boa sorte para vocês também

  42. Thang Vunga says

    Did jaccob still love emily

  43. Enkhsaruul Sumya says

    7:09 is this only works iphone

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