Book Photography and Family Pictures | Day in the Life


I finally turned in the manuscript to my publisher! Join us on our busy day getting some final photography for the book.

The photographer is my youngest sister. You can see her channel here:

Sourdough pancakes-

How to sew my daughter’s dresses-

#farmhouseonboone #dayinthelife #vlog #workathomefamily

Want to know how we are able to stay home as a family of 7? Join over 500 students in learning how to grow your own profitable blog from scratch in my blogging course: 

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Grab my free guide “5 Steps to an Organized Kitchen”- 

Join my Facebook group, “Simple Farmhouse Life”- 

Get my free essential oils class to learn all about the oils we use in the farmhouse! Watch it here: 


Some of my links are affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. 🙂

Berkey water filter- 
You can get the review here- 
The iron bed in our master bedroom- 
The beds in our boys room- 
My favorite cast iron skillet- 
Our linen bedding- 

5 Steps to an Organized Kitchen Mini Guide- 
Cleaning with Essential Oils- 
5 Kefir Smoothie Recipes- 

Second Skin Foundation: Shade 1- 
Fruit Pigmented Mascara: 
Bronze Gold Eye Shadow-  
Creamy Long Last Eyeliner: Blackest-  
Cocoa Butter Lipstick: Mojave- 
Fruit Pigmented Blush- 
eyebrow makeup- 
and brush- 
I also bought this palette- 

Spice Cabinet Organization- 
Farmhouse Laundry Room Organization- 
Pantry Organization- 
9 Things to Get Rid of for a Clutter Free Home- 
Minimalist Kitchen Essentials- 
Minimalist Baby Essentials- 

My video equipment:

Follow along with Farmhouse on Boone
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  1. Chelsea Tucker says

    Your family is precious! I love the photos!

  2. Sherry Ruddell says

    Congratulations! Can't wait to buy the book. My gosh! You're sister looks just like you!

  3. Country in the City says

    The pictures were so nice!!! I can't wait to buy your book!!!!
    I'm just loving your property when we get to see glimpses of it.
    I grew up on 188 acres beef farm, my dad was a union worker, master carpenter for 40 years, but also owned and we lived on the farm. Raised honey bees, hogs, ducks, chickens, quail, and I had a stallion He got me for my 8th birthday, (I was an only girl, I had 4 brothers), we fished and hunted, canned, had a huge vegetable garden, pear and apple trees. Our closest neighbor was an elderly farmer and wife that made maple syrup each Winter/Spring. So my memories come flooding back each time I watch one of your videos and see your children running around enjoying farm life.
    Best wishes,

  4. LePetitSaint Crochet says

    Wonderful video as always! Taking family photos must be the most stressful activity on the planet!! 😂 Glad you got some good shots!!

  5. janice clements says

    Those pictures are amazing

  6. Jennie Cochran says

    Congratulations on the book. You and your little family are amazing 💕

  7. Nina D. Smith says

    I’ve been looking at magazines and wanted to know which one is your house in

  8. Trudy's Vintage Farmhouse says

    Lisa ypur Sister is a AMAZING Photographer ❤❤❤❤. Those pics turned out AWESOME!! Will your book be available in Canada as well? I hope so!! 😁

  9. gavintiegirl says

    Lovely. How do you make candles with beeswax that doesn't burn too fast and tunnels? I gave up.

  10. Zwetschgerlisel says

    Love these type of videos

  11. Lesley Harris says

    Hi Lisa, congratulations on the first draft of your book being done, and yep photos with kids is a bit like wrangling cats, but the pictures were really good.

  12. Caitlin Thomas says

    I know you are relieved about the book! You have the cutest baby bump ❤️

  13. Melanee Carano says

    Congratulations on the completion of your book Lisa! I absolutely loved this video. Seeing your kiddos on the farm with you and your husband (all about what matters most) the kids being kids Thanks for sharing

  14. In Her Rubberboots says

    Congratulations on finishing the book!! The pictures look adorable and your dress at the end of the vlog was so cute!!

  15. MakeHayWhileTheSunShines says

    hooray! you've done it. Also can relate to picture day <3

  16. Rhonda Williams says

    What a feeling of relief you must be feeling right now. Now, sit back and enjoy life at least for the next few days. One day at a time, right?

  17. Rebekah Ritchie says

    Can’t wait for your book! You are so blessed.liWhere will we please be able to buy one? I’m in Australia.

  18. Debbie Mettler says

    You looked so sweet at the end in your date-night dress.

  19. Tammy Duvall says

    I loved seeing the "real" activity/chaos of your active family!

  20. dcat0603 says

    So excited for your book!

  21. Cindy Neel says

    Love your darling children and thank you for all your hard work sharing your days with us!

  22. Sheila Washington says


  23. Esther Lewis says

    Love those photos! So glad your done with your book. Looking forward to it!

  24. Chery Treder says

    It probably doesn’t seem so to you but this is such a sweet “day-in-the-life” video! Can’t wait for your book!

  25. The Frustrated Gardener says

    Precious family!! Congratulations on finishing your book. 💗Blessings Dee

  26. Liz Frederick says

    Love you and your precious family! Thanks for keeping it real!

  27. Kelly Moore says

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Getting a book done is so much work but SO worth it- to see your name on that book for years and years to come! I wish we had someone to watch our kids. My husband and I were just saying hat a few minutes ago. Dates for us are like finding 100 dollar bills. It’s a shame, but we have lots of family around and no one is willing, save my sister that lives an hour away. It’s rough but we’re working on “staydates” where you go on a date at home. Kinda tricky to implement with kids, but we’re just getting used to it. So happy for you!

  28. Art 'tis Fun says

    Congrats on your book, and such beautiful photos. Love that they are real not staged. And yeah…I never knew there was white beeswax either so thank you for that. Can't wait when the book is available. Wish you and your family a fun filled weekend, thank you for sharing.

  29. Colleen Howard says

    I cannot wait to get my hands on your book!

  30. Hayley Roderick says

    I can’t wait to buy your book! So exciting !

  31. Cynthia Basso says

    Lovin the photos!

  32. JayneMarie says

    The pink dresser is a must have!

  33. Jayne Brown says

    Congratulations on the completion of your book! Your photo sessions was so fun to watch ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I know it was probably stressful on your end with little kids.. BUT they were so adorable!

    This video was to short! I wanted to go through the Market with you 2! But saying that…….. I am “ thankful” you 2 had the quiet time together and enjoyed “no kids” time!

    Thank you for sharing your life with total strangers ….. I truly enjoy your videos and your time you give us! God Bless ~

  34. Lindsey Heringer says

    I love how you only painted a portion of the porch just for the photos! Can’t wait for the book! Side note, I can’t get Ofer how much that sister looks like Laura. You resemble them but they really look and sound alike.

  35. murphy1384 says

    Those were some great pictures. I knew that had to be your sister. Is she the world traveler?
    I bet you are glad the hard part is over.
    Now the kitchen????

  36. Galiema Dollie says

    Well done Lisa & family! Your pics look amazing. Love your channel!!

  37. Geraldine Barrows says

    Loved all the pics of your family, you made me smile! 😊

  38. Liliya_K says

    I absolutely love your channel

  39. Susan Cryderman says

    Congratulations on finishing your book! This was a fun video. Can't wait for your book. It's gonna be great!

  40. Plants and Passion says

    Me at the beginning: “whoa Lisa you look different”

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