best TRAVEL camera 2019?


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Best travel camera 2019?
Shout out to Simon for cracking open this can of worms! Here’s my open and honest opinion about which camera I think is best for your travels in 2019. Claus* the best camera is the one that’s on you so if that’s your phone then bloody use that 😉 If you’re looking to upgrade or you’re looking at getting further into photography, videography, filmmaking or content creation, each of these 3 cameras, the gopro hero 7 black, the canon g7x ii and the sony a6400 are all incredible tools to equip you. I hope this video gives you some insight into how I was able to answer this question when I first packed my bags and started captured travel vlogs.

Always happy to answer your questions, thanks for taking the time to listen to my thoughts.

JR Peace

BUY A CANON g7x ii:
BUY A SONY a6400:


CANON G7X ii Tips:


#besttravelcamera2019 #travelcamera #jakerich #canong7xii #goprohero7black #sonya6400

  1. Jake Rich says

    So where’s your upcoming holiday?

  2. simplytanya says

    You seem hella chill! Keep up the great work

  3. Lourdes Perez says

    Do you think the Canon 7ti or 7t or the 6ti is a good buy ? I am confused 😐 in which one to get right now they are around $600 I am a beginner photographer looking for a camera for traveling etc

  4. Aaron Shore says

    Bro I love your content. Always good to hear you speak like a normal person and still deliver top info in an interesting and engaging way! Got a question for ya. I started creating on the gopro too. Iv done pretty well so far. But i struggle with audio. How do you get good audio without a mic without all the creaking knocking sound from the gopro been moved in anyway? Cheers mate.

  5. JWM Studios says

    Why illuminati logo !!!!!!

  6. Mohammad Fathi Vol.2 says

    Come on
    Thanks a lot

  7. Pogi Vlogs says

    Happy viewing to all. Subscribe to my channel pls. Thank you.

  8. Taylor Sharp says

    First step with that a6400, throw away the trash kit lens. Total waste of a camera with that thing. I used to have the a6000 with that lens and I swear my phone takes sharper pics.

  9. Taylor Sharp says

    Consider lowering your intro music or raising your dialog track level.

  10. Chuck Ostrom says

    What accessories do you have attached to your A6400? If that dead cat necessarily on the G7x? If so where did u get it? What do you use to edit both photo and video?

  11. lily hadd says

    i took a dslr on my last trip and forced myself to learn how to shoot manual and edit raw, now you’ve inspired me to buy a hero 7 silver to dive into video making finally for my next trip in 2 weeks ☺️ thanks

  12. Bennet Aladin says

    Hey Man, I'm enjoying the style of your Videos. I've just purchased my First camera camera sony A6400! Any videos on how to would be awsome

  13. CanadianKelsey says

    Wow! ❤️ Love This!

  14. Majestic Kay says

    I'm travelling this year and it's helped me so much! Thank you!

  15. Currency Converter App says

    Good videos thanks!

  16. NormaJean Hatten says

    Your videos are so practical and honest Jake. Thank you so so much! Love this.

  17. Sarah says

    you made really really good points about actually investing in a camera that you won't be afraid to use – i bought a 750d two years ago but i have barely used it because it's far too big and intimidating to carry around with me (also it was hella expensive for me so i'm terrified of getting robbed or breaking it) – so pretty much on all my travels i have left that dslr at home and just taken photos with my iphone! all the stuff i wanted to learn about shooting raw, editing photos and just generally becoming a better photographer have been put on the backburner because i'm literally too scared to take that camera out.

  18. Y&S FOOD! says

    Terrific video clip! Here at Y&S FOOD! we all love to run across this sort of contents. We make Travel & Food films too, everywhere around the world, so we are constantly aiming for inspirations as well as approaches. Thank You.

  19. piyada kaewrat says

    Great review. Thanks Jake. Love watching your channel.

  20. Rouge Lips says

    So I've watched a few (way too many) videos and I STILL can't decide, if to stick with the Go pro + my phone for video making, or go ahead and splurge on the Sony a6400. I want to use it for concerts, island trips and everyday life moments. Don't know, I was even looking at the Sony RX0 II (the tiny one), someone send wisdom my way. 😅

  21. Cauliflower Smith says

    I totally agree, i need reviews about your experience with the camera because i dont understand the technical side yet. thank you, this was great.

  22. Megan Marie says

    Another awesome video! I just started my travel channel! Anyone want to do a sub for sub? 🙂

  23. Mark Volgopoint says

    HI, are you think to buy new or used camera , maybe you want some Accessories for your camera

    visit us you will find all kind of camera with good & cheap price, for more info visit us


  24. Philipp Nordmeyer says

    Hey, I want a time travel camera too! ;D

  25. J Coelho says

    Good video man. subed

  26. Very cool video. Thanks for sharing!

  27. KimJason says

    So nice video. My favorite travel cameras are GoPro Hero 7 Black, Sony RX100M6, Ricoh GR3, Leica Q2, Sony A6500 and Sony A7R3. I think GoPro Hero 7 Black is better than Sony RX02. Sony RX02 doesn’t work AF-C focus on video and has fixed F4 aperture. I will wait for next version of RX02. Thanks for great video, again.

  28. Erena Watson says

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Jackie M says

    Honestly, after GoPro released the GoPro 7 Black, I don't see any reason why anyone wouldn't choose that over the camera models you mentioned. The 4K video on the GoPro is absolutely fantastic. Photos are pretty good as well… The GoPro is compact, lightweight, great video, great photos, lots of accessories, its waterproof… something those camera models you mentioned does not have… and its even cheaper than those camera models… The GoPro is so convenient, you can just drop it in your pocket… when travelling you don't wanna carry something bulky and heavy… you want something lightweight. You can even strap the GoPro on your chest and walk around the city… that way your hands are free. This is not just a camera for people who engage in sports like skiing, or biking…. its a great camera for even family vacation.

  30. Kry Derlin says

    When are you come to Cambodia?

  31. Daimon Wright says

    Great Video. I did a tonne of research and was tossing up between Sony and Fuji. Ended up going the Fuji route with the X-T20 (theres an X-T30 now!) for a good balance between photo and video performance. If you want something to watch to prove how worth it the X-T20 is, check this out. Was worth every cent for me and the photo colour is phenomenal from Fuji.

  32. DJ NWMI says

    Great video and I agree on go pro option.

  33. dawn for life says

    Hey I know I'm a week late but just found your channel. I have a decision to make. My G7x mark ii has a condensation water mark IN the lens which gives all my video when against the light a blurred spot. 

    My decision is to drill and clean it but IF that turns out to be a disaster, I'm looking into repurchasing the G7x m ii (I heard mark iii is coming too, God knows when), OR getting the GoPro 7 Hero Black so that I can use both if I don't damage my current G7x, OR a new iPhone (currently my phone is full and it's an iPhone 5s).

    I'll need a new phone sooner or though the newest iPhone (audio/vid) seems great, the price is also crazy high. I hope you'll see this and give me a hand! 🙂

  34. In And Out Family says

    Great video man, whats your thoughts on the nikon D3500? I have the gopro hero 7 and we are travelling family that are new to vlogging, we want a dslr but obviously not break the bank (barely existant 😂) so lower the price the better. Thoughts?



  36. Cristofer Diaz says

    Can I know how u edit ur stuff! ? (PC), and u can put 4k on ur vds with that pc?

  37. SELIM HOSSAIN says

    From Bangladesh 🇧🇩

  38. Tô à Bordo says

    Such valid points! I am still on the iphone videomaking side now, but I have been thinking about the next step and all you said made a lot sense to me. And also to try not to get too overhyped about tools, tech and etc.

  39. macX dim says

    my best travel camera would be my phone.. i dont have that kind of cam😅

  40. Discover Life Media says

    I could see more of these types of films!

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