1. Miranda Chamberlain says

    Do we have to wear ski masks now? God forbid we show skin.

  2. I don't understand school dress codes for women in my school the dress code is only for girls except for like 3 rules that we can't have cuss words playboy emblem and rude getures on our clothes and those are only for the guys. I wore this tank top to school the other day as an experiment with one of my guy friends and I was wearing this tank top and 2 of my fingers could for over the like sleeve type thing and I wore a jacket that big just a little off my shoulders. Meanwhile my guy friend wore a tank top that had holes gluing down to his waist like the holes for your arms went to his waist and he didn't wear anything over it or under it and you could literally see his stomach. Anyway we were on our way back to class after art and the principal stopped us and glared at me.
    Principal: excuse me, young lady I see you're wearing a tank top nd I can see your shpulder.
    Me: Ye I know
    Principal: I need you to go change of find a large jacket to cover it
    Landon: why, ma'am? She isn't doing anything
    Principal: her shoulders are distracting
    Landon: actually no they aren't. None of the guys sit at the back of class saying, "Broooo her shoulders tho like man do see dem shoulders? They are so hot! Omg I think I got a boner her shoulders are so hot."
    Principal: young man that is inappropriate language and your friend might distract someone from their work
    Me: so it's okay to make me miss my classes which are advanced and I am not supposed to miss just because i might key word might distract someone?
    Principal : enough arguing go change before i call your parents and both of you are suspended.
    We stood there and she suspended both of us for 3 days and neither of us got grounded and half of our grade skipped she got fired also the dress she was wearing that day was a freaking spaghetti strap tank top dress

  3. parasite says

    lmao the school thinks all the boys are going to fucking cum their pants as soon as they see a girls bra im DoNe leT Us leaRN

  4. Bruh_itzyogirlz says

    Australia is worser I HAVE TO UNIFORMS!! With long af sleeves

  5. dark Phantoms says

    Fuck school dress code

  6. Pam Cha says

    This is getting ridiculous

  7. Isabella Villafuerte says

    Yes I got detention from wearing jeans when it was leggings day

  8. vonna anderson says

    It looks like she had on a cami or a sports bra. She was 'covered'. Someone in that school needs to get a life and try to help instead of tearing down the students.

  9. Jonny Gross says

    dress code, we had a dress code ,class of 1965

  10. Cherrenisa GrahamCracker says

    Boy wears tanktop* Teacher: okay, sit down.
    Girl wears tanktop* Teacher: Go to the office now! Me: Wow my shoulders are SOOOO revealing like a private part omg I'm being really slutty, right Principal: Shut up and get a sweater on. – Honestly I can't help it if a boy gets distracted looking, they need to just look away – not my fault woman teachers are jealous –

  11. Katherine Riggs says

    Oh my lord…A SHOULDER! How scandalous!
    Oh no…A LEG! All the boys in the class can't focus!

    Basically every school's dress code.

    Soon all the girls will have to wear blankets, parkas, and sweatpants to school EVERY DAY because every single part of their body is to "sexy" to be shown.

  12. Chloe Cotton says

    I asked the boys at my school if they think girls’ shoulders are attractive and they all said! “Eww no why shoulders” 😂

  13. ComicFanProductions says


  14. hijabimuslimgirl says

    Holy guacamole o van sheets her shoulders DEtEnTiOn

  15. Hold On, Caulfield says

    Low-key her shoulders were fine 😍🤤

  16. OverAchiever 4 says

    Some schools require long sleeves because of seeing fore arms

  17. Quỳnh Phan says

    And now in 2018, In Vietnam, we are not even allow to wear lipstick to school 🙂

  18. Thomas Baron says

    Fuck school!

  19. idraote says

    US school should stop this ridiculous nonsense about dress codes and worry more about educating their students.
    If kids get engaged by demanding and useful school activities they will be able to wear a swimsuit without distracting anyone.

  20. Angelique Thorn says

    Nice shirt I don’t see problem time to stop teaching boys will be boys and teach them to control themselves and stop body shaming females and blaming us for not being raised to respect females!

  21. Emily Prentiss says

    Oh yeah men are totally gonna get boners from shoulders🙄

  22. jGAMINGSYSTEMXXX games says

    We just showing off what we got.

  23. roze yelo says

    No i do not

  24. PowerGirl 25 says

    Ok, just a heads up I’m from the Uk🇬🇧 and have uniform so I might be wrong or idk.

    I don’t see why she got dress coded like seriously, no skin showing (shoulders, belly etc) had all buttons tied up! I find this is disrespectful that she could of gotten a detention for this!! I’m glad I have uniform now.

    This most seem sooo annoying to you guys and I’m sorry. Why can boys wear tank tops (assuming) and girls can’t even wear that!! Like do you just want her to wear a coat all button up in the heat, oh sorry you can see skin still can’t you? 😒

    Sorry for the rant and etc, also tell me if I’ve missed any points or said anything wrong.

  25. LuckyisSara says

    Hell, when I went through school, the boys had their underwear showing. What did the teachers do? Yell, make them pull their pants up, and then leave. The boys literally pulled their pants down after the teacher had left. But god forbid a girl shows a freaking shoulder.. -_-

  26. Alonso Placido says

    Why couldn’t my school have this. Like a lot of chicks in my school wear bearly anything on. Like wtf

  27. Pastel †ears says

    Who knew that shoulders we're so scandalous ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)

  28. christina pham says

    at my school, thats considered hella modest. like at my school wearing a spaghetti straps is normal

  29. Ronan Bodisch says


  30. RAM RAM says

    My school does nothing when there is a girl wearing a crop tong so small when they raise there hand there bra is showing or when a girl is wearing shorts too short that her behind is litterally sicking out

  31. Yuh yeet says

    wowww -_-

  32. Richard Przybylek says

    Well what about basketball jerseys the teams wear don't those break the rules. Schools are getting out of control with what they think is inaprop

  33. SlimeySlimeAHH says


  34. Crystal Rose says

    God forbid that humans have skin!! Lol

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