Affinity Photo | Hands on Review | Photography, Graphic Design, Web Design, Software


Affinity Photo is a new amazing photo editing software by Serif and it is being seen as a Photoshop competitor. In this hands on review, I do a complete walk through of Affinity Photo the new software for photographers and designers. This software is super powerful and is a competitor with Adobes photoshop but only cost’s $50 in the app store.

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It’s available for mac and windows right now and is really turning a lot of heads. One of the heads it has turned is Apple’s. At their 2017 WWDC they unveiled the power of their new iPads by showing off the new Affinity Photo App for the iPad which I also have and will be reviewing. The desktop app is just as impressive and has the capabilities to do image editing, photo manipulation, design for print and web graphics. It comes jammed pack with tons of features and In the video, I cover some but not all of them.

It’s great for cutting out subjects, making tone and color corrections, building beautiful composites and more.


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  1. M A R says

    Great review! Thanks. Like your logo (bottom right) .

  2. RJ Kaur says

    I'm a beginner and was wanting to get Photoshop/Lightroom but didn't want to add another monthly bill and seeing Afinnity Photo at $50 + no subscription is definitely the choice for me. Great review!

  3. George Dyson says

    Years ago Serif used to offer outdated programs for free but you had to register by phone before you could use them, fair enough they were giving you something for nothing but you did not get a helpful agent you got a high pressure salesman trying to push the latest version onto you. Their programs were always good but they certainly alienate me and they will never get my money again

  4. Dimi Ford says

    Wow great review!….I was really trying to decide tonight and just wanted to get what I need ..thanks so much I. am. sold! …I do not want that monthly payment for Photo shop, to me they are milking it way to much with cost Video editing I will miss a little but hey I will look for something else…see ya later Adobe …Affinity here I Come!

  5. Juan J. Velez says

    Jesse, you ROCK!!!

  6. Music Man says

    What I want to know is how it works on large 4k monitors. As most know, Photoshop CS6 is no longer supported and loads with tiny icons that are unusable. Adobe wants to blackmail everybody into a subscription. F that. So, how does this work on big 4k monitors?

  7. Evangelos says

    Awesome Review

  8. Supreme Being says

    Yea…tired of being raped by Adobe for 3 years of AI and Photoshop. 2 months of those pays for a lifetime of designer and Affinity photo. Idiotic to continue using Adobe.

  9. SHOOKEN says

    I don't even like super long reviews but this was good. Were you sponsored by Affinity? If you were that's not a bad thing I am just curious.

  10. Stephen Fletcher says

    is the pc version as good and responsive as the mac version and are all the shortcut keys present in the pc version. Thanks for any info.

  11. Martin Mckenna says

    I agree with your comments 100% and the software is iPad ready.

  12. Screaming Dean says

    Does Affinity Photo have a distort tool? Is it a good alternative to Foto Flexer?

  13. Ishmael Hutson says

    That was a really good review from someone who has experience with PS! Thanks a bunch!

  14. Your Humble Servant says

    Nice video. I felt like I finally had the conversation that have been trying to have with myself every time that subscription payment comes out of my account, and I didn’t do a job that month. Affinity photo was a breath of fresh air. For the first time I shot, edited, printed and frame an image in 3 days. It’s great for photographers, especially if have not taken the time to truly learn photoshop. I new what I wanted to do with the image but finding the tools was tough. I use the iPad version with the iPad pencil which is an awesome experience. I feel like I’m really touching and creating the image. If you need a video editing alternative to adobe try LumaFusion it’s the best. And again awesome on the iPad with the pencil. Canceling my adobe subscription.

  15. Rashan Casseus says

    Great review. Have you used it since this video was posted? I'm seriously considering (I may already have) switching to Affinity products. So thank you.

  16. Kenny McCann says

    Thanks for the review. I think I am finally going to download Affinity after looking around and trying different editors. Are they going to make a mobile version? I have been using Polarr for mobile editing on the iPhone.

  17. Gordon Stewart says

    Fantastic intro!!! Could u give Dif between designer and Photo?

  18. Crazy Will Tech Show says

    Thanks man you answered a lot of my questions. Really appreciate it.

  19. Kilian Köthe says

    very good video!

  20. Kuba S. says

    great review – thank you!

  21. Try It Out says

    Wow Nice Software, Its Photoshop Killer #affinitytuts

  22. Videos from the Heart says

    I just found you, and with every video I love you more and more …. always great content. Quick and helpful. Keep up the great vids.

  23. broderp says

    So aside from my rant below, I do have a question. I go thru PC's and hard drives a lot. If I buy Affinity Photo and/or Designer how would this work? Does the software come with a key and if you need to reinstall just enter the key? Or is it tied to a PC like Adobe Acrobat? With Acrobat I have to activate the software to use and then deactivate if switch to a new PC. I'm looking to buy this but also know that I will be upgrading my Hard Drive (if not my PC) in 3-4 months. Thanks.

  24. broderp says

    You indirectly touched on the one downside to Affinity photo (and Designer)…the inability to save as or export as an Adobe file. Affinity has a huge hill to climb if they are going to compete with Photoshop. The current ecosystem of computing is deeply entrenched and getting companies and businesses who want compatibility with the established Adobe products will not be easy. Its like someone coming up with a new OS to compete with Windows …to have businesses and corporations switch to a new, unproven OS just isn't going to happen. Because of this mindset, great programs like this will take time to become mainstream.

    Affinity should put some concern in the people over at Adobe. Although they have the upper hand by a large margin, mostly due to the market share they have , Affinity Photo with it's very generous pricing and features has time to develop and come up with more features to fill in where it is behind Adobe. If people get tired of the fees for the privilege of using Adobe every month they will seek out new alternatives. Once businesses start to look for ways to cut costs then its game over for Adobe unless they change to stay competitive. With that being said I do not believe Affinity is currently selling or marketing this to the same large corporations that keep Adobe alive. Adobe offers licencing discounts for large businesses which keeps the price down for a company – but high for the individual consumer.

    Lastly, I hope Affinity doesn't get greedy. The current price point is very affordable to most people. I would understand the price being raised over time to account for inflation and maybe huge feature additions from one version to another. In my unprofessional opinion, if Affinity were to make this 100% the same as Photoshop, feature for feature and maintain their current uniqueness – a generous price of around $200 for a perpetual licence would be more than fair. Time will tell how well this software develops in features, compatibility and in market share against Photoshop.

    As someone who has been using for over 10 years, Affinity comes at a good time. I was looking at buying an older version of Photoshop and Illustrator to start learning about the programs and doing more with my personal artwork than I can with my current software. When I saw that the licencing strategy has gone to 💩 I dropped that idea all together. I kept my Paint.Net that has served me well and added Inkscape for my vector art requirements. Now I see that Affinity is here and for $100 I can have both Photo and Designer. I'm very much considering taking the plunge on these as soon as my current project is completed. I don't want to try to finish a project while learning new software. Cheers.😎

  25. Cheecken says

    I first tried Affinity Photo yesterday, hours after I first discovered the application. For me personally, Photoshop always was the best for pixel manipulation (and it maybe always will be) but the pricing model of Adobe is frankly absurd. I did ''rent'' the creative cloud for a whole year last year with a student reduction, but I still spent about 240€ in that year, so I cancelled the subscription. I would be ready to spend up to 400 bucks for that program, with the condition that I actually own it in return but sadly that isn't possible.

    So I tried out Affinity Photo for basic photo editing and drawing and painting and I frankly am blown away because of how good this software is. The RAW editor is nice, the brush engine is similar to Photoshop and behaves nicely and photo editing is pretty easy since the program has many similar shortcuts and possesses virtualy the same workflow.

    For 55€ this is a killer alternative to Photoshop! The program suffers a bit when it comes to performance, but I am sure it will get better over time, since Affinity is kinda new in the field. Thank you for the review!

  26. Sven F says

    I discovered the Affinity programs almost a year ago and I'm so happy, I use it everyday at work now. I think it's not only cheaper but even user friendlier than Adobe, through little things they changed in the interface and stuff.

  27. Jason Walker says

    Your end summary about being able to "choose" Adobe is PERFECT. Adobe overplayed their hand.

  28. Chris Taylor says

    I could never afford photoshop. I had elements in 2010 and it was ok. I got Affinity Photo when it came out because it was on sale and I have never looked back. I love it and have learned ever more over the years. It is an awesome piece of software. I was excited when they added panorama stitching and the tone mapping persona as well as the HDR feature in later versions. Now with focus stacking and a whole host of things that are great for editing. The price is right and it is so very useful!

  29. wayne says

    Hey, novice photography beginner here from the uk. your review helped me choose, keep up the cool reviews! thanks 🙂

  30. lynn teeter says

    dude you did a kick ass job with this photo you help me out alot to see if this software would be a good fit for what i do and i'm sold

  31. Neil Galloway says

    Very informative and Objective! Good comparative review!

  32. Maggie Aguilera says

    I have Lightroom and photoshop for $9.99 a month. I’ve heard good things about Affinity so I’m trying it out. I’m not sure if I will switch but definitely will try it out.

  33. Jeremias Crespo says

    Hey Jesse, I'm new with Affinity Photo and I love it but because I'm still rookie I make a mistake and I close the layers tab on my right hand side, and now I can't find the way to put it back up if you can help me or someone here can I'll appreciate. I'm using a Surface Pro

  34. Sekai Ni Heiwa says

    If you are designer and thats your income have both and all the rest available. If you cant afford change your job. I was subscribing for one year to Adobe edited 50 picture. Its useless for me to pay.

  35. Rowan Bendle says

    Just a quick heads up that Affinity is currently only £34 on the Microsoft store! That's *even cheaper*!
    EDIT: The sale is over now, but sales like that will continue to pop up so keep that in mind if you're really into money saving like myself!

  36. Brushy Bill Roberts says

    Great review, nice to see it demonstrated by a long time Adobe user. Being a Journeyman Toolmaker and working with CAD/CAM systems for many years, I understand how folks like yourself would be hesitant to use something new and give up the familiarity of "what I have used for so long".
    I am sure that many will look at the ridiculously low price (for what it does) and not even give it a honest look.

    I have used Affinity Photo since it's beta version. I had been using Serif's Page Plus Publishing software since 2011, and had been using their Photo Plus photo editing software in conjunction with the publishing software. I wanted to start working with RAW files and the Photo Plus didn't support it.
    When they offered me the beta version, I jumped at the chance to try it out.

    I originally went with Serif because I needed more professional quality publishing software than what you can get at the big box stores, and just didn't like Adobe's business model.
    Not being a "professional" user, I just wanted software to produce a monthly church news letter/booklet for a friends church. I didn't want to get tied into a monthly subscription situation with Adobe. Even their "one time price box version" was three times what Affinity cost.

    The print shop who printed these newsletters for me made a few suggestions after looking over my first attempt. After watching a few more tutorial videos, I was able to send them files that were print ready. They are like most professionals, die hard Adobe users and were impressed with the work I was producing with software that cost less than 50 bucks and no experience.

    I see on their website that they are offering a Beta version of their new Publishing software. I hope any of you who need this type of software will give it a shot.
    They will most likely be offering deep discounts on the paid version to those with the beta version once it is officially released.

  37. Sam Fisher says

    Strip dance music 😍

  38. Gary Gilberthorp Jr says

    Fantastic Review! I am buying as soon as I get to my iMac

  39. Syrsly says

    Subbed because of this video. Nice run-through of Affinity Photo's features, especially the text editing features.

  40. Lynn Bambrough says

    Why is his hat on backwards? Is it 1994

  41. Will Lee says

    Great vid bro! Now the real question is are you using Affinity or PS today? p.s. subscribed & liked. …I made my decision to go with Affinity, not a fan of leasing …maybe if adobe charged 5bucks per month…

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