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PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER SHOOTS TERRIFYING FAMILY PHOTO – The Double Toasted podcast once again talks about what’s trending on the internet and this time it’s something unbelievable, but a little funny! A professional photographer decided to go some post-production on a family portrait, and some other pictures and unfortunately made them out to be some of the most cringe-worthy, shocking bizarre work done in the industry. Hollywood may want to pick this guy up for another Ring sequel, but besides the point, the Double Toasted podcast review this news, and go in depth on why these were so bad in this funny video!

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  1. Sherraud Boyd says

    Danielle is such a 10

  2. Suzi Dunn says

    Wow lmao

  3. Michael Nylif says

    Really Cool!

  4. linden S says

    That would be a great horror movie

  5. jerryboomerwang says

    So uh… which SCP is this? 😏

  6. Michael Johnson says

    They remind me of the Cenobites from Hellraiser.

  7. Raiken Xion says

    I thought the story was going to be somekind of weird ghostly haunting of the photo or something. Cant believe that family didnt get their money back, shit they must have money to trow away.

  8. Chris McMeekin says

    They look like the faces on Lego characters!

  9. Christina Littleton says

    I'm guessing the "professional photographer" used to work for Rockstar during the GTA: San Andreas era.

  10. Francisco Ortega says

    They should use these as the family photos on frames sold in stores.

  11. buzzxr1 says

    I'm getting flashbacks of that Seinfeld episode with mr. Kruger while looking at this.

  12. Land967 says

    Honestly reminds me of that Mr Bean movie where he destroyed the painting and ended up just doodling a smily face on 😀

  13. DANCERcow says

    The son in the middle looks like Strong Sad from Homestar Runner!

  14. Dactaraad says

    Okay there is so many ways they messed this up:
    Didn't save originals
    Didn't save a backup
    Didn't just look up an internet tutorial on the program they used
    Didn't control z or command z or just not save when they realized they messed up

    This isn't even a photographer thing. This is common sense when handling digital media.

  15. Roei Potash AKA Poihpio says

    3:063:10 that's not how dyslexia works!

  16. Hope B says

    This shit is horrifying. That photographer had the nerve to give these pictures to them, must have been on pcp

  17. Broke and Caffeinated says

    It looks like a promo photo for a creepypasta horror movie

  18. Pooky1991 says

    Plot twist: they're all ghost

  19. ballin302008 says

    Looking like the dave chappelle white guy character

  20. JPin says

    Ecce Home from Spain show us the way.

  21. Ichimatsu Matsuno says

    She's saying she messed up so bad that she couldn't get their original faces…why not NOT save the fucked up file and start again on the original?! I don't think she even knew how to use the program!

  22. CaptainTalon448 says

    The dad looks like that inflatable pilot from Airplane

  23. The BronyCrafters says

    This is art! It evoke an emotion of uneasiness and terror.

  24. Remy says

    They look like the duracell family.

  25. MrDman21 says

    They look like those forensic drawings of unidentified dead people. "Look everybody. it's the John Doe Family!" XD

  26. Randomfools says

    It's off just enough to put out Uncanny Valley vibes. Creepypasta incoming

  27. KungFuChess says

    If they ever do a sequel to Waking Life they can use these photos as a storyboard

  28. Steven Barnes says

    I love to see a movie about this family lol

  29. Kirk Darling says

    I still think this is some manifestation of Poe's Law.

  30. Immortal Natives says

    My friend can do way better with a 35mm film camera LOL

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