Principal Shows Bikini Picture of Teen to School ft. David So & Gina Darling

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1 – Sad Social Media News –

2 – Killer Bee News –


Special Thanks to Our Guest & Friend:
David So (@davidsocomedy)
Twitter: @davidsocomedy

Gina Darling (@missginadarling)
Twitter: @missginadarling

Hosted by Julia Chow (@xblueapplez)
Commentary by David So (@davidsocomedy), Joe Jo (@joverdose), Bart Kwan (@bartkwan), Geo Antoinette (@Geo_Antoinette), Tommy Trinh (@TomTTrinh), Tiffany Del Real (@real_tiff)

Edited by Devin White (@KidHaru)
Articles Researched by Tiffany Del Real (@real_tiff), Julia Chow (@xblueapplez), Michael Chiu (@Michael_Chiu), Brandon Choi (@bchoii) and Matt Jun (@mattie_jun)

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Joe Jo (@joverdose)
Bart Kwan (@bartkwan)
Geo Antoinette (@Geo_Antoinette)
Casey Chan (@chanmanprod)
Tommy Trinh (@TomTTrinh)
Julia Chow (@xblueapplez)
Michael Chiu (@Michael_Chiu)
Tiffany Del Real (@real_tiff)
Brandon Choi (@bchoii)

  1. Princess says

    Jesus the audio quality

  2. Nazareth says

    If you swat bees you'll only encourage them to sting, you're literally hitting them.

  3. Jane xxx says

    We use vinegar for stings I'm a bee keeper

  4. melody ou says

    I think this is productive bc students don’t care if it’s a stranger but once they see it’s a friend or themselves, they start to listen. The kids also shouldn’t post what they don’t want seen by everyone but it’s an awkward situation about permission

  5. Antonio Lopez says

    I got stung by a bee when I was 19 I think on my left pum of my hand I also sad it show moshion feeling something on my hand then saw it sting me then removed the stinger wrong my hand and rist got swollen and my breathing got effected and it hurt . I took Benadril it helped me breath for some hours and got attchion at the nures at the Community College . Untill my mom used the poker to check blood for diabtic people and twisers got the stinger out. Finally I got healed up. Later on I asked a doctor he said I was alergic to bee stings.

  6. Meta says


  7. lick lickerson says

    I love how Tiff is confused why they refused medical treatment, they probably immigrants hired from your local home depot.

  8. Sean Soku says

    why does Tommy talk like someone is turning down the volume on a tv. like as he talks his voice get lower and lower

  9. Ruo Wu says

    Why do these people swear so much?

  10. Vicente Alvarez says

    We noticed Geo

  11. Kathy Bennett says

    my twitter is "flopwop297" I don't know why people put their whole names on anything. exams for school don't even need you to do that

  12. Uwais Bangi says

    The way gina looked at david when he said you just got told though lol 👌😂

  13. Renee Knocksyouout says

    The principal is Herbert the Pervert

  14. Spiral modding says

    Omg, bees are dangerous…

  15. 7Kikkoken K_Gami says

    Gina is so beautiful MY GOD!

  16. Little Miss M says

    One time we had an FBI lady come into our school and when she was talking to our class she used one of the kids in our classes vine account. I don't really think she realized that the kid was in our class.

  17. Bailey says

    I was waiting for Gina to talk about Africanized bees. Those things are deadly. They'll purposely hunt after you, its fucked up

  18. ShiningStar Studios says

    I was 4 or 5 and a bee acidently got in my sandwich at a park picnic/lunch outside and i whent to take a bite and the bee stung me in the mouth the doctor said i could of died .or at least thats how my parents told me how i first time getting stung by a bee.

  19. Milo Burich says

    college in Britain is 17-18 year old. University is the next stage above that.

  20. 10 Bit says

    when I was in 10th grade and we went to Rome for a week for school trip and we went in groups and shit. one of the idiots heard something buzzing around him. he ran towards me for help… I just fucking ran away from him since he was yelling bees I was like "Nah fuck that shit mate, I'm out of here."

  21. Janai Perdue says

    The girl in the bikini thing isn't a matter of whether it was legal or not but whether it was moral. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a bikini. It's public wear for when you're swimming or at the beach. She she felt confident enough to post the picture so I doubt she had a problem with them seeing the picture. Her problem and embarrassment came when the principle used her as an example of something BAD. Like taking a picture of her eating dinner with her family and then using it as an example of gluttony even if everyone in the family is obviously a healthy weight. It's taking something that isn't bad and then making it seem like it is. I'm sure you would all be embarrassed if someone took a picture of you and made an example out of your acne as he told everyone about washing their face. You'd be embarrassed even though there is nothing wrong with having acne.

  22. wonder how they feel about twitter asking for ur phone now

  23. Froggy Phantom says

    Why would he need permission, Its public. If she is embarassed of the photo why would she post it..

  24. Daniel shore says

    college isnt secondary school in britain

  25. Creative Chaos says

    Bees respond to movement lol

  26. Areion Phipps says

    The first thing I thought of was killer Bee from Naruto

  27. Matias Pinto says


  28. Melissa madero says

    People drink there on pee to survive in the forest

  29. The Valeyard says

    Bart looked so skinny back then

  30. XXlunixXX says

    Lol. I don't think they understand how bad these young thirst traps are. They be sucking dick before they are even 16.

  31. Christopher Nichols says

    that jumping into water stuff dose not work the bees will sit over the pond and wait for u to come out and then u no

  32. Ponce de leon says

    bart looks so skinny back in the day

  33. Luke Weigand says

    No geo don't go in water they wait above water until you get out

  34. john g says

    That principal, hoping a guy to make it better, should be forced to walk around school in a bikini for a week. Also, the schools gets involved in social media shit all the damn time, it's fucked up; they can't find my Insta though cuz it's a meme page made for terrible people+and Political extremists, but most of that could get me suspended or worse which is why I have very few people from school follow me. (Follow me if you are a terrible Person: johng_horrorcore_anarchist I don't ever do shootouts unless it's a repost that gets their name in which is 1/65

  35. Elucid Zealot says

    i swear i got stung twice by a be when i was a kid i saw it i ran it stung me and sten i ran even faster and it stung me again

  36. Legendary_ Skrill says

    Dudes a Japanese killer hornets are toxic and venomous and they can burn your skin off this lady got attacked by 200,000 of those when they found her the hornets were eating her alive and that she died by toxic and being ate alive

  37. Naomi Gary says

    damn i put a lot out on the internet im scared now

  38. Ana Banana says

    haha everybody looks so different.

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