VLOG: senior pictures, spontaneously getting my hair cut and more…

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I GOT MY HAIR CUT!!!! guys I never thought id get my hair cut ever again after last time but.. idk something sparked in me and I just HAD to do it. I also got my senior pictures and I show you guys my outfit, I hope you all enjoy!
xx, Emma

Lets be friends! :
I N S T A G R A M: @emmamacdonald
S N A P C H A T: @emmamacdonald9

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S P O T I F Y: emmacmacdonald

  1. Olivia Homiller says

    wtw mass?

  2. Riley Godwin says

    where is the black t-shirt from??

  3. Zero Gravity329 says

    I just started watching you and you are you the best

  4. Chloe Porter says

    ‘It’s a little chicken wing’ 😂😂 love your vids

  5. 1 5 says

    You are so pretty!!!

  6. Erika Jade says

    Girl that’s not even short 😂 mine is way shorter

  7. Lydia Robling says

    I’ve had the same red rash around my nose since July too. I tried this cream and it’s finally going away 🙏 it’s an anti fungal cream even though it’s probably not a fungus it works!

  8. Hadleyann says

    The rash might be periola dermatitis I had it for 4 years

  9. Lucie says

    i LOVE all points beautiful its my fav store
    the photos are so cool

  10. Kate Paras says

    WTW MASS??? hahahahahahaha

  11. Mercy B says

    What Top are you wearing?

  12. zuni green says

    7:00 “so chill and vibey…. ya know and… i dunno know” hahahah what???

  13. Ceronio TV says

    How old are you?

  14. Yo Lol says

    Bro the photographers at dy were trashhh Emma they took the pic in 2 seconds

  15. Yo Lol says

    I don’t understand over summer you were getting so mad that your hair wasent long and you like took vitamins and used the way to grow and then u go chop it off like what?? If your going going to be a hypocrite then make sure it’s not as obvious because you always vented about wanting super long hair.

  16. olivialovesbasketbal says

    yes wtwmass lol

  17. Dave the Uber Slave says

    I love that you drink iced black coffee

  18. Victoria Ashley says

    You are soo stunning, makes me want to cut my hair. I hope to grow my channel as much as you one day, thanks for inspiring me!!❤️☺️

  19. jazmin santiago says

    your hair sooo cute omg!

  20. Peter Purduski says

    Nacho Libre !!!!!

  21. john damiano says

    Also,​ RIP the original WTW account!!!

  22. john damiano says

    Why is your sweatshirt logo blurred out?? I need answers!!

  23. Astrid Naranjo says

    Emma I love your short hair!!

  24. Jenna Vogelsang says

    You should film a hair routine!!! Like how do you get it to look so healthy and smooth?!?!?!?!

  25. victoria mascarell says

    I would love a vid w you and Maggie explaining your predictions from the psychic!

  26. Holden Dickerson says

    You cut like an inch off

  27. annabelle brager says

    do a video on your card reading!!!!

  28. Megan Palmisano says

    when you get big i can say i was here for the start 💋

  29. Courtney Crumel says

    “I either ordered them or I didn’t “ oh yeah?

  30. Cris Garcia 6 says

    Your pictures are gluing to be so so so beautiful

  31. Clearly Marissa says

    Can I look like u

  32. Saro Aziz says

    Aw I remember when u wanted to grow ur hair so bad lol😂

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