Coyote calling and hunting is an art! Sometimes the picture aint pretty!

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This video we are coyote hunting in oklahoma and have some awesome luck calling coyotes. Handcalling is what I love and demonstrate here what happens when using Dog Soldier Handcalls. It doesnt matter what predator you are hunting Dog Soldier Predator Calls and sounds are on top.

Sometimes when calling coyotes luck isnt on our side. This video shows the truth, sometimes they get away!

Dog Soldier approved gear and handcalls:

  1. Wade Hedger says

    Great to see another successful hunt, one question I have: @ 3:09 It looked to me like Todd clipped a strand of the fence, causing the bullet to fragment which in turn killed the song dog and kicked up dust in two other places. Your thoughts………….? God Bless & Thanks for all the clips.

  2. Joe Barbados says

    showing the other side of things! We've all had that happen, or we're lying or dont get out enough!
    Them suckers are tough.

  3. troy roe says

    Short and sweet.

  4. Jay Dee Johnson Jr. says

    Keep them coming awesome!!

  5. John Ballantyne says

    Sometimes Shit happens, it’s not nice, but it’s a fact ! It’s called HUNTING not KILLING !

  6. Georgi Trajkov says

    Very nice!
    Thank you for all movie's!

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