Retouch, Airbrush, and Smooth Skin Professionally in Photoshop


Download Skin Photoshop Actions here:

Learn how to retouch skin professionally in Photoshop without making it look fake or blurry. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to reduce wrinkles and blemishes, airbrush & smooth skin naturally, dodge and burn, and more using all non-destructive editing techniques. Once you learn this, you can make everything from natural skin improvements to glamorous airbrushed skin used in advertising. To follow this tutorial, you’ll need Photoshop CS2 or newer.

Download Skin Retouching Photoshop Actions here:

See the skin retouching layers diagram and written tutorial here:

The Instagram Photoshop actions that appears at 10:16 are from here:

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• Narrated by Dean Wendt
• Tutorial by Denny Tang

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  1. Ndu Odoe says

    This video is extremely irritating! It feels like he doesn’t really want to teach the process. TALKS WAY TOO FAST TO FOLLOW!!!

  2. jimmy woldul says

    It's driving me mad and I can't concentrate on what he's saying!

  3. Prasun Ghosh says

    Where are you guys make some new videos…..

  4. Urroz Ricardo says

    Honestly? Very poor and unprfessional results. For absolut beginers it´s ok, but someone who has zero idea of photoshop. 🙁

  5. Crippling Oppression says

    this is not a good tutorial im sorry

  6. Christel South says

    Yo I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful tutorial!

  7. Judy Woodruff says

    This looks really great but you talk too fast. And I'm a NYC girl. Please redo this and slow it down. Or do another one called "what the hell is the bridge and what do I do with it"? TX

  8. Dipu7 says

    Zeus, are you? haha

  9. jomartini says

    you're talking too damn fast!

  10. Kool Aid Man says

    what is the app you use

  11. Geegotthecam says

    If anyone gets lost too quickly or would like some assistance use the closed captioning setting located at the bottom right corner labeled CC!

  12. Geegotthecam says

    Question, Will we always have to use yellow or would it change for different skin tones?

  13. Geegotthecam says

    Thank you so much for this!!

  14. Photoshop Tutorials says

    Thanks for watching this video!

    Looking for the written tutorial? Check it out here:

    You can also download these Skin Retouching Photoshop actions (uses the same nondestructive editing techniques as this video!).
    💿 Free Download:
    💿 Pro Version:

    Why use Surface Blur instead of Gaussian Blur for the frequency separation?
    You can use either. The Gaussian Blur filter will give a softer diffused look but we prefer the more natural look of the Surface Blur filter. Here's a video that compares both techniques:

  15. Alauddin World says

    This tutorial is good, not for beginner friendly.

  16. HAC KED says

    Which version is this??

  17. Alex Efimoff says

    So overdone!

  18. Dorian Grey Designs says

    This is awesome. But if you want fast results without learning all this, I suggest you check the place I get my retouches done from:

  19. Jenna Barry says

    Help! AfterI group the items at around 6.47 in the video it will not let me paint, says I need to merge the layers….am I doing something wrong?

  20. charlywashere says

    38 secs of intro wow!

  21. Raphael Ziemer says

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  23. Antonio Funaro says

    this is shit!!! how to make plastic a human !

  24. BattleAudioRecords says

    The perfect "killing the textures" method to reach a bad photography.

  25. Neyra Ramirez says

    For "reducing skin flaws quickly", I keep getting stuck on the step where I have to copy a new layer with the new yellow channel, before I invert it. It seems as if when I press CTRL+ A, it's not copying the entire image so I can't paste it onto a new layer. At first I thought it was because I uploaded it as a "RAW" file, so I converted it to JPG and still the same issue. Does anyone know why this is?

  26. Chi qc says

    nice video my guy keep it up

  27. Marie Newell says


  28. V k says

    When I change the new layer name to '' wreckles and blemishes'''and try to brush with the spot healing brush, photoshop says : ''alt click to define a source point to be used to repair the image.'' What should i do?

  29. dzonibelgrade says


  30. William Carlson says

    Hahaha That dubbed in dating profile comment is just too funny.

  31. William Plummer says

    If you want I will gladly edit and touch up 10 of your photos for $5

  32. Alex Turčáni says

    what about the music

  33. Suresh Thalange says

    I like this video very much, but for acne the first step doesn't work – the rest is perfect. I'm not confident enough to know what to do, but would trying another colour channel (like red in RGB) be more successful with reducing the redness before moving to the next stages?

  34. Manuel Seguin says

    this is the best skin retouching tutorial ever

  35. Lucia Ametcea says

    Best tutorial so far. Thanks

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