My Life Through a Photo Album!

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My life Through a Photo Album- This is my story through the only pictures I own. It’s amazing how valuable tangible photographs can be. This one means a lot to me. Hope you enjoy it.


Instagram/ thejerlogan
Snapchat/ thejerlogan

My name is Jeremy. I am a docu-vlogger. Not your traditional style, but this is how I love to do it. Film editing is one of my passions. Still a baby YouTuber but I hope you will join me in this journey!
And don’t forget to embrace your passions!


My playlist of vlogs:

Directly to the channel:

Partnered with Freedom! Go to to see what they are all about!

  1. Jessica Arendse says

    Unbelievable I love this so much I wish I was so creative like that love the video well thought. Would like you to post more on graphic design how its going

  2. joliejow says

    Hahaha awesome photos.

  3. MaxLentz says

    OMG TEARS!! Don't even know you but what a great family. God Bless.

  4. Plop says

    Everything on this channel is good. Found you on Cody Huffington and Ben Brown's comments.

  5. Ben Thivigh says

    weet overhead shots, you gotta make more of these!!

  6. SullysWrap says

    Stumbled upon you earlier. I am trying to start making videos like blogs again but look for motivation like this before I start, and for that I say thank you

  7. KaneAndShaw says

    Well made, oh btw nice Avs jersey!! hAHA Can't hate bro, good to see you are a hockey fan

  8. Sebastian Tortoso says

    Really like how do you film this? So many questions but perhaps that means you are doing your job. Make people ask how??

  9. Stig "SB" Buvarp says

    Love this bro.  Looking forward to more. Keep creating.

  10. heykiley says

    That was so amazing jer. I'm so thankful for our family, and memories. And I thank you and Shaylee for showing me the best examples as such a young age. So proud of you. I love and miss you so much!

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