How to Photograph Your City


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#AlenPalander #CityPhotography

  1. Alen Palander says

    Hope you enjoyed the video! Be sure sign up on SkillShare:

    First 500 People Get 2 Months Free! →

  2. Arif Khan says

    When you have Alen's good looks, it makes it easier to go up to strangers and ask for thier number…er…i mean for a photo. 😛 Great vid as always! 🙂

  3. Iago Felix says

    Did you went out with the girl????

  4. FPVLAB says

    I'll need a copy of that phone #… you know… for a friend.

  5. Petesmyname says

    Alen, i absolutely love the way you make your videos. Always so clear and concise. You are so inspirational bro. I'd love for you to come to Cape Town and photograph our beautiful city. You will love it here man. Keep up the awesome content. 
    Oh.. and why do you only have 111k subs?? You deserve so many more… Millions more 😉 
    Much love, Pete

  6. V.S.M.O Channel says

    Strange! But she's wonderful! She's beautiful thou…

  7. Danteshizzle says

    The girl is like, yeah cool, you can take my shot.. Hey your photo looks nice, can I have your instagram, I'll tag you.. Checks out Alen's instagram, 436k followers…. Damn… Hahaha like a Boss

  8. Matthew Kasinec says

    This was a very cool video 🙂

  9. Geoff Scott says

    are you sure that girl was not part of a setup? Nice work Alen – the photography, not the girl! 😉

  10. Paula Tambolero says

    Great video, Alen!
    I'm a beginner and really interested in getting more into street photography. Is there a lens you would recommend best for this?

  11. aldeen1982 says

    Fun fact: "I wanna travel light, no backpack etc…" but carrying a 1dx body 😀

  12. Rizwan Sayyed says

    thanks alen

  13. Ash Bash Sneakers says

    Whats the chances of coming across an ABSOLUTE SMOKE SHOW who's friendly nd up for taking some shots.. Only Alen could find her haha. Loved that interaction

  14. Near Media says

    The only important tip in this video is to get a girl's number.

  15. Harry InMotion says

    That girl scene was so staged 😀 But it entertained me. Great tipps though, keep on hustlin bro

  16. Justin Reinecke says

    your color scheme in your photo's are insane. I love it

  17. ZubairButt says

    Girl looks more nice in vid than in pics 😊

  18. Никита Красюк says

    Im starting to like your content.. hmmmmmmm

  19. Noealz Photo says

    Nice tips, as for me I just kinda walk in any direction and take pics of whatever catches my eye : )

  20. Michael Pop says

    Bro, great video! & Hope you got her digits, she cute lol.✌️👊

  21. Divi Photos says

    Great video

  22. EmazingErik says

    Y'all sure Alen didn't hire her?! hahaha jk great video as always!!! Loved this one a lot!

  23. omarhasan1 says

    Your B-Roll skills are amazing!

  24. Morpheus Fiston says

    Where can I get your strap 🔥

  25. Matt Hui says

    How did you get the last sorta reflection mirror type photo of the girl on the street? Thanks!

  26. MR. Mæx says

    You're like dc of photography

  27. Jo Anne Fulgencio says

    how do you get access to rooftop Alen?

  28. Dylan Lester says

    There's a squirrel behind you at 6:15 brah.

  29. Jerry Zou says

    Why do you have your lens hoods attached to the lens if u are not gonna use it?

  30. Niko Gonzales says

    Very helpful, thanks alen! by the how do you make your animated ig stories?:)

  31. Tahsin Abedin says

    Hey Alen I love your videos! I also live in Toronto if you ever need a hand in recording I can help! I have a Canon 6D Mk ii With Tamron 24-70 f2.8 and a DJI Ronin S. Let me know! 😆

  32. Mubashir Ahmed says

    Urban photography is a very huge deal you can see almost everything there buildings birds people etc bringing just one lens? One focal length? Ummm…!! I'm not really gonna buy this info but still love your work edits huge fan ❤✌

  33. Vanessa Contreras says

    Broooo, you always above the game! 👌

  34. Soham Apte says

    10:30 Alen's got game!!!

  35. Daniel Dionisio Fernandes says

    Can you pleeeeease make a video on how to shoot good videos with cheap beginner gear? 😁🙏🏻
    So shooting videos with a Rebel T6 for instance without any filters or anything else. A CHALLENGE that I hope you accept. 😏

  36. Erick Wayne says

    Excelent ! Always learning from you .Greetings from Cuba

  37. David Sornberger Photography says

    Love this, Alen. I'm definitely looking forward to better weather and exploring areas of Toronto with my camera that I haven't been to often. I'm always inspired by how much thought and planning you put into you videos. You inspired me to up the content on my YouTube channel. Thank you 👍

  38. omkar pandhare says

    9:57 If you were in india the girl could have said (I have a boyfriend )

  39. fart doublefart says

    I really like the film look on the photos how did you create that edit

  40. Kit Louie Jorolan says

    Tip 2 should not be forgotten. This video is what I've been waiting for. Thanks Alen. You've slayed it as always

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