Best Way to Remove White Background from Logos! – Photoshop Tutorial
Make Logos Transparent in Seconds with Photoshop! Learn 3 simple techniques to remove white backgrounds easily. Using the power of Color Range, Blend-If, and Magic Wand Tool, in this tutorial, learn when to use which technique for the best possible results.
I hope this tutorial helps you. Thank you for watching 🙂
1. Sample Logo 1:
2. Sample Logo 2:
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Yet another solid one from the man himself just what I needed
Hey, why don't you use "select subject" in the third example? It should work fine, shouldn't it?
As always, you are a star thank you for all the help.
Magic wand on 1 and 3 would be done in 5 seconds. I use magic wand a lot. It does leave a jagged edge sometimes on more complex images. But for graphics like this easy peasy.
kwae og kilay ba
All of your tips are really good here, but I will say that the issue with the magic wand selection could have been fixed by simply unchecking contiguous.
Thanks you very much. Its very usefull lesson for me.
I love your tutorials.
Before I even clicked this video I was like "if he addresses the slight white outline around things you try to make into png's sometimes, he's legit", and thankfully that rang true!
You was at the club bottoms up when i first met you😎
Youtube recommended 👌
What if the logo has drop shadow and I need the drop shadow of the given logo??
Thanks heaps Unmesh. Love you.
I just take the logo to illustrator, use image trace, expand.. Its one simple step that works with logos of different colors
ok, you are a photoshop god. I thought I'm one, who has more than 9 years experience of it, but you are showing techniques which I don't event know. impressive!
This is all great. Try doing it when clients give you shitty logos with a drop shadow on them and 7 different colours. Smh!
Your teaching technique is great !!!!
That saves me ….
Hello sir, I watch your videos regularly but can you make videos like tutorial, tips tricks on picsart i can't afford a good pc for photoshop 😁but if you can it would be amazing .
I learn many of things from your channel… thanks a lot bro
You are amazing! Thank you!
quick video i cant understand!!
I tried the last one and it worked fine .. but the lettering on the logo, the brand name , the inner part of the lettering didn't change, they have white inner , the ; b ,a and the rest .. what can I do ?
I Salute You
Hey can you show how to make logos
regarding the first logo, you're wasting your time using color range. just copy the image and paste it into a mask on a solid colored layer…done. also, the most important thing is to use vector logos.
Would't deselecting the 'Contiguous' option in magic wand make the inside whites also get selected?
Photoshop Genius=Umesh Dinda. 👍. Every tutorial contains new technique.
Learned a lot from your tutorials. Thanks a million!
Would love to see you crop a person out of a normal photo with complex backgrounds. (This is how I create my thumbnails for YouTube videos) and unfortunately the magic wand tool does not work at all like the video as it does for basic logos). That would be amazing! Great vid either way
Mantul infonya kang (great job for the information, bro) 😄😄