Which Nikon Camera Should You Buy? Z6, Z7, D850, D5


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If you’re in the market for a new Nikon Full Frame FX Camera and you’re not sure what the differences are, this video is for you. Even though Nikon has more than four full frame cameras on the market currently, I only consider these four to be the ones I would purchase new. The Nikon Z7, Z6, D850 and D5. The Nikon D750 which is a fantastic camera is on it’s last legs and lacks some modern features. The Nikon Df, well, yea, that was DOA.

Real World Reviews
Nikon Z7
Nikon Z6
Nikon D850
Nikon D5

Pick up a Nikon Full Frame Camera at Adorama
Nikon D5
Nikon D850
Nikon Z7
Nikon Z6

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Gear I USE
I SHOOT RAW Camera Bag
Nikon D5
Nikon Z7
Nikon Z6
Nikon D850
The Microphone I use for Vlogging
Nikon 70-200 2.8
Nikon 24-70 2.8 VR
Nikon 14-24 2.8
Nikon 105 F1.4
Sony a7 III
My Rolling Bag Of Choice For Flying

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  1. TrickTrades says

    Hey bud, just wanted to say it's funny how youtube works….usually, the most knowledgeable ones have the fewest subscribers, not that 1 million subs isn't amazing (congrats btw) but the amount of content and the thoroughness of the content you produce is outstanding and should have 20 times the subs! Really appreciate all you do……
    Thanks, Pat

  2. Clinton Burrows says

    Really great video, nice to see them put side by side with all the specs. Really helpful, thanks.

  3. Vimal Krishna says

    excellent review!

  4. luka kerekes says

    Koji kurac ovo radi u meme rewriue

  5. andrademeza says

    Dam z6 was looking good till the single card slot part.

  6. Chad Beckwith Smith says

    Good info and well delivered z6 guy Thank you for your work helping me.

  7. Nathan Ricketts says

    I weighed all my options and thought it better to buy the "last DSLR" than the first [Nikon] mirrorless…

  8. Aaron Lombard says

    Stuck between Z7 and the D850

  9. pzznutzz01 says

    I'm having such a difficult time deciding whether or not to jump ship from my D500 and pick up the Z6.

  10. David Brown says

    Top video as always Jared. I got my D850 just under a year ago and don’t regret it one iota. I have been using SLR’s for near enough 40 years and although I have tried to downsize to a more travel friendly system I keep coming back to them as I am addicted. My first DSLR was a Nikon D300s and I jumped to full frame with the D800 (but this was the first time I could afford it). I am an old school enthusiast / hobbyist that takes stills around 95% of the time so the D850’s video ‘shortcomings’ do not bother me as I know it will more than cope with my needs. I’m still astounded by the D850 every time I use it – from it’s focusing speed to the amazing detail. I can accept that mirrorless is the future but until Nikon produce a semi pro type body I wouldn’t even consider it – if I look at their Z range I still get a nagging feeling like I do with any other brand of mirrorless, that they’re not a ‘proper’ camera.

  11. Johannes Karundeng says

    Very helpful video in deciding what camera I need to buy next.

  12. Kheng Teoh says

    Happy with my D810!

  13. Peter Vooijs says

    Finely I made up my choice…. The Z7 for me it's huge stepup from my nikon D3.
    Thanks for this vid….

  14. Ravi Chander says

    i love your videos you seem to give the true reasons for buying a Z6 now, iam a nikon shooter for 30years and i have lots and lots of nikon glass so it is better i stick on with nikon and go mirrorless.

  15. Ravi Chander says

    i love your videos you seem to give the true reasons for buying a Z6 now, iam a nikon shooter for 30years and i have lots and lots of nikon glass so it is better i stick on with nikon and go mirrorless.

  16. Updated India indian says
  17. Azar Jindal says

    Great video… it really helped me narrow down which one to buy

  18. Poppaneedsanap says

    Stephan Moccio! nice. I met him a few week ago, what a nice guy.

  19. Shock Wave says

    The only thing I like about mirrorless is live exposure preview. If I could put that into a dslr somehow then I would stick with dslr for years and years.

  20. Johan den Hertog says

    Got big hands use the most the old Nikon F5 and the Nikon D5 for portraits with old metal AF-D prime lenses.

  21. truth teller says

    I love you brother ❤️

  22. Chang HU says

    have D750 and nikkor 70-200 2.8e, 20 1.8g, 35 1.8g, tamron 24-70 g2 will it be a waste of money if get a new d850? cause I really don’t think my d750 is good enough for my lenses

  23. CyberStylings LLC says

    Stick the mirrorless tech in the 850 w/grip/d5 body.. then I shall be a happy guy..

  24. For still photography z7 would be the best or D850?

  25. Arthur Mermelshtein says

    This was the best comp video I saw you make, explaining what camera gives you what you need in combo with what you shoot, much better then the "mark comp videos.

  26. indrakumar chaudhary says

    Leica Q2 ?

  27. ihavenoname yeet says

    Zašto je ovo u mudjinom popisu za reprodukciju meme rivju??

  28. Michael Castle says

    I'd like to see a similar comparison with the top Canon line-up. This was a very informative video. Thanks.

  29. Tomislav Vuković says


  30. Ghost Face says

    Ovo nije Mim Rivju

  31. Vedeto Puro says

    #basically a brick 😂

  32. Rodrick HD says

    how do i keep track of my gear? just keep in the bad

  33. * Nnalujim says

    Sure that mirrorless is the future, but it doesn't mean that D500, d850 or D750 can't take any longer great pictures. For me all the videos are just for selling the new cameras.

  34. Jonathon Hurley says

    I just bought a D750 as my first full frame camera. For $1300 on amazon you can't beat it. should be an excellent upgrade from my D3300.

  35. Eric Stegall says

    How do you feel shooting sports with the Z7 EVF? Does the lag/blur thing make you crazy?

  36. Pablo Ono says

    I have the D850 for stills and I bought the A73 in May. I’m own in Nikon lenses:
    24-70mm F2.8
    70-200mm F 2.8
    200-500 mm F5.6
    50mm. F1.4
    Sony’s Lenses
    35mm. F2.8.
    16-35mm F4
    24-70mm F4
    79-200mm F4
    What should I do? Stay with the 2 systems? Or sell the Sony’s gears and buy the Z6 with the FTZ adapter.
    Does FTZ adapter really works well with the lenses do I have?
    Or sell all Nikon Gear and buy the Sony’s A7R3 and sell the F4 lenses and buy the G Masters F2.8 zooms and the 35mm 1.4 & 85mm 1.4
    I’m a event (weddings, graduations, etc) photographer
    What’s your suggestion? Thanks and sorry for my English.

  37. Marble School says

    This one…. Nikon lets you trade in for credit http://wild.link/cameta/APCdCg

  38. dungareesareforfools says

    If you're just starting out with full frame, what about the D610? Still current and still a great camera, but can be picked up reasonably cheaply (well, much cheaper than a Z6) second hand. Small and light too.

  39. Mega Color says

    its not about having the best or the latest greatest cameras/lenses.. Its about going out and shoot with whatever you have.

  40. James Cook says

    I shoot for fun and have had different nikons over the years, currently D500. I am very tempted to jump to mirrorless as its CLEARLY the future. But… there are always going to be folks who hang on to DSLR just like there are those who still love film. This is not right or wrong… You should use the camera that fits your needs and you enjoy using. High megapixels or better low light performance? Frame rate? Who cares. I know enough about photography to know that none of this supersedes the fundamentals. Except in rare circumstances, better equipment does not make you a better photographer. When I was lesser experienced, I just snapped a million pictures and patted myself on the back when one of them turned out great. Now, I put much more planning into the shot I want to get rather than raise and click. Result: fewer pics, and better pics. If you shoot events that happen quickly and you don't get a second chance… sports, sunsets, etc, the benefit you get from great gear is minor compared to the benefit you get from the organ between your ears. I'm not a pro, so I can't comment on whether any of these cameras get a better shot of the wedding cake cutting… but I do know that none of them will if the photographer they're attached to is in another room.

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