The Ultimate High School Senior Portrait Session with Matt Hernandez

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To learn more about the Rapid Box used in this video, please visit
To see more from Matt’s session (3 hours of content), from our Friends at Summit Workshops, please visit

To learn how Matt edited these images and more, please visit

  1. Clara Dooley says

    Where's this place at?

  2. johan bauwens says

    I prefer fixed focal  length lenses instead of zoom lenses. And my legs are still fine

  3. Huie D. says

    Love this man's work. He handles with ease and skill senior sports and special events that I am very new to and am SO glad to learn from him. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. Jofer Alvez says

    Omg the talking… repetitive

  5. Leslie McDermott says

    What camera strap is that over your shoulder?

  6. couchpoet1 says


  7. Eric Jackson says

    You seem to preoccupied with technicalities.

  8. 57sapke says

    Great shots, did you set your speedlite auto or manual zoom.

  9. Google User87 says

    It's lazy to go out there with a one-light approach.  Nothing wrong with the pictures, but why not show what you can do with multiple lights?

  10. gbpackerfan065 says

    Don`t give the fake cheezy smile,,, hehehe,,, oh man awesome video

  11. Ginga Takeshima says

    i like the guy in the blue jacket

  12. Jason Mays says

    Great video!

  13. David B Cossini says

    great shots, where is this location? kinda looks like Arroyo Seco near Pasadena, CA.

  14. Keenan A says

    He needs to watch Peter Hurley's videos to learn how to built chemistry with his models. You should never have to force a model to smile.

  15. Gaaza G says

    too much talking

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