DSLRs Dominate Mirrorless in 2019 Press Photography – TOGLIFE


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  1. Matt Granger says

    Why do you think DSLRs still dominate the winning press images?? Links mentioned in show
    Tours and workshops: http://mattgranger.com/workshops
    Explorer + Backpack: https://geni.us/explorerplus
    Kata backpack: https://geni.us/KataMinibee
    My background: https://geni.us/itps
    Ultimate travel tripod: https://geni.us/Gitzo2
    The one I own: https://geni.us/Gitzo1
    and https://geni.us/Gitzo3
    Leica SL review: https://geni.us/SLtest

    DSLRs in 2019 world press awards: https://geni.us/DSLR2019
    Photographer as 25th worst job in USAhttps://geni.us/badjobs

  2. Troy Phillips says

    I think Pros don’t change as fast to the new technology because of a few reasons. First is investment into very expensive gear. And to gear up to a new great pro system it costs too much. So costs are the first line of change .
    Second is the cost of change worth it immediately. So cost again when it comes to the final product .
    Third The availability of professional lenses and bodies. Like the OMD that you’re filming on. It is a pro build made for hard core day in day out use and abuse. As for me my stuff gets used hard handled and stored in situations where it’s not always conducive to whimpy consumer gear. So for now it’s my Nikon DSLRs. I do like the new Oly Pro Camera and it’s heavy duty build . I just don’t use the Micro 4/3rds . And it comes down to cost to have multiple setups. I’m invested heavily into Nikon and can’t afford the make a move to something else. Thinking of adding BlackMagic to the video side with the metabones for my Nikkor lenses.

  3. TheStig ZeroZeroZero says

    There was also a time when more people rode horses than drove cars. Just sayin!

  4. michael s says

    Matt,several folks need to be doing the same exact video,yet the facts are obvious.We have been barraged with this nonsense about DSLRs vs Mirrorless,and this FAKE comparison of formats.The rules of threes states this..

    1)Camera sales are going to go down because we have more OPTIONS FOR EVERYONE.We have medium format,FF,APS-C,4/3,we stil have film ,and we have tablets/smartphones.The numbers of rentals,sales,and what the pros use are the ONLY reality,and the rest is hype.The comparisons between brands is also FAKE,over rated,and boring,because each camera ddoes it's own thing,has it's own flow,and suits different people's tastes/workflow.On top of that,we can use however many formats and brands we want,and as long as it works,it's valid.When someone spends their money,time,and resources,it's no one's business,so all this making up names of certain brand users and lies is silly,petty ,and downright stupid..I want facts,information,knowledge,tips,and words from people who oWN and USE these products in the field.I can go to Adorma or b&H and rent gear myself and call myself reviewing it,yet thAT DOESNT MEAN I MASTERED THE GEAR.

    2)People use DS:Rs because they are sturdy,they work well in the field,and no one wants to stop and change 40 batteries,use WiFi because you only have one card slots,and have weird focusing issues.On top of that,no real man is sitting around whining about weight,since we have some real men left,and because we have such great straps,grips,tripods,etc,etc..I find it hilarious that women are climbing mountains with 40-75 lbs of gear,yet there's still crying about a damn camera/lens.Plus,the Nikon D850 and others are mirroless in live view or whatever they call the mode.

    3) I use a lens hood, a metal one,and leave the lens cap off,unless I am transporting the camera inside.I have never had a lens get hit straight on and damaged.I have a space hood,and that's about it,other than keeping it clean.Master what you have,and that cannot be done carrying around 10 lenses.Walk around and get the shots…

  5. A Random Guy On The Internet says

    People jist keep saying that mirrorless are the future, when I can see no benefits at all switching to mirrorless. If you have this philosophy, I genuinely want to know why.

  6. Fontsman says

    The press guys have big investments in DSLR gear and are not going to change anytime soon. Mirrorless is still developing and will continue to grow.

  7. David Kreuzinger says

    I think this shows that prosumer drive innovations and professionals move much slower to new technologies. In my point of view the DSLR will die in the next years. They have no real advantage in comparison with DSLM´s. It´s the same like the film to sensor development. A lot of Pros move later to the new technology, when the technology is advanced enough.

  8. Rahul Kapoor says

    Covering motorsport,
    rock fly out of the shoulder of the tyre, comes and hits my lens with the UV filter.
    Filter breaks and leaves a major scratch on the front glass of lens.
    Wish i never put the UV filter. Im sure the regular glass on the lens was good enough anyway.

  9. C North says

    DSLR's just deliver with no fuss. And EVF's really are superior to any OVF. Once you've used a camera for a while, you get a feel for what your results are without even reviewing it. With mirrorless camera's, most of the features are a distraction. People always constantly looking at EVF's, tweaking exposure, tweaking focus, switching between focus modes, etc. Everything is done by interaction, not intuition. Not to mention DSLR's can take 900+ shots on a single charge, instant on, no viewfinder lag, much better viewfinder clarity, etc. Sure you can zoom in on things for focus, but it's a crutch. If you spend just 8 seconds reviewing 100 photo's, you've spent 8 whole minutes just reviewing. 1000 photo's? That's nearly an hour and a half of your time spent just briefly reviewing each photo. It's just an inefficient use of time. I certainly wouldn't want to pay a photographer $50+ an hour for a day, for a full hour of that pay adding up to just them dilly dallying with reviewing.

    I saw a guy on the street a few weeks ago doing some portraits for a client, and the guy spent most of his time reviewing the photo's on the spot! It would be like less than a minute of posing and taking shots, then like several minutes just fiddling at the back of his camera while his client just stood there. Not only is he being inefficient with his own time, he was also being inefficient with his clients time.

  10. AF8Images says

    Great to see my image of the mountains of North Vietnam Matt and as always a fair assessment 👍 You were right sadly the foreground below the image wasn't the prettiest!

  11. CastrejonHDTV says

    Do you use any Chase cards to redeem flights?

  12. Chihong Wang says

    I can buy you some delicious Cantonese food if you are still in Tsuen Wan

  13. poudrieres says

    When you look into the article where the shown data comes from, there is definitely more that 4% for mirrorless – actually they counted Fuji X-Pro and X-100 into compact cameras. Only Sony and Leica were counted as mirrorless 🙂 In the end that gives you more that 13% for mirrorless. https://www.photolari.com/las-camaras-de-los-world-press-photo-2019-canon-la-mas-usada-las-reflex-y-el-formato-completo-arrasan/

  14. GilbertTV says

    press photographers dont update there gear that often I guess … no wonder its dominatd by old skool DSLR's

  15. Daniel Hew says

    Hong Kong is an expensive city. The city has very serious social and economic issues. Lots of camera equipment to investigate and purchase but you should have knowledge of your equipment or you will be ripped off by shops. Never shop is a store with no visible pricing.

  16. Think Tank says

    Leica beat out Sony by a long shot?? What!!

  17. Ulrich Bierwisch says

    As far as I know, DSLRs are using a flash metering based on invisible pre-flashes that measures the reflected light with special sensors before the mirror is going up. I think there where also systems with sensors in the space in front of the mirror measuring reflections from the shutter after the mirror went up. Both technologies are not available on mirrorless cameras. They have to relay on pre-flashes measured by the sensor and this can't be invisible and needs two shutter operations. So I think the automatic TTL-flash has a big advantage on DSLRs.

  18. NikoliZZer says

    Had to give a thumbs up for what you said about UV filters. Some photographers seem so smug about using them for protection, like it makes them superior. It's an endless discussion. If you drop your lens and the filter breaks, then in many cases it becomes stuck on the lens. Have fun trying to remove it when it bends at the thread and it's impossible to turn with your hand. Have fun trying to take pictures with a broken filter on your lens.

    Besides, if you drop your lens, I'd be more worried about breaking the inner mechanisms than the front element. One time I was out and about with my camera and slipped with my camera in hand and landed front element first in mud. The front element got a few scuffs and scratches but those didn't have any effect on the image. And that was a kit lens, not a pro grade lens that's built like a tank.

    People are too worried about disturbing the delicate pristineness of their front elements. Just use a hood and be happy.

  19. Stefan1968ful says

    Nothing goes over DSLR right now. Simply due to the selection of long telephoto lenses. I also own the Sony A9 and for my Wildlife work, excuse me, it is not usable and typically stays at home as the Canon 1DX Mark II with my Canon 600mm 4.0 III rules.

  20. Dave says

    Remember also, that Nikon is soon stopping the Free Z lens adapter, with the purchase of a New Z6 & Z7….. Steve Perry tested, UV filter protection, on various lenses, and found virtually NO Protection, as 95% of the time the top glass still got Cracked…

  21. Michael Bradley says

    Just my two cents, my perspective on the job of photographer, I think that company doesn't correctly list photographer – bare with me, letter carrier, it is what it is, you deliver mail. – but a photographer, what type? portrait photographer, commercial photographer? I dont know any commercial photographers that dont make a good living and way over that listed amount. However, one could argue that the number is a mean average, well, the the context needs to be listed because there are large differences. its like saying the job painter, but wait, house painter, portrait painter, faux finish painter, all so different. The house painter goes in paints the house and leaves, doesnt try to be an artist, little stress. As a commercial photographer, I dont really stress, I dont try to express myself, I shoot what the business client wants. So saying photographer is a low end job, yea, some types of photographers but not others, so its a misleading metric. – If one wants to be a photographer, have a clear understanding of your genre in your industry.

  22. Azenturi says

    As much as I love photography, I could never do it professionally. I love a good shoot, but actually needing to do it would probably make me hate it and then stop enjoying doing it for fun and for Instagram in my off time. Happened in school with reading and writing. I hated my English classes because of being forced to do both and adhere to guidelines that were never clear, and I never wrote a single thing outside of the classes because of it. In the five years since graduating, I've written entire books for the fun of it and have no problem rereading them for editing. I don't want to risk losing my spark for photography.

  23. Euro Bum says

    Why didn't my photo entry get looked at? Was that just a short list?

  24. GRJCLyon says

    Dude, I love your content but I’m taking you clothes shopping. Lol

  25. tony james says

    As an ex military photographer who's worked in extreme conditions in the arctic, desert and jungle I can say that ruggedness/build quality are essential and mirrorless just haven't got that.
    All the features that come with mirrorless are good but not essential for photographers who have a good understanding of their craft, I'm aware the talk 'online' portrays mirrorless as killing DSLR's but that's online, on the ground that's not the case.

  26. Azz Azz says

    Dslr is still cheaper, I also think nobody trusts a mirrorless Camera

  27. Randy McKown says

    You figure we're talking about a group that has years of investment in high end bodies & glass … even if they're dying to go mirrorless it's kind of hard to sell all that gear and make the switch without taking a big financial loss or to talk your publication into doing it because they're thinking who cares what you're shooting with just go get the shot .. So not surprised it's a Canon & Nikon DSLR tossup. Personally, I just made the switch from FX Nikons to a Fuji system .. I took a big financial loss but I'm absolutely loving it. 😀😀😀

  28. Marius Tataru says

    Mirrorless vloggers dont do press photography. Chill out, fanboys.

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