You may be a photographer, but are you an artist?


Think before you shoot… 7 thoughts from world-renowned artist Roger Ballen which will serve as useful tips and tricks for your photography.

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All images are © Roger Ballen

Snippets from Roger Ballen’s “Asylum of the Birds” and “Outland” videos were used in this video. You can find these videos on Roger Ballen’s YouTube channel:

Camera – Sony ILCE7M2B:
Lens – Sony SAL2470Z Alpha 24-70mm:
Tripodhead – Sirui VH-15:
Tripod – SIRUI N-1204X Universal Tripod:
Editing Software – Final Cut Pro:
Editing Software – Adobe After Effects:

By purchasing from the “” links above, you will not incur any additional charges. We do however receive a small commission from Amazon, which helps us to keep doing what we love; bringing you creative, inventive and quality video content that will up your photography game!

Producer: Ulrich Grill, zooom productions (
Editing: Andrea Schernthaner

  1. Ben Bezuidenhout says

    Creepy photos. No need to be creepy to be an artist.


    "Of course photography is an art – when it is in the hands of artists.” – Aaron Scharf

  3. MJE says

    Defining "art" is foolish. Art has no definition. Art is like a color or a sound or a touch; it is only understood through examples, not definitions.

  4. Hani8 Galamgam8 says

    Art can be anything and everything around you. As Plato said "Art is an imitation of an imitation of reality" . That being said, every work of art such as a poem, a novel, an essay, a play, a musical piece, a painting, etc., has four basic coordinates:
    1. The subject matter;
    2. The artist;
    3. The audience;
    4. Its own form

    So in the end,
    art has no right or wrong thing, it's about either how well-made or badly "it" is made.
    Some will agree or disagree, some will agree to disagree vice-versa…

  5. Antonius Lecuona says

    it's like opening a can of worms releasing such an intellectual concept to the proletariat.

  6. Samrat Biswas says

    These days art is not what it was, show something disturbing, show something controversial & that will make an artist!

  7. O Bear says

    funny.because photography is not an art and even the photographers know it but cannot admit, they try really hard to provethat it can be artistic. sorry guys photography is not an art, it is the picture of a lucky instance and thats it.

  8. Anitago says

    No good photo here. But all shocking, yes. But not good.

  9. Hero Hindustani says

    great… sir… real thought …

  10. Somiten says

    i know one thing, this guy's not a good artist..he just photographed crazy looking people and put some shitty drawings on the wall…

  11. Molon Labe! says

    Looks more like a commentary on mental illness….

  12. CRAZY BANANA says

    This is super creepy

  13. What's Now !! says

    iam artist

  14. nugrah maindonesa says

    kids will never really understand this pure art. just saying…

  15. Marvin Capili says

    Being an artist which I know that I have a spirit of an artist..I know that facing our fear is the most important thing for us to be unique…As an artist it is a great sudgestion even I cant…But we nurture also Our selves by that way…I marvin jay capili bueno beleiveeverything that you said mr.Ballen..We are judt exactly how to represent our artistick acknowledgement….Thank you sir…this is my favorite video….Im not a photographer….I never experience being that but Im an artist

  16. Mika Elus says

    Regret watching that hallucinating lunatic's philosophy. Please keep your vids & pics of retarded people to your self if you like them so much and stop calling them art…

  17. Shreya Desai says

    Hey u r best can i help u any way

  18. Joy Wolfenbarger says

    I believe you can be an artist without being so freaking disturbing.  This video was horrifying to me.

  19. H恵美子 says

    Why are people complaining about how "dark" and "gruelsome" this is? THIS IS ART! Art is not always happy and flowery and cute and natural. Art is emotion. Do every aspects of emotion rely on happy feelings? NO. It is disturbing, yes. It is graphic, yes. But is no less a work of art.

  20. Roger Ballen is an incredible talent – enjoyed his insights

  21. Martin Kalvaster says

    Best 2:45min spend on youtube. Fantastic work. Well done COOPH. Thank you.

  22. Lois van der Zeeuw says

    Maybe he means that you are an artist if you do that kind of stuff, but because the things he shoot not everyone likes and some also think it's creepy that they don't see what he means. I mean if this was more of there kind of photography the notice that he say some pretty good things. But this isn't my style I also think it's creepy tho.

  23. abhijit das says

    the voice move me …

  24. Kira Kneeg says


  25. Neckomancer YT says

    I'm not sure if I'm inspired or scared. 😂

  26. Duja Music says

    Being and artist and being a creepy dude are two different things. NO THANK YOU.

  27. Sigma Wahyuni says


  28. benf101 says

    2:31 I saw their tongues

  29. Pencil Jockey says

    Reminded me of Die Antwoord videos. I can appreciate his work, but don't want his art hanging in my house. 🙂 Art is about the "Why?" not about the "How?"

  30. Joen Delfiero says

    light photography is the best way to prove yourself that you are an artist

  31. Eric Michel says

    I fink your freeky and i like you a lot.

  32. Angelo Lapresca says

    So art is just an expression?

  33. antoine1003 says

    0:39 they look like outlast 1 naked guys 😀

  34. Yuganter Chanyal says

    that was inspirational​ and tha video creepy af😂

  35. Mainak Dev says

    Omg, this was great

  36. - LedGaRRagE - says

    amazing video !

  37. Sportphotoatl. Georgia says

    Fuck this shit!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. Laurent Lamy says

    that's a really edgy video.
    received some nice advice, but some of those images were really creepy. but i guess that was the intent of the artist, to shock and provoke and get a reaction. (Thumbs up!!)

  39. Dhafin Fuad says

    This is God damn creepy photography, can you show a better fun way of photography please .-.

  40. Hurley Dean says

    Wow! Another wonderful and educational video. Love your work. One challenge for every photographer is developing artistic talent. Thank You….

    Hurley Dean .com
    Hurley Dean from North Idaho. USA.

  41. Vitus Films says

    this is not art…and is not a photography is just a pervert vision of a pervert dont exprime nothing is just a picture quantificated by idiot like you art..what deas mean art? art is a creation that everythink doesn't not exist..what you show is hate and is old like the world…

  42. Kelvin John VLOGS says

    its kinda creepy

  43. Catalín Patrascu says

    Wow! I love this form of understanding this relatively new type of art.

  44. Raluca C says

    art is supposed to make people feel. did you feel anything while watching this? I'm sure you felt either disgusted or disturbed, then I think this is art.

  45. PoCanDo _ says

    Dang that was something. Thanks @COOP

  46. Jesucristo Jesucristo says

    Realmente, no me gustó para nada. Su tema es totalmente enfermizo mental, psicológicamente loco. A pesar que la técnica fotográfica artística me parece interesante. Pero, la presentación temática es totalmente FATAL!!!
    😥 😨👎 👎

  47. 69indigoblue says

    Does the visual expression of your darkest visions make you an artist or just a photographer of your own weird reality?

  48. Corolex says

    You may be an artist, but do you have taste?

  49. Razza Meh says


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