Everything You Need To Know About Photography in 10 Minutes


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  1. Gab rie le says

    I want to study photography once I finish school and this video for sure made my future studies easier😂

  2. Cheryl Goer says

    This is very helpful! Thanks Shelby💛💛

  3. Nate Hills says

    Not going to lie, you should totally be modeling if you arnt already. Your eyes are gorgeous.

  4. Fella says

    I'm just starting with photography and those tips are simple to understand and priceless!! Thank you <3

  5. Selina und Max says

    Nice video!

  6. Alfred Arkorful says

    I love you Shelby, you look just exactly like my dream woman.

  7. Couldbegangsta Empire says


  8. torisellers says

    Learned so much!! Thank you!!

  9. Benny Cook says

    I will take your class

  10. theVlgoOfShouwn says

    Ouw my god thankyou about your information I very love you

  11. Gabrielle Stieb says

    This video literally helped me so much more to learn about photography! In your opinion: is buying the canon 80D 18-135mm a good camera for beginners? 💕

  12. PERTHXOTIX says

    ISO 100 Is optimum. ISO 400 Is the danger zone

  13. Aymaan Sumandi says

    Completely misleading explanation of the phrase "native ISO"….

  14. Z says

    Native ISO is your base ISO. So the lowest ISO your camera can go. For yours it would be ISO 100. ISO 200, 400, 800, are full stops. ISO 200 will give you double the light than ISO 100. ISO 400 will give you double the light that ISO 200 will, and so on. It's also the thing you'd want to set first.

  15. Evelyn Grace says

    Hi Shelby, what camera do you use?

  16. Zennepcox says

    How do you get photos of cars like you did?

  17. Miranda R says

    what DLSR camera would you recommend to someone who's new/a beginner to photography? Id really appreciate your advice! please make more videos like these, so helpful!

  18. Emma Rebecca says

    I love photography but still slowly learning, so this was sooo helpful! You explained everything so well and it got me more excited to use my camera 🙂

  19. David Holmes says

    I started shooting professionally in 1974. Usually manual. On digital I shoot "almost manual".

    1. I lock in the ISO to 100 or 200.
    2. Shoot at the maximum aperture (1.2 – or 1.8 etc.)
    3. Set the camera on Aperture Priority so that the exposure is adjusted by the shutter speed.
    4. Leave the EV setting set to always be minus 1/3 stop (like shooting slide film)

    Full manual is great when there is no pressure, but at a wedding or one time event you will make mistakes when you are distracted during a high pressure shoot that can't be repeated so full manual is problematic. This gives shallow depth of field, good skin tones, and an image that will be good on every frame. If you get distracted on full manual you will wind up with frames over or under exposed and there is little to do to fix that. At weddings you will shoot several frames per minute non-stop for 2 to 4 hours. The really important thing is you can't re-shoot. Also shoot at the highest resolution (duh) and in the fine mode.

  20. Caley Busby says

    this is the best i’ve heard all of this explained!! thank you so much!!

  21. Emma Berry says

    What camera do you use??


  23. Evelina Gutauskaitė says

    cool, now I just need a camera

  24. Jade Batley says

    This video helped me so much! I studied photography for a-Level and will be studying photography at university next month but I’ve never actually learned any of this because my teacher was so bad. I can finally get more comfortable with taking the best photos I can. Thanks Shelby 😊❤️

  25. Nicole Sherry says

    I've been trying to take photos of water moving, and I want it to have that smooth look from a slow shutter speed, but they always come out overexposed. How can I fix this?

  26. Claire Bear15 says

    So helpful!

  27. the happy show says

    I would like to cable with you

  28. 222 111 says

    Is Leika Camera good for landscape :)? Thanks

  29. Suana Flores i says

    THANKS!!! Can we have a part two of this?

  30. Samantha Gardner says

    You look so pretty AH

  31. Nea Brännfors says

    This was so helpful!

  32. Life With Rukh AZ says

    You taught me the aperture thing. Thank you so much 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️

  33. davva360 says

    The simplest way to explain this is as follows:

    If you want to control motion blur you would set your shutter speed first, then adjust your aperture accordingly to control exposure. If you are looking to control depth of field you would set your aperture first then adjust your shutter speed. ISO is something you don't usually need to worry about unless you are pushing the camera outside of the limits of ISO 100. I leave mine on ISO 100 almost all the time and only increase it if I have no choice.

    The reality is most of the time you do not need to shoot in manual mode. You can shoot in aperture priority mode when you are looking to control depth of field and shoot in shutter priority mode when you are looking to control motion blur. Using these "semi auto" modes means you really only have to worry about one setting depending on what you are trying to achieve.

    I usually only drop into full manual mode if I am trying to do long exposure photography using ND filters or something else more advanced.

  34. Cassandra Mostad says

    What camera would you recommend upgrading to i have a canon reble t6 now and have been doing photography for the past year and im looking to upgrade what would you recommend?

  35. Merve Dursun says

    Hello 💕What camera do you recommend to beginners in photography?

  36. Sara Torres says

    Damn, you don’t even know how to hold the camera right

  37. Jordan Alleva says

    did you use the 80D or 5D to record this video? sorry if you mentioned it in this video, i must've missed it if so.. thanks!

  38. tamara vs damjan says

    I'm a new subscriber! 😀

  39. EhvanTea says

    Dang, she’s cute

  40. Anca Precub says

    the aperture does not open the camera but the LENS!

  41. Cherish Payne says

    you should do another video testing out easy ways to make money and if they actually work I was wondering if you could do the website called UserTesting I wanted to know if it works

  42. Mar Penguin says

    Can you make a video just about lenses? Bc I have no idea about them and I rlly wanna learn

  43. Rose Buds says


  44. XXamelia XX says

    Why didn’t I find this video earlier!

  45. Anneka Jane says

    This was just what I needed! I have just bought a new camera x

  46. Monica Reyes says

    Wowow this was really helpful! Thank you shelby!

  47. Tamara Feliciano says

    Incredibly helpful! Awesome!

  48. Ms Meehnia says

    Very helpful

  49. Yarelas Chavez says

    Thank you Shelby for the tips because I want to be a photographer📷 and a YouTube📷

  50. Patrik Kysela says

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