9 quick tips for BETTER BLACK & WHITE photos


These days, colour is the default from the casual smartphone shooter to the professional photographer with the high-spec DSLR. Black and white has become a filter, an afterthought, a way of ‘rescuing’ problematic shots.

But black and white is more than an editing technique, it’s a completely different way of working. A completely different photographic language.

Making the conscious choice to create black and white photography will help you develop your visual senses and force you to see the world differently.

In this video, I run through 9 tips and techniques to help you develop your black and white photography.

♫Music By♫
●Brock Berrigan – Scenic Route
●Song –
●Follow Brock Berrigan –

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  1. CPTMorningWood says

    Can't wait to watch this channel blow up! Keep up the good work man

  2. Didier Karibian says

    Bla-bla bla :"color is for documentation,b&w for Art"-are greats paints in B&W ? NO,and the question is may be photography is NOT art ,tout simplement remember Charles Baudelaire about photography -do not be so pretentious, Art is dead,now it is commercial value only

  3. jack heriges says

    18 yr old Jamie looking like Ryan Howard

  4. Tommy Victor Buch says

    Perhaps one of your best videos so far, Jamie. And I'm glad you've dropped the ringlight in your eyes. It doesn't work well on a man 😉
    Greetings from Denmark.

  5. Blythe Warland says

    funny I learnt photography at school back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I'm the same while I do take mostly colour now, my 'art' is B&W. to the point where I am going to get a film camera to do both film and B&W

  6. Kenneth D. Aston Jr. says

    B&W coveys emotion. You can play with light, shadows, DOF, composition and create emotions in the viewer.

  7. Ivan farians says

    Black and white More aesthetic and depth
    Here some My work : https://abdelmajidfriha.com/


    Black and White is for art 😉

  9. rembeadgc says

    I've enjoyed your videos a lot. This one is great as well. It's my opinion that we should try to stop calling it "Black and White" photography and call it Greyscale. The literal reasons, to me, seem obvious. The general tonal components are not just black or white, but a majority of gradations between the two extremes. I think B&W is a colloquialism that we've become used to. Why is it an issue to me? Because human ideas "cross-pollenate" and accurate, responsible language should be encouraged in all fields. There are other fields of human understanding where a disregard for the accurate use of the terms "black" and "white" are also an inaccurate representation. I think the social correlations are spot on. Just wanted to share. Keep up the good work.

  10. Crucifixion Machine says

    I mentioned this in another of your posts… but it was Ansel Adams phrase: Taking vs Making a photograph…. words are important, words are so important that when you start using the words verbally, not just written, or thought of, you change the way you approach things.

    so such in photography, MAKING a photograph becomes important.

  11. Stephen Soukup says

    great video. BnW is my favoritie and what I started w/ back in the 80s in High School. beautiful shots and great seeing all those iconic BnW images by some of the masters. It was becaue of Ansel that I wanted to start my photography

  12. Azenturi says

    I grew up shooting nothing but color, but I never really thought of the color being the reason I shot. I just thought "Well that composition or thing looks good." and still do. I look more at contrast than I do the color. If the color of something itself didn't catch my eye, chances are what I'm shooting would look good in color or black and white. If the contrast or details caught my eye, it's probably going to look better in black and white. And God forbid I look at a clear sky. I immediately start wishing I had an infrared camera and instantly think about making a fake IR edit in post.

  13. Raccoon says

    dodge & burn is not any different than photoshop, I don't like either

  14. lcador9 says

    You suggest at being such a serious and thoughtful Dude but what a wonderful sense of humor! (11:16 seconds)

  15. Plenty of nice and useful reminders. Thanks

  16. Eskwyre says

    Harrow on the hill… where I am 😀 haha

  17. Steve Turner says

    Great Video. I love Black and White images. Thanks for the inspiration

  18. a.27 666 says

    Great video!!!

  19. David Cochran says

    I can’t even think in color when i shoot. I had a professor in art school that said that you can’t shoot color and black and white at the same time

  20. Dale Everett says

    I just watched this again and it was better than the first time.

  21. lucky vanilla says

    i love u 😍

  22. Kiera Heffernan says

    I LOVE your videos! Keep up the good work man

  23. Blue Sera Films says

    Excellent advice, mate. Especially the part about actually seeing and photographing in black and white in the first place rather than just simply converting in post. Shooting in black and white definitely rendered light differently for me and made me see the world and shapes differently too. I just love this channel, it's a hidden gem. Are you on Vimeo by any chance???

  24. John Driggers says

    Your videos are solid. Good information, well presented. I always learn from them. Respect.

  25. Craig Morrison says

    Well done video. You are natural teacher.

  26. Daniel Montenegro says

    Very well done! Thanks for sharing this.

  27. Kev KJOATMONH says

    Getting more sepia & infrared film feel from some of these.

  28. Jeffrey Daniel says

    Great content! Love the use of historical facts, quotes and footage. This channel is highly educational, keep it up!

  29. Theodore says

    I get it. In general, BW and monochromatic images tend to require greater DOF to emphasize patterns, shapes, textures, relationship between the objects, and light and dark. Color images tend to require lesser DOF to isolate and emphasize subjects from distracting backgrounds. Of course, there are always exceptions to generalization, but it is a good start. Thanks

  30. 20x25 says

    thank you for your wonderful video! Why don't you talk about seeing black and white through the EVF? My photographic work is mostly in BW, and the EVF of my Fuji camera is always on BW mode!

  31. Boxxeighty says

    Is the Barbican where the clip for Aphex Twin's Come to Daddy was filmed?
    It looks really familiar.

  32. 1978ajax says

    I started in B/W (35mm film) before you were born, and I still learned something today watching this. Well made round up and tips – thanks.
    Wouldn't mind if you kept the b/g music a little lower in volume – just an aside.

  33. Nikolay Cheltsov says

    You are so expressive in creating video content, why are you making photo channel (which is very, very good) but not a video one?

  34. Oscar Furtado says

    you're amazing, keep em coming!

  35. Robin Horton says

    A great video, lots of useful info thanks.

  36. rich Mck says

    Another fine video tip!
    What music was it you used to close out your Barbican set and leave us at Harrow on the Hill Tube stn?

  37. The Great Vanzinni! says

    Dang, your pics at the end are great.

  38. Duncan MacLeod says

    Grandes consejos. De verdad me han servido mucho 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

  39. andy fielding says

    I stumbled on this video and I'm so pleased that I did.
    I have always loved B&W photos,portraits in particular.
    (Check out the album cover of Blood,by This Mortal Coil,for example.Or the album Down Colorful Hill,by Red House Painters)

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