What to Pack in Your Newborn Photography Toolkit with Ana Brandt


Ana Brandt reveals what she carries with her for newborn photography shoots.

Ana has supplies for absorbing newborn pee, calming gassy babies, and soothing peeling skin. She shares her favorites in this clip from the Photo Week class, Newborns: Props and Posing.

Watch Ana pose a 4-day-old baby and get more tips here:

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  1. guru photo myladuthurai says


  2. Pavitra Kumar Kunder says

    Gassy Baby.. haha..

  3. Shaun Hill says

    Are you perhaps referring to Aquaphor Healing Ointment?

  4. Shaun Hill says

    Anyone in the UK know of an equivalent product to Aqua 4?

  5. Dijonne Stricklen says

    Make sure you have everything you need to do your job with the new born baby. Photography.

  6. Fotografia Studio Imagen says

    i love it!!! thank you!

  7. Sunny V says

    Ana, can you give the link for lulu's little nest that you used?

  8. Ana Brandt says

    Gripe Water is a natural remedy and you can find information here – http://www.mommysbliss.com/store/products/gripe-water/ We have a retail store and sell it in our store. We have travel packs available that we can gift the clients or they can purchase. We do not give babies Gripe Water – we give it to the parents to use if they feel it is needed.

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