Photography Basics & Getting Off 'Auto' – Photography Course Pt 2

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Get ready to turn off ‘Auto’ and take control of your camera! Learn everything from the basics of how your camera works and correct technique through to setting your AF mode, AF points, resolution and more.

Previously $480, this popular photography course by award-winning Australian Geographic photographer Chris Bray’s is now online! Parts 1-5 are FREE and Parts 6-10 only $5 each. Don’t forget to watch the other videos in this series and buy the photography course handbook and summary clip cards at

  1. Prem Ramman says

    OMG, I never knew there existed a diopter next to my view-finder. I always thought its my eyes and always used live view on the LCD panel !!

  2. Serendipity Seeker says

    The diopter tip is so helpful, it was a problem which made it so hard to take photos through the viewfinder, thank you for all the valuable information.

  3. J.C's Herp Hub says

    Your video's are by far the best and easiest to follow. I wish I had this a few years back!

  4. LBD GUITAR says

    thanks for the video, total camera beginner here and this is exactly what i needed

  5. FilmBizDude says

    Your lens cap logo is upside down – details details details, js 😛

  6. melvin tayko says

    You're a Godsend.

  7. Must_Overcome says

    What a blessing you truly are!!

  8. jason Francis says

    Chris you should make a video about shooting in RAW and JPEG.

  9. yonkeythedonkey says

    Sponsored by Bonds? 😉

  10. LET'S UNBOX says

    Why you have so less amount of subscribers

  11. kittie jedidiah says

    The explanation in this video is so amazing. here are two month free lesson, A Beginner's Guide >>

  12. katz stevea says

    Wonderful tutorial, you explained those in such an easy way. I have some paid lesson but I decided to give free access for two months now >>

  13. The best course I've seen yet.

  14. Ashish Roy says

    You are a great teacher, your style is second to none. Hat's off

  15. SÅ‚awoj Ch says


  16. Nicolás Morrone Clar says

    You truly are the best.

  17. Tristan None scan says

    this deserve more views keep it up 😊😊

  18. Saroj Elli says

    Your tutorial is so helpful and simplified for a newbie like me.

  19. tHe YouTHsteR says

    Sir you help me a lot, i jot down your words into notes. Thank you 😊😊😊. Love from India 🙂🙂🙂

  20. Isaac Truman says

    I like your way of explaining, love your style, you are a born teacher. Best wishes boss !

  21. Rama RamzZy says

    I've been searching for photography tutorials for a while and this series is the best I've watched so far. Quite helpful.

  22. Vic Club says

    You are seriously the best instructor, at least on the photography front. Like I've been searching and searching for someone that makes sense. You're literally perfect! Thanx so much!

  23. martin jose Grisola says

    i am a beginner and your tutorials are so clear and helpful. It makes me bring out more passion to become a good photographer. thank you very much!

  24. Kamrul Hasan says

    Thank you Cris for your effective tutorial!

  25. Karthikeyan Thiyagarajan says

    Really you are great thank you very much

  26. Dave Allmark says

    Great refresher – Thanks Chris!

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