How to take a picture of a black hole | Katie Bouman

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At the heart of the Milky Way, there’s a supermassive black hole that feeds off a spinning disk of hot gas, sucking up anything that ventures too close — even light. We can’t see it, but its event horizon casts a shadow, and an image of that shadow could help answer some important questions about the universe. Scientists used to think that making such an image would require a telescope the size of Earth — until Katie Bouman and a team of astronomers came up with a clever alternative. Bouman explains how we can take a picture of the ultimate dark using the Event Horizon Telescope.

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  1. Lyallpurya Shair says

    You inspired me to do Phd. Thanks

  2. DBHLL Productions says

    Well she was right

  3. ViennaForever says

    So, SHE devised the algorithms that would take funky data that does not look by itself as an image of a black hole.
    She constructed the math processes that would generate out of all the data something that looks incredibly similar to her own imagination more than 2 years before.

    Is there perhaps another reason that the resultant triumphal black hole image that her data processing algorithms spit out look ALMOST IDENTICAL to her guesses more than 2 years before?

    "to find the MOST REASONABLE Image that also fits the telescope measurements"
    "Reasonable" is human subjective guessing
    Algorithms are told by humans what they should be looking for and what "irrelevant data" to discard and are developed in a step-by-step process using computers that are programmed with their own software biases.

    This black hole observed by human eyes in space itself near enough to stay clear of gravitational pull but close enough to observe with the naked eye and telescopic aids may indeed look almost precisely as Katie and crew predicted.

    But, in light of how data today is parsed by so many algorithms to determine so many "trends" & used to Make Predictions, I am a bit suspicious of so many of our revelations dependent on gathering "data" that is so rough it must be processed by Algorithms to make it "clearer" .

  4. TheLastCreator says


    just use Huawei P30 Pro

  5. primo man says

    Google makes videos like this on March 31st.. it say so many technology, tables, photos, etc that all look real only the last line in the end saying available on march 31st tells everything was fake. is this is also like that… ? did they fooled us showing a graphic picture to proove that we are working on great things and we need more billions?

  6. Rahul Bhuiya says

    Why it feels like I'm watching a film

  7. Snatcher's Soul says

    Good presentation!

  8. AVIK SARKAR says

    Hats off to you mam

  9. javier cruz says

    i have crush on her…..

  10. Maria Maria says

    Great job! Congrats!

  11. violetly 64 says

    And they did it

  12. ArthurDentDK says

    Very cool video. I remember doing eigenvector decomposition in an engineering course to reduce noise in a scrambled version of Mona Lisa, which also creates a feature set of e.g. straight lines at different angles, semicircles, gradients etc. Using a massive amount of images would lead to a very robust set of features. This video really made me feel that I understand the fundamentals of the method. Cool! 😀

  13. shopping cart says

    wow??!! this aged well didnt it??

  14. Nicu Girbu says

    How to take a photo of a black hole. Step 1
    Take a black woman and grab your phone.:)

  15. Alfi Dwi says

    Noble praise for him

  16. Delilah Lah says

    men triggered because it's a female who gets all the attention for the first time.

  17. Kiss Béla says

    It is a false and simple feminist propaganda and SJW lie.

  18. fakhera albloushi says


  19. ElRulas says

    Thank Andrew chael…

  20. ReroMan says

    I tought you just need a toilet and one explosive diarrhea…

  21. kaasia hyioss says

    Wow came true

  22. Luxdarls ! says

    Back when it was a dream !!
    It is such a breakthrough !! I wish Einstein and Hawking were alive now !!

  23. Black hole is area where Ether density close to zero.
    So light cannot travel through its.
    And gravitation is just Ether pressure.

  24. Anupam Raj says

    Marry me ?

  25. Rey Rey says

    Self-fulfilling prophecy. Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes with gobbledygook.

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