7 simple photography hacks


Photographer Leo Rosas presents a photography tutorial with 7 simple tips & tricks.

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GoPro Hero:
Ikea Egg Timer:
Tripod Mount:

Camera – Nikon D4:
Camera – GoPro Hero:
Editing Software – Final Cut Pro:
Editing Software – Adobe After Effects:

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Producer: Ulrich Grill, zooom productions (
Photographer: Leo Rosas
Model: Marc Schwarz
Cinematography & Editing: Holger Väth / Andrea Scherthaner

  1. Cuộc Sống Mà channel says

    I will never ever.

  2. Hefzul Bahar says

    Sony should watch this video

  3. Dimis Varsos says

    A 50mm 1.8 lens costs as much as the things you need and time 🙂

  4. Supreme says


  5. WILD says


  6. HCI Channel says


  7. Aline Moraes says

    BRASIL 🇧🇷

  8. Devendra Pisda says

    Except first one everything looks like forced tricks.

  9. Lyxa says

    tbh you can just do most of these things during post

  10. Unboxing and Gaming says

    1:18 just blow air into a plastic bag for flash diffuser

  11. Shash Gamer says


  12. PUJANGGA channel says

    waw gud job

  13. Priyanshu Jigar says


  14. nortes92 says

    What objective do you use in the camera?

  15. Mr. POP says

    Stupid !!

  16. Sami Taneja says

    I like the last one..

  17. Scaptera says


  18. Rosy Rose says

    I have Canon 750D and I want a tripod that is bigger in size, durable and in affordable prices. Please suggest.

  19. baseborn kids says

    got one good thing out of this instead of buying an nd filter I'll give the welding glass a try

  20. DD SOURCE says

    Do a smartphone camera video

  21. Anamul Haque says

    Last one is awesome

  22. Arianna Heart says

    Is it safe to do the vaseline hack without a filter?

  23. Arianna Heart says

    The Vaseline hack would take some amazing freaking photos, especially for the type of photography I plan to do. I have a Nikon D3400.

  24. mysteries of humanity says

    dont do the vasaline hack. it will ruin your lens of ur expinsive camera and you can do the effect in any kind of fotoshop.

  25. Ayanna says

    5nd 😂😂

  26. Shahin Ahmed says

    & LOGO DESIGN SERVICE COMPANY. https://shahininternational.com/illustration.pdf

  27. Pete Pedroza says

    @2:42 really dig the bokeh hack, thanks for the tip.

  28. Katie Smith says

    Am I the only one not putting Vaseline on my $700 camera? No? Okay.

  29. Sf Minifineapple10 says

    The thing is that I don't have a camera 😓

  30. Mia says

    I take pictures with my phone, it actually works really well!

  31. Room 2 says

    Really good job

  32. Melony Vance says

    Great content

  33. Nic Hilton says

    Love the egg timer! Check out my trendy tricks if you wish!

  34. Birds Rock says

    What’s he name of the tool you’re using to cut circles?

  35. M. Smith says

    THAT WAS GOLD!!!!!

  36. noodle says

    All 'hacks' you can do in Photoshop…

  37. JandJ says

    Does anyone else keep getting the udemy ad

  38. Mike Alder says

    Very cool. I will have to try all of them and make a video of it…

  39. Kinjal Sharma says

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  40. vladimer33 says

    Amazing!!!, thanks for the video :D.

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