1. Henbu says

    5 fire B-roll HACKS ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_IiORhr9tw&t=56s
    Everything COLOR GRADED with My CUSTOM LUT PACK! :https://sellfy.com/p/sa6i/

  2. Grand Chungus says

    This doesn't look like photography, that looks like kids playing arround with a V-Tech camera.

  3. Osmer Escarraga says

    Waste of time watching… Useless!!!!

  4. ArMania 47 says

    I want to give you more than a dislike button!
    But there is no option for that!

  5. قناة اوتار says

    Subscribe to my channel Share funny Arabic videos and motivate you to learn about Arabic culture and thanks to those who subscribe to my channel ❤❤❤

  6. Erik Nicolas says

    Who else had to slow down the speed

  7. Mohamed zadhil says

    Nice 😃👌

  8. Votso Sothu says

    Got new camera! Let me make a video for youtube !

  9. Jurgis Kasperavičius says

    Sorry but am i poor to like not have 100 lens to destroy with vaseline?

  10. Jenna Keith says

    Don't tell me I just saw you smear chapstick on your lens😨

  11. RainyDragon says

    most of them looks like shit

  12. Moideen Moidu says

    Last one is great

  13. tee biz says

    you get one dislike for the video for that quick shout in the beginning – am pinning to fuck your ass and your mother as well

  14. TheBuffNerds says

    Henbu! you should check out PrismLensFX! They make dope handheld devices for mounting prisms for photo and video!

  15. Daniela Martinez says

    Who is Peter McKinnon??!!!

  16. Europa Point n' music says

    Dude, im soo tagging you in my work from the tips that you gave out!, most defo you'll know when you see this account pop up @nurko.grazler sweet vid!

  17. Giacomo says

    Precise, short and everything you need to know about those little things in one single video. Well done man

  18. dz smae il says

    Niiiiise bro

  19. Davide Bonometti says

    Question: is it a Nikon d7000 still valid today? I've got the possibility to buy it for 300€, should I buy it?

  20. Louis Davis says

    That’s quick ! I managed 5 in 2 minutes with my dog 😀

  21. Rodrigo León says

    they are shit

  22. José Granados says

    Sony camera?

  23. IDLY says

    When you want to be hayden but youre 100 times worse…

  24. Waffle Spice says

    Amazing. I just purchased hack 11. I always wanted to get ever closer to my objects or subjects. Thanks bro!

  25. Crows Mashups says

    Subscribe in our channel we have a nice things


    Whats this is camera ?

  27. UH Vlogs says
  28. حسين علي Hussain Ali says


  29. Sadik Review says

    This lens will officially change the porn industry forever.

  30. KingTayeGaming says

    Did i ask for picture hacks? No!

  31. Without an explanation I have no idea what you are doing in most of those shots!

  32. Semana Santa Huelva says

    Thankss for ideas. Gracias por las ideas!!

  33. jian clara says

    2:25 mad

  34. cluxseltoot says

    Can you make a video where you disappear up your own asshole?

  35. WSWEss says

    towel slider is so fucking nice!!!!

  36. ahmad zaky says

    What's camera are u using

  37. че то хрень какая то

  38. bob rock says

    dude,you have samo shit in the bag 02:35

  39. Rahul Rana says

    Plz let me know how u make background cloure i loved it plz

  40. Amalgam X says

    Hey Peter love your videos. They are really…. wait a minute….. 🙄

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