Shit Clients Say to Photographers
Life as a photographer isn’t as glamorous as you might think.
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Life as a photographer isn’t as glamorous as you might think.
A initially learned photography as a kid shooting black & white then developing the photos in a dark room, that was a magical time and sparked my interest in photography. As I got older I dabbled in digital photography but wasn't until my kids were born that i really started to get an active interest back in it all.
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This video made me angey
This is completely true
I want it for less money or free, and I need it yesterday, and I need all the files but for the same price we agreed for one.
Lmao, lost it a "I'm having diarrhea" xD
"I am having a diarrhea at the moment"
"I'm open to any creative Idea" (fuck this I'm not creative!)
(Actually exactly that was said to me)
If someone says "Great shot! You must have a great camera!"
Tell them "Yeah, runs in the family, my Granny's cooking is the best…but that's because she has such a great stove."
"My fiancΓ© had her friend do the engagement photos for free."
i think i hate the last one the most
These are what I said every week lol
The photoshop bit is so relatable
I'm not a pro photographer by any stretch of the imagination but I still liked this video.
Oh man have I heard all them. I just wish there were a way to do my work and not interact with clients sometimes lol. Sadly that's impossible xD
Maybe I should have been an MRI technician or somthing…
These are the exact reasons that you need a big camera. Not for better photos, just so that you can smack clients in the face with it.
Haaaaaah. I could feel myself getting annoyed at even the thought of some of those xD
I want to take couple photos. But your portfolio don't have couples posing. Meaning "can you shoot for free, you will have couple posing photos after that in your portfolio thereafter". Some 'customers' are predictable. If you have been around long enough, its the same trickery. Behind the computer communicating you can already read the minds of theirs. No one will bother to tell you when they are not satisfied with your portfolio, they will proceed to the next photographer they find online. When they bother to reply, they want freebies.
lok is your English getting worse?
Client: My uncle can do it for free
Me: Well if your uncle can do it for free, Then i guess i should be on my way, Because you got quite a deal, A free photo shoot, Well you have a great day. Walks Away
That is seriously what i'm going to do if anyone mentions they can have someone doing it for free.
Not a pro, but I've gotten the whole "you must have a really nice camera" comment so much, and to anyone who ever even thinks of saying that, its fucking insulting…
I once took photos for a local band. Made them look amazing. The guitar and bass player both loved them, but the drummer (who had absolutely no idea what a camera was) said that the photos "looked like the f-stop was closed."
LOL! and so true … great way to take all that S**!
Rita really does have a beautiful smile!
So true, especially the bargaining part …
Wow you take great photos, you must have a great camera… (heard that more than once)
lol wow … sometimes people suck …
Everything said in this I can COMPLETELY relate to. God It's such a bitch when you're dealing with those kind of clients… -_-
Everything said in this I can COMPLETELY relate to. God It's such a bitch when you're dealing with those kind of clients… -_-
ALL of these are so true! When I was a working pro, I found it easier to sell a $1000. wedding shoot (would be $2000. now, adjusted for inflation) to a family with very little money, than I did to sell a "film plus processing cost and 50 bucks for my time" deal to a multi million dollar company. I can hear them now "We don't need anything really professional, just need a few snapshots." Then, either when I got there, or when they saw what they got, it became clear that what they really wanted was Madison Ave. grade, large format, studio lighting, and Ford Agency models. For fifty bucks, of course. Here is one: I had an ad agency call me for some cityscapes once, they had a couple of particular areas in mind. Not too hard to shoot, it was going to run them $135. and that INCLUDED film and processing (I know I am dating myself here, I retired from pro work over 17 years ago), they got back in touch with me and said they simply could not afford it, so they had gotten a few slides from the Chamber of Commerce to use. Well, the slides were ones I HAD DONATED TO THE CHAMBER to promote the city with. They beat me out of a sale with my own slides! I had told them they could do whatever with them, so it was a little difficult to argue copyright with them, I did not bother. Another time, I was an officer in a camera club, and a local publisher came to the club wanting 12 photos by members of the club. Their pay would be getting their name on the calendar. That time I won, though, in a way, I convinced the club members to not GIVE the publisher the images, though they still did not charge what the images were worth. Regarding the "you must have a really good camera" thing, I usually respond with "Have you read that new John Grisham book? He must have a really good keyboard!"
So true for any type of business that is linked to creativity- loved the responses from payments "have diarrhea" hahahahhah