Mobius 2 multi-purpose Mini Camera is finally worth a shot


The Mobius 2 has been available months, but still performed like a beta product until the recent introduction of much improved firmware. Now it’s finally ready for a review… (CLICK ‘SHOW MORE’….)
(Firmware version = 2.03 at time review was published)

The manufacturer is in Hong Kong and sells the Mobius 2 worldwide directly through ebay. Click your country below to be taken to the Mobius 2 on their store.


Also available from Amazon in the US:

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Special thanks to Jerobeam Fenderson for the intro animation.

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This camera was bought from ebay (it is not a review sample)

The chap on the violin was

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  1. Intermezzo says

    Oh god i first thought you said "I ductaped it to my cat"

  2. captvid56 says

    It looks like the Mobius 2 is no longer available. Do you have a recommendation if I can't find a Mobius 2?

  3. jhsevs says

    Is this discontinued for some reason? is there a better version around? I can't find it on eletoponline365 on ebay

  4. SqueezyCheez says

    The eBay links you have posted… are they counterfeits? They don't look like the Mobius 2 in your review.

  5. David Damico says

    The pronounced fish eye effect is really annoying. This alone makes me shy away from the Mobius 2.

  6. Slyder81 says

    Great review! Thanks to it, I'll be buying this camera now! 🙂

  7. Laurens Fluck says

    Moan for me

  8. kimi says

    mobius 1 with a newer lens is just better than mobius 2. i have both camera and i dont really understand how they can make the newer version producing less good quality than the older verison. flat colors, noisy, mostly in darker places. so its not even better in dark places and thats why i bought it in the first place. Also after few months i already have problem with the buttons somtime. So only In battery life and fps beating the older version which is not not much.

  9. Lip stick says

    What has 4k at 120 plus speed and is better than the FireFly or Mobius cameras???

  10. Gustavo V says

    Hello guys!!! I wonder witch dash-cams are the ones that the Russians most use …..!!
    Please if some one knows let me know, thank you very much !!

  11. Marius Video says

    Very interesting camera

  12. Anne Adams Photography says

    Do you know what the range for motion detection is? How close do you have to be before the camera picks you up?

  13. Gopi Chandere says

    price Kay hai

  14. postbreak says

    Why didn't you review the Navdy? Figure it would be up your alley now that the company is dead.

  15. Tamara Ching says

    You're the best and most thorough and least boring techies posting, Another thumb up video for 100% of the time. Bravo.

  16. trident3b says

    copper? looks like brass to me, but, well, not important.

  17. Bobby Slater says

    Nice camera but images are a bit too fish-eye for me.

  18. DJ UNCLE GEN says

    I like the 1st one, position of the buttons….

  19. Brett Seedhouse says

    Hello, Sorry to ask a question on a video so long after it was uploaded.
    I was wondering if the Mobius 2 camera is able to have an extension cable for the camera & lens.
    I only ask as this would be very ideal to setup as a stealth Dash Cam in my car. As I have a convertible I don't want to have a normal dash cam as I wouldn't be able to leave it in the vehicle without a higher chance of it being stolen (the small disadvantage of leaving the roof off).
    I know the original Mobius did have an extension lead for this purpose (i think it was intended to place the body inside an RC aircraft or vehicle then the camera/lens mounted externally).
    Perhaps they are compatible? I just haven't managed to find any information for modifications to the mobius 2.

  20. Jim Steinbrecher says

    the date on circuit boards is generally the date when that specific layout was designed, not necessarily when it was assembled.

  21. DeMeaning Plebny says

    Can you put the C2 lens on it, or is there some reason why one wouldn't need to do that with the Vs. 2 ?

  22. Danny mullane says

    You're a very interesting person and the way you explain things are user friendly keep them going please

  23. Zenas Starchild says

    That lady muppet needs some detergent to clean out that mouth of hers…

  24. Wajid Furqan says

    and you were doing 35mph in 30 zone?

  25. Supertyp says

    Are there any actioncams without that annoying fisheye distortion?

  26. Red Dwarf says

    Very informative, thank you 🙂

  27. Steve McIlroy says

    nice one thanks

  28. Darryl Learie says

    For drone enthusiasts I would strongly suggests mentioning the weight of these cameras in grams. We’re always concerned with a weight to quality ratio.

  29. hey the violin player was Ed Alleyne-Johnson

  30. Paddle Face says

    Can 720p 100fps or 120fps be used with wide dynamic range? If I remember correctly wide dynamic range could only be used with 1080p in the previous model.

  31. Jean-François Noël says

    Great video, especially the part where you explain how to change the settings on a Mac!
    Do you know how to get a live feed with it? Would be useful if you want to change the lens and easily find the right focus.

  32. FSXNOOB - GAMES & MORE says

    I'm suprised with the quality, for just 60 euro's its pretty nice.

  33. Daniel Cordell says

    Whats the point having that dynamic range option on the camera if it aleady has it under a colour mode called Vivid which would give you high dynamic colours with no grain because you can use it in normal mode too.

    Vivid = High Dynamic Colour Range on almost every TV set so must be same on camera.

    I wonder if combining the high dynamic range with high dynamic colours known as Vivid mode improves the performance of the mode any though as if it does thats probbably a useful tip for you to toy with.

    Don't forget you were using normal mode with normal colours but was using dynamic mode with normal colours not the vivid or in my simplemans terms for people like me dynamic colours mode combined with dynamic shots mode.

    I doubt it would make any difference to the level of grain though but having the colour mode set to the same as the shot mode might make minor differences like normal shots with normal colours and dynamic shots mode with vivid dynamic colour range might be the optimum for the shot modes giving the best video.

  34. Zar's Variety Channel says

    Can you do a review on the new Mini Mobius compared to the original and the 2? That would be Fab! TY

  35. Fredo Mordaunt says

    Techmoan – I like your no-nonsensibilities… And please make more reviews and yes I am a retro-tech afficianado – I'm still looking for a sexy Reel-to-Real machine like that. And I am still learning to use my minidisk recorder.

  36. A Jalal says

    Many thanks it is very helpful.

  37. Can you use it in h.265 usb webcam mode? thx

  38. NIC4X4 CAM says

    Is there only one lens option for the Mobius 2?

  39. Yu Jay says

    Waterproof case?

  40. Desert Rider says

    Why would one want to replace the battery with a capacitor for a dash cam? What are the benefits and can I just leave the battery in it as a dash cam?

  41. Desert Rider says

    Is this better with heat? Also is it better as a dash cam then the original mobius?

  42. Lazy Bunny says

    This looks like a pretty good camera. Could probably change the settings on an ios/android device that supports OTG with the config file method. Using a microUSB to miniUSB cable/adapter(ebay?)

  43. Hassan says

    Interestingly, I liked that yellowy color-faded washed-out video way more than the newer one!

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