Free Photography Lessons, Part 4: Focus & Lenses


I gladly offer this basic, 5-part series of photography lessons FOR FREE! Our world has become increasingly visual in the way we communicate. We not only take more pictures, we show them, send them and display them to more eyes than ever before. Wouldn’t it be nice to capture and show better pictures?

In this series, I get us thinking about…

1. How to tell a story with our photographs by understanding the 4 dimensions associated with the art.

2. The basic elements of “composing” our photographic story. How do we put things in our viewfinders so people get the essence of that moment that inspired us.

3. Understanding exposure, light and color and how they combine to say what we want.

4. How lens choice and operation effects focus and how focus effects what we show in our photos

5. The people in our photographs and the people we are showing them to.

Please enjoy these lessons. They’re not meant to be comprehensive and their not meant to be exhaustive or advanced. That doesn’t mean I don’t encourage any questions you might want to post for either me to try to answer or anyone else who comes along.

Please, be kind, helpful and enjoy.

  1. jack002tuber says

    You don't mean effected, you mean affected.

  2. Aliyah Laeticia says

    Evening! Have you thought about photo sfxart tricks (search for it)? My mate Debbie made some amazing photography with their video lessons.

  3. Jimbacsi says

    Hey, I like that idea! I'm gonna give it a try! Thank you!

  4. Ashleyg2883 says

    For the human tripod part, I read that if you exhale slowly as you're taking the photo it will help you steady better, evidently people tend to hold their breath?
    Works wonders for me, and I use it constantly, it does make a difference. =)

  5. MGFamous says

    Just found your videos today and glad you left them up! I'm shooting with a Nikon D3000 and this video is GREAT! Thanks!!!!!

  6. guerrero5336 says

    You are the BEST! Thank You !!!!

  7. Levkin says

    @mychinesecrested – do you really want to spend $1200+ for a camera being a beginner? I got a D5000 for about $700 and this camera is way more than I really need as far as options are concerned.

  8. Leslie Nu says

    I am enjoying all of your videos. Your voice is very easy to listen to. Looking forward to more lessons from you. Thank_you very much.
    I am just getting into the DSLR's. I have always been a P & S person. I am looking to buy the Nikon D7000 when it comes out later this month. Any opinion?

  9. Sam Ives says

    For those that don't have a tripod, there's another alternative method to helping with camera shake.

    Do a search for 1 dollar image stabalizer 🙂

  10. Alex Tabrizi says

    Thank god, a tutorial thats actually useful. Thank you

  11. Cláudia Cunha says

    Thanks for this lessons! Really nice of u to do this for us! 🙂

  12. devtodev says

    I learnt a trick to tease my friends using Wide angle camera 🙂

  13. Sam Flame says

    Wow this rocks!

  14. ulstertower says

    Because of the posting of your video I have learnt something which is 100% useful to know!!

    Again Thanks 🙂

  15. Jimbacsi says

    You're welcome! Enjoy!

  16. ulstertower says

    Thank You!!

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