Canon EOS M100 real world review | best vlogging cam? | travel camera (english)





(best SD card)



Moin dear YouTube watchers and welcome to the review about the Canon EOS M100

+++ PROS +++

1. Compact and light
2. Fast autofocus
3. 1080p with 60fps
4. selfie display
5. cheap

+++ CONTRAS +++

1. no hot shoe
2. No port to attach an external microphone
3. Extra battery for 50€


Melanie & Daniel

### MY GEAR ###
(my camera)
(my actioncam)
(audio adapter for a better audio quality)
(my wide angle lens)
(my allrounder lens)
(my telephoto zoom lens)
(my fisheye lens)
(my wireless microphone)
(my video microphone)
(my actioncam microphone)


### GM-Foto ###

GM-Foto GmbH
Taunusstraße 47, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
069 2385700


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  1. free man says

    Thank you Daniel… I saw this in media world today here in Italy and the price are the same with Go-Pro so i was like trying to compare then i saw this vid of yours… I guess Canon is my perfect choice

  2. doggaki says

    Helpful information!! But please frame your video farther…

  3. Jhem Mhaye says

    Hi i have a question, what is the longest video length eos m100 can shoot? Because i tried mine and it only can shoot up to 10 mins. I wonder if there is a setti v that can lenghten the mins. Of video shooting. Pls help and advice

  4. Mohamad Ariff says

    The best review ever…thanks

  5. Thambi Oru Doubt says

    It has mic input or not..

  6. Mark Nicolai says

    How to set slowmo?

  7. David Ramirez says

    Thank you for this excellent video review.

  8. The Jolly Diaries says

    Very informative video! I am planning to buy this camera for my vlog. Keep it up! 🙂

  9. Nur Aini Dwi A says

    Could u please make a step by step video for take photo like you. I see your photoghrapy result is beautiful, I am quite new using camera especially m100.. Thank you

  10. Lbsnaa Lost says

    2:30 oh boy…thats a deal breaker for me!

  11. Saad Salama says

    eos m100 vs g9x mark ii which one you advice me to chose ? im interested in photography

  12. Jaythee Agbayani says


  13. AHMED MAMARI says


  14. David Williams says

    wrong, you can get more out of focus parts of your photo at 45mm vs 15mm even if you are at f5.6. zooming in actually blurs background more than changing aperture. physically, it's doing the same thing….zooming in is like getting that aperture closer compared to it's opening, thus lines of convergence act the same as if you're shooting an aperture much wider.

    don't believe me? shoot at 300mm f8, focus on something really close, bye bye background. Now compare that to a 35mm f2.8, frame the shot the same and the 300mm will be much more blurry. I should draw this out and make a vid to post.

  15. Sites4sight Multimedia says

    i dont like this guy

  16. Thanks!

  17. Greg says

    Hey. Thanks for the review i have a choice between SL2 and EOS M100. Both amazing cameras, almost same price same specs with small differences, can you recommend me which one to buy. Also is it possible for you to do a comparison video of those two?"

  18. ThuggyMacho says

    What lense did you use to film this?

  19. Sivakumar M says

    Thank you so much for this video. I've almost made my decision to buy this camera. I just have one unanswered question. Can the tilting screen be used like a tripod to make the camera rest at an angle facing upward (like 45°) when placed on the ground?

  20. Lucky Naz says

    Where is tripod link?

  21. Florida Hiker says

    Several lens manufacturers like Rokinon, Tamron, Samyang etc make ef-m mount lenses. There's about 25 ef-m mount lenses. Great review.

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