The Facebook Ad tactic for Wedding Photographers

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If you’re struggling to generate leads and bookings (plus sales) for your wedding photography business, this Facebook ad tactic is worth putting into action. It’s worked for me and hundreds of other photographers around the world and continues to convert amazingly well.

If your experience is anything like mine, once you meet a couple and get a chance to show your personality, build rapport and likeability, it’s pretty simple to convert an inquiry into a booking.

The beauty of this Facebook Ad tactic is you’ll be targeting engaged couples who have a wedding booked on a day you have free and who don’t already have a photographer booked for their wedding. Perfect right!?

And, the best part is you’ll be advertising for engagement shoots which is THE perfect time and place to demonstrate your skills, show how you work and build up that likeability and trust as you get to know one another.

If all goes well at your engagement shoot (no reason why it shouldn’t) there’s every chance the couple will book you for their wedding.

PLUS, you now have the ability to make a great sale from the engagement shoot OR use the images/files for the shoot as a ‘deal sweetener’ if the couple books you for their wedding.

I first learned the tactic while interviewing photography business coach Bernie Griffiths for episode 136 of the Photography Business Xposed podcast.

Since then, listeners, members and I have refined the tactic to book literally 100’s of engagement sessions and weddings.

I’ll cover the steps in the video but the key is to make your image stop people in the feed, then have your headline do the heavy lifting and capture your target audiences attention.

Once you have them reading, it’s a matter of saying exactly who you’re targeting with no fear of repelling the wrong people for you.

From here, you add your reason, a hook or incentive, scarcity and what to do next.

Try this – it really works!

  1. Tom Schelling says

    Hi there Andrew! Thank you for the video, I'm definitely going to give this a try! A quick question if you don't mind—if I do position it as say, I select 5 people, and let the ad run for 1-2 weeks to generate urgency (saying they need to sign up by x date), what would be a good strategy for running it again afterward?

    I would like to continuously run an add to generate leads, but don't want people to skip clicking for lack of urgency, or ignore it as they realize I've run the same contest a few times in a row lol.

    Thank you again!

  2. Amandeep Singh Multani says

    Amazing Video…very informative…Thanks mate.

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