Pro Photographer Toy Camera Challenge | TSL Vlogs


In this episode of TSL Vlogs, we challenged our collegaues from the Creative Department (John and Huy) to a Toy Camera Challenge over at the ArtScience Musuem. Watch the full video to see who did the best in the challenge!

Thank you ArtScience Museum for making this video possible!
Future World: Where Art Meets Science has its major transformation, where it introduces 10 new digital artworks.

For more information on Future World: Where Art Meets Science Exhibition, you can visit:

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Featuring (in order of appearance):
John Lim –
Huy –
Zhin Sadali –
Samantha –
Pepita Hope Wauren –

Produced By:
Chloe Cara –
Jeslene Chia –

Filmed by:
Bei Jun –
Chloe Cara

Edited by:
Chloe cara

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  1. TheSmartLocal says

    How did you like this competition between the two photographers?
    Did y'all enjoy this episode? Comment down on what you enjoyed the most in this video! πŸ™‚

  2. ColouredPixels says

    Edits was hella cool

  3. Reinardus Aditya says

    Very nice pictures 😍😍

  4. Yuen Ting Tsang says

    Waaa handsome boy and pretty girls sia!!

  5. Cheryl Rosaria says

    Lame guys. Can ya'll be more original with your shit

  6. mixhelleee says


  7. mtml says

    mango street is that you???

  8. Jerald Liow says

    Wow, have you guys ran out of ideas? Ripping off old DigitalRevTV's ideas.

  9. Vgzhhshshdhd FJDjhddjdjd says

    Did u guys just take ideas from drtv

  10. Go Away says

    Peps? I thought she was Adria

  11. oWolf _ says

    New game idea for tsl plays:
    -everyone gets a word
    -you have to try to get other players to say your word
    -if you say your own word, you get a point deducted
    -every time a player says your word you get a point added
    -if a player figures out your word you are out of the game
    -game ends when one player is left or everyone is bored for playing too long (you guys pick, your choice)

  12. Shanae Tan says

    Team A

  13. Shannon Wee says

    6:396:43 that guy has a tendency to say something and end off with a β€œhurhur” which sounded annoying as hell

  14. Felicia Txy says

    both teams are great but the only thought i have is YOU SURE ITS A TOY CAMERA ?

  15. Ginger Berry says

    Huy <3

  16. val chan says

    just wanna say really enjoyed the editing of this video good job TSL editors!! :,,)

  17. Rachel Lim says

    Zhin the jawline last warning can slice a bitch

  18. Rachel Lim says


  19. roy boon says

    @roygraphy_steady small photog><

  20. roy boon says

    team A angle is my kind of angle πŸ™‚

  21. AxnnaLee says

    Wow!!! The art gallery is soo pretty!! When I visit Singapore I definitely need to go!!😍😍

  22. ? xXGlitchEllieXx ? says

    I’m really inspired by all the photos taken by photographers and that’s the reason why I want to be a photographer when I grow older

  23. iris chan says

    Omg all u need is zhin. U can leave out other props act

  24. Meteorite8 says

    dang those photos were sleek

  25. Kim Joshua says

    omg….. I want to crry!! the photos looks sooo soo nice laa!!! =_(

  26. Joe Han says

    I like team A better

  27. Joshua_Joseph_ T says

    I want to learn photography but i no money buy camera πŸ™

  28. von tay says

    A Sorry

  29. Dessy Natalia says

    Like a .. i think those are more storytelling bcs of big beautiful caption.
    But b r more potrait-ish face detail focus. Cool.
    Both are doin greatt jobb. Wow!

  30. Queena Lim says

    how did they do all that with a toy camera?

  31. Cyndi Lee says

    Team B!!

  32. Erma Othman says

    Team A has better photos.
    Team B has a VERY attractive model which is very pleasing to the eyes.
    so i guess both are just as good and important eh πŸ™‚

  33. adeena mohd sadon says

    Team B!

  34. hi hi says

    Team A

  35. Edwina Stephen says

    I preferred team A’s’ photo… but nevertheless good job done

  36. Nurul Yusra says

    Team B! Also, Zhin is just so photogenic it complements the photo and background

  37. Ahsonloh1213 says

    This idea is by DigitalRevTV…

  38. Erm says

    β€œAaaaand I also learned how sharp Zhin’s jawline is.” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ nice takeaway from this shoot ah Huy….. πŸ‘πŸ»

  39. Farhana Riduan says

    That toy camera is no joke. It's good and super user friendly! Just amaze at how tech savvy these kids can be.

  40. Kit Leen Yap says

    Team A focused on the art, Team B focused on the model. I'll go with Team A.

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