Philip Bloom, Barbie Camera Challenge


Featuring Philip Bloom – world-renown cinematographer and blogger – takes on the cheap camera challenge…

But this is no ordinary cheap camera challenge: Bloom is challenged to make a video using a Barbie doll! Barbie Video Girl ( is equipped with an abysmal 240p resolution and that’s it. What’s more, we have arranged 3 subjects for him to film, but it’s up to him to make it work.

Philip Bloom’s blog:
Philip Bloom on Twitter:
Philip recounted the experience:

Pricing Reference (Amazon):
Barbie Video Girl Doll: (US) or (UK)

Part of the “Pro Tog, Cheap Camera Challenge®” series. Pro photographers from around the world take on the challenge to use one cheap camera to produce some creative stuff. But just what will happen?

Special thanks to:

JuJu Chan

Ha Kwok Cheung Lion Dance!

Ka Lai Tuen Chiu Chow Restaurant

The Pawn

for providing the following music for Philip’s video:
Aural Method: The Moonlit Towers Reached Aboce in Blue the Hours Beseeched our Love
Daniel Ellsworth & The Great Lakes: Shoe Fits

About “Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera Challenge ®”

First conceived and developed by the Bloody Producer back in February 2011, Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera Challenge® (a.k.a Pro Tog, Cheap Camera Challenge®) has became the most iconic and successful series of DigitalRev TV. Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera Challenge® is DigitalRev TV’s iconic show where a professional photographer is challenged to a photo shoot with the cheapest camera we could find.

“Cheap Camera Challenge” is a registered trademark of DigitalRev. In addition, the format of Cheap Camera Challenge is protected by international copyright laws.


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  1. Caesar Topacio says

    Just greeted by a Barbie doll advert. Swear to God 🙏

  2. Dominik K says

    Awesome … really. 100% of creativity!

  3. LawnCarePrepper says

    Bloody Brilliant

  4. BubVisuals says

    Still higher quality than a bones music video

  5. Christiån Kirkenes says

    Holy shit that was awesome XD

  6. Claudiu Daramus says

    visual storytelling at its finest, it's amazing what he could do with a abismall 240p 15fps camera!

  7. Eric Thivierge says

    It's the first time I see a behind the scene before the actual movie. I must say that Bloom did surpass himself.

  8. Roberto Prestigiacomo says

    The final video looked like a Bjork's music video LOL

  9. masad859 says


  10. the oroborus says

    @10:58 if you were to eat mine you'd go very hungry XD

  11. Xant Mann says

    This is the kiond of stuff you find on the deep web! :V

  12. Martin McGlone says

    no excuses and he delivers, Philip Bloom is a class act

  13. rakotozafy jean de dieu says

    Amazing short movie.

  14. General Harambe says

    This is just amazing.

  15. David Jacob says

    I still laughed at this Video

  16. Pedalling with Paul says

    That film had me dying !!

  17. Michael Angelo H. says

    I love that Barbie went on a drinking binge. XD – If there were to be a live action Toy Story for adults… directed by Tarantino… this would be about it.

  18. Michael Angelo H. says

    One day you're a teenager in school. Fast forward about 2-3 decades… > 18:36

  19. Michael Angelo H. says

    You know; I'm actually more baffled that a Barbie doll with a camera in it exists… Then again, I'm not surprised, cause Asia.

  20. D. T. says

    As Casey Neistat would say : STORY IS KING
    Gear don't matter.
    Awesome job I was blown away

  21. Tytania 2 says

    Look bad

  22. Leandro Menzen says

    I do not know where people see that Philip Bloom makes good videos … He just puts the camera on a tripod and records, which any idiot is capable of doing. Not to mention that his post edition is always washed, loses all real quality of the image.
    Bloom is a terrible reference in the audiovisual world.

  23. no longer in service says

    Philip bloom is a filmmaker I️ really want to work with someday

  24. Min ke says

    Love this episode.

  25. Guitar Johhny says


  26. Black Music Record Prod says

    Nice one

  27. KMan2.0 says

    Next. Give Barbie 10,000$ worth of equipment and see what movies she makes… Probably better than me.. I have story telling abilities of a barbie doll~~

  28. TheMrkcl says

    What a noble man Philip

  29. Ray W says

    remade prodigy video is awesome

  30. Ismael Montero says

    I laugh to tears with the snake metaphor! ken without snake and the guy eating the dish…. Was totally brilliant….

  31. Brandon Gary says

    It's videos like this that make me realize I have roughly fuck-all talent. That was an incredible end-product.

  32. Nikita Fancies says

    Best barbie movie (short film) ever!

  33. alpagut develioglu says

    this is subject for a film school class "keep your scenes short"

  34. LexTNeville says

    Hats off. Dude is a pro.

  35. DM85FOTO says

    The video reminds me of the Prodigy's Smack My Bitch Up music video. Good effort! 🤣

  36. U if fbk Ttg says

    C O C K W I S E

  37. max bootstrap says

    Sorry, but that was taking an essentially good idea much, much too far.

  38. Gordo Miguel says

    Looks like a 90s music video.

  39. Angel Prado says

    Seems like a snuff film

  40. MattyH73 says

    @21:43 – I thought Ken had a boner

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